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Goose Green Dog Poo -

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Just cut through Goose Green on my way back from Peckham, thought I would walk on the grass spotted a rogue shit within a few seconds, picked it up, started on my way across the green and splat I?d trodden another rogue poo !

Goose Green is a dog toilet, nothing more.

Those people above in the thread who have commented on not being able to use the green, please feel free to PM me.

Plus those people who don?t want to comment on the thread publicly please PM me, because I am going to capture now comments from park users who feel the facility is on usable in this respect.

Picking up dog shit when I?m not even with a dog is all wrong.

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What are you intending to do with the DMs? Sounds quite sinister.

The % of the local population who read these posts on EDF are likely pretty small so if you were to collate a % of that, it would arguably not represent a true view of the community.

I would strongly suggest - as has been suggested above - more practical measures than attempting to seek a dog free zone. That is really not in the interests of the community. There are people who cannot walk further - perhaps you've not spoken to the dog walkers?

Why not call a meeting or add a notice to the Community Board in the Park, follow up the warden visiting the park, provide dog poo bags, get posters on the trees/ fences/gates to ask the Dog Walking community to help.

Have you actually raised awareness in a way that that brings the attention to the relevant people? If not, how do you expect anything to change?

EDF, while good - is by no means a way of addressing a whole community.

If you want to see a change, get realistic. If the issue is raised in the correct way, you are likely to get the right people on board and the level of support you require.

I have also not seen dog poo on the green, but have on almost every street - also mentioned on the Forum.

Perhaps it's time to get a grip on ALL dirty walkers and enforce fines. Which is far better for everybody than banning dogs from a park - and who would enforce that anyway? - the same people who enforce the Clean Up After Your Dog campaign on our streets? The Police?

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Not strictly East Dulwich, but Peckham Rye- from a distance just watched a chocolate lab do a poo in the middle of the fenced half of the rye, and the owner (a 50ish year old male with his daughter in school uniform) walk towards it very slowly and make a very half hearted and unsuccessful attempt to look for it and then walk off. I ran after him to let him know that his dog had done a poo and handed him a poo bag, telling him that he needed to be more of a responsible dog owner and he was giving the rest of us a bad name! I was greeted with ?I know but I couldn?t find it, show me where it is!?, when I told him that it was his responsibility to look for it himself he answered ?if you?re not going to show me that?s not very good then?... unbelievable.

If you are this man and you are reading this, I have a picture of both you and your dog, the dogs poo that I found after looking for no longer than a couple of minutes and it bagged up before I popped it in the bin!

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I know this thread is about dog poo on Goose Green but I would just like to highlight that as a Father of a two year old and a 6 month old I have to regularly remove dog poo left on the pavement outside our house on a weekly basis.

I am sick to death - it is one of the most disgusting things any dog owning person can do (don't get me started on cats who seem to poo in everyone's garden other than there own).

I see pets as being an extension of their owners who I assume don't also poo on the pavement, but maybe they do?!

Now I have small children I seem to have become very passionate about this issue.

I also saw a dog walker with five dogs just watch as one of their dogs did a poo and they clearly had no intention of picking it up!

Maybe the offenders don't have kids so don't have the same anxiety as me and have never had to pick smelly poo out of the sole of their kids shoes or the tyres of their buggy!

Their is zero excuse for it - it's simply disgusting behaviour.

Does anyone think my view is wrong?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree that people do not pay attention to their dogs and miss the poo. I do point it out when i see it. All dog poo is horrid and all dog owners/walkers need to take responsibility for picking up poo. My suggestion is, if appropriate and one doesn't feel in danger/intimidated, point poo out if the owner/walker hasn't spotted it. I think if everyone is active in doing this it will change mindsets. Carry multiple poo bags as your dog might have more than one poo a walk! I would hate to be banned from GG with my dog as i am sure my family would agree.

Who knew i could use poo so much in a paragraph.

happy walking all.

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