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prolonged vomit episodes (post antibiotics)

mrs f

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quick disclaimer, I've seen two doctors already and am going again tomorrow! I just wanted more ideas / opinions as to what this MIGHT be so I can discuss with the doc tomorrow.

So, one month ago my son (11m) got diaganosed with tonsilitis and perscribed amoxocillin.

So we took the dose and the tonsilitis cleared up, great.

We then went on holiday and three nights out of 7 he projectile vomited everywhere (nice!)

we saw a doc on holiday and she thought it was due to the antibiotics killing all the 'good bacteria' and him now having an overly sensitive stomache....

He then contracts a horrid cold and a week later wakes up and vomits. (last monday)

cold semi clears up (still streams of snot... you know how it is!) then vomits on Wed, Friday and Sunday.

After Sunday I put him back onto puree food, really simple, veg and rice crackers etc... (I was taking it easy before this but not to that extreeme)

Yesterday he had a horrible temperature but was ok in bed and today he was fine all day, on really good form but then vomited after supper (after I put him down, around an hour later)

Has anyone else had any experience of an overly sensitive tummy after antibiotics and how long has this lasted.... this is 3 or so weeks since we finished them now.

Or any ideas of anything else this could be?

I was going to ask the doc for perhaps some allergy tests to see if it's a super sensitivity to something, but can allergeys appear like that if he is eating the same foods as he was before all of this??

Thanks for any help / advice

P.S 2nd disclaimer, I'm really sorry about my awful spelling.... dyslexia combined with being too tired to spell check!

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I'm sure others will know more

But it's advised to not give cows' milk while child is sick (with tummy bug? with general virus? with antibiotics? not sure)

If you do, they can subsequently develop an intolerance to cows' milk.

I don't know if it would necessarily result in all the vomiting, but I suppose it's possible

any help?


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Perhaps an infant probiotic might help replenish good bacteria? My son spent from 10 months to 18 months struck down by tummy bug after tummy bug. 48 hour bugs could last for weeks - it was grim for all. I started giving him a daily probiotic (health food shop on lordship lane has several infant ones to choose from - we use Udo's Choice) and it has made a world of difference - bugs much less frequent and he is far less affected by them.

I think after a course of antibiotics is one of the times that probiotics are particularly recommended. Could be worth a try? They're not cheap though unfortch...

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My 13month old has been going through pretty much the same thing for the past week (incl diarrhoea) but she hasn't had any antibiotics recently. Maybe it's a tummy bug and the antibiotics could be a red herring???

As mentioned, a transient lactose intolerance can develop which perpetuates the problem (not the fever though) and so we stopped all dairy and gave soy milk, which has helped settle her tummy. Will slowly reintroduce dairy over the next few weeks.

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Thanks all, he actually doesn't have cows milk anyway so can't be that, we've been giving probiotic goats yog every day too...

But may go down the specific probiotic route as the doc we saw on hols did suggest that...

Sorry fushia my previous post want clear, he has only been "porely" with the cold for a couple of the vomiting episodes, the rest of the time he is fine during the day but then sick at night :-(

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Hey srisky, it's been 3 weeks of on & off vomiting so I just can't see it being a bug???

No cows milk in diet, bfed & rice milk in cereal

Although he had a bite of my cheese sandwich today so that might be worth exploring


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I would suspect that between the tonsillitis and the cold he had some sort of 'nasal drip' - its exactly that which makes mine vomit only at night .. The mucous pools then

I have dribbly sort of sinuses (allergies) and always have it myself

So it could be an allergy affecting the nose, rather than the stomach ...

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