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Did anyone read the article on the D,M,C.making enough money for the Gupta family to own a mansion in South London and turn over millions with their contract with the N.H.S.

Dr Gupta can make time for his private patients,with his extra services but can hardly find time for his national health patients.

Some of his patients who have him as their doctor have not actually seen him for years. To find out he has a two million pound mansion and numerous exspensive cars is quite disconcerting.

Some patients have had their medicines cut back to make savings nursing aftercare has been minimal, why when a doctor can earn this kind of money. Capitalism.

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GPs have always been private businessmen and not part of the NHS. It was one of the many compromises in the run up to establishing the NHS in 1947.

To earn the sort of money he is Dr Gupta must be delivering a pretty comprehensive service. He will not earn money from "NHS" patients unless they are seen, diagnosed and, to an extent, treated in the practice that he owns. I expect he employs a number of fixed salaried GPs - who don't get to share in the profits his practice makes. However, the NHS patients are not losing out - there is no obligation for the GP owner / manager of a GP practice to see every patient, in the way that there is no obligation on the CEO of an NHS hospital or of a private hospital to see every patient. Their resposbility lies in managing a healthcare process to ensure all patients receive the right treatments.

Unless you can demonstrate that Dr Gupta is making his money by cutting corners, providing clinically unsafe procedures or reducing cover to dangerous levels - there is no complaint to be made. If he's doing any of these things - that's not capitalism, that's unethical and improper clinical care and he can be reoported to the GMC.

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I go to DMC and am perfectly happy with the service I receive there.

Provided I am getting competent medical care, I don't really care whether I see Dr Gupta or not.

And if he is making money, good luck to him, provided patients aren't adversely affected.

ETA: Can you provide a link to the article you mention, Tarot, as I'd be interested to read it? Ta.

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As said, that has nothing what so ever to do with Capitalism. A skilled person who wishes to make money in the private sector should be able to, Surgeons, Nurses and Dentists do so and why should they not? As long as it does not interfere with there obligated hours there is no problem.
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I hear that whilst people were petitioning against the DMC having a Needle Exchange and Pharmacy some years ago, a legal beagle did some company searches and found several companies ( including a pharmacutical distributing company) that belonged to the Guptas and others associated with DMC. There was also the selling of luxury cars from overseas which got delivered to Darrell Road for a number of months.
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Tarot Wrote:


> Did anyone read the article on the D,M,C.making

> enough money for the Gupta family to own a mansion

> in South London and turn over millions with their

> contract with the N.H.S.

> Dr Gupta can make time for his private

> patients,with his extra services but can hardly

> find time for his national health patients.

> Some of his patients who have him as their doctor

> have not actually seen him for years. To find out

> he has a two million pound mansion and numerous

> exspensive cars is quite disconcerting.

> Some patients have had their medicines cut back to

> make savings nursing aftercare has been minimal,

> why when a doctor can earn this kind of money.

> Capitalism.

I would say that a family of doctors who run a medical practice and have worked all their lives and only accrued ?2 million isn't doing very well at all financially.

I know a local builder who has 6 large homes in this area, each valued at just under a million.

Why should a doctor not be a multi millionaire?

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pipsky2008 Wrote:


> Tarot Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Did anyone read the article on the D,M,C.making

> > enough money for the Gupta family to own a

> mansion

> > in South London and turn over millions with

> their

> > contract with the N.H.S.

> > Dr Gupta can make time for his private

> > patients,with his extra services but can hardly

> > find time for his national health patients.

> > Some of his patients who have him as their

> doctor

> > have not actually seen him for years. To find

> out

> > he has a two million pound mansion and numerous

> > exspensive cars is quite disconcerting.

> > Some patients have had their medicines cut back

> to

> > make savings nursing aftercare has been

> minimal,

> > why when a doctor can earn this kind of money.

> > Capitalism.


> I would say that a family of doctors who run a

> medical practice and have worked all their lives

> and only accrued ?2 million isn't doing very well

> at all financially.


> I know a local builder who has 6 large homes in

> this area, each valued at just under a million.


> Why should a doctor not be a multi millionaire?

No he made ?1.8m in profit last year alone. Even if he had accrued ?2 million over his working life, that would be quite alright. Don't know what world we live in when someone who has ?2m in his bank account is considered as not having done very well.

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Does he pescribe drugs for "Envy"?

Good luck to him. I think his practice is efficient, friendly and modern compared to other GPs I've been registered with but obvioulsy profit/hradwork/business acumen are all terrible terrible traits....Give me a worthy but crap practice anyday, er maybe

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A man worth over ?2 million "isn't doing very well at all financially"? What a strange thing to say!

It certainly sounds like a lot of money to me, but a lot of people in less important jobs manage to earn more than that. And you have to assume that a big chunk of his wealth has come from private patients (and possibly other business interests). Good luck to him... he didn't devise the system, he's just doing the best he can within it - as are most of us.

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Just moved to DMC after Melbourne Grove replaced most of their real Doctors with "nurse practitioners". The kind of cost cutting to boost practice profits that is masked on a glossy brochure as "Making your practice more efficient for you". I voted with my feet and DMC is a million times better.

If Dr Gupta is behind the operation of what is an above average practice, he should be thanked and deserves to share in the fair rewards for doing so no?

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I started under Dr Gupta Senior, the present Dr Gupta's father. He had a small surgery (a converted house) just below the junction of Crystal Palace Road and Upland Road. There were no practice nurses in those days, nor were there any other doctors in the practice. When you went to see Dr Gupta that is exactly who you saw. In his prime he was very efficient but a kindly man. Later on he developed heart trouble and had to retire but occasionally you saw him at the DMC. I came to know him quite well and thought very highly of him.

I am still with the practice and have no complaints whatsoever.

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So to summarise this thread - a man has worked extremely hard all his life, has built a successful medical practice that from the comments here appears to deliver excellent care, has financially prospered through his own efforts, has moved back from the coal face either due to ill health or in order to direct the activities of other doctors from a more managerial position and .... some people are a bit bitter at seeing someone else make good. Fair summary?
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I'm with DMC and am more than happy. It's a great practice that Dr Gupta has built, I would be disappointed if he hadn't done well.

I have seen Dr Gupta for an appointment at DMC (not sure if it was Dr Gupta senior or one of his sons, only joined the practice a year ago and have no idea of their ages to be able to tell), he was lovely! A very caring Dr who was brilliant with my baby son.

I hope DMC carries on as it has done and Dr Gupta continues with his success!

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I got the impression from the OP that there was something wrong with a semi retired GP who has probably spent the whole of his working life building a sucessful GP practice living in a house valued at ?2M, plus cars etc etc.

A 40 odd year career. 2,000,000 divided by 40 = ?50,000 PA. That is peanuts

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DMC runs a large number of practices, not just CPR and Chadwick, they employ a large number of staff.

I have been a patient since the 70's and worked with them for a while.

CPR had over 12,000 patients on the books at one point. Sr Dr Gupta puts in a very rare apperance and the DMC group is managed by 2 sons. One as a Dr and the other manages the accounts.

should we care how much someone earns if the service provided is acceptable.

Anyone that runs a business well, puts the right people in the right places to do the job right

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