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Gina Ford potty training - does it work?

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When he has an accident do you do all the bum wiping for him? I've heard that at some stage it's helpful to get your toddler involved with wiping him/herself. We're not quite there yet, so I haven't tried this with our toddler yet. I just thought I'd throw it out there for you.

I think the potty training threads are really helpful and interesting from a developmental perspective. They definitely show what a variety of personalities and developmental leaps are involved in learning. Actually some of my earliest memories (around 2.5 yrs) are of potty training, and they are really happy memories of learning independence.

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Hi - we had a slightly different poo issue in that small snowboarder genuinely seemed troubled by using the potty for poo and liked to stand up to do them - result was panic and crying and holding them in and absolute hysterics when it once came out in his pants, BUT seemed to get over it by an intensive session of reading 'everybody poos' and 'poo goes to poo land'. Both seemed to go down v well - 3m later and he asked for 'everybody poos' as a bedtime story last night and we still talk about poo being a somewhat troublesome character who wants to join his family in the toilet(!) and who can sometimes make your tummy hurt by not coming out when he should (as in poo goes to pooland).

Seriously thought potty training was one of the low points of motherhood so far!! Emotionally as well as physically!!

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Having tried the Gina Book I would say personally it didn't work for us and I threw it. I wouldn't want to say do the same in case it does work for you.

We just went cold turkey in the end and stayed in for a week ( hard I know but I have a baby too, so couldn't face going out and dealing with accidents.

It worked, as he did have accidents but they got less and less. I stopped asking too and just let him work it out, soon I could tell as he was holding himself so could suggest a potty trip might be good. As for poos, we only had one 'present' but then he seemed to just get it. He didn't like having to stop what he was doing and still doesn't, sometimes holding on until the last moment.! I told him his bum is much cleaner now too and I think seeing his younger sisters poo bun helped.

I would just say try to relax and I'm sure it will work out fine. We still use night pull ups at the mo, as he demands a drink just b4 sleeps. This I am working on next !

I like what snowboader says about poos as I know some kids don't like doing them, so I'm sure a fun story would help.

Potty training in no fun, it is exhausting but now we have come out the other side, its sooo much better having him all grown up !

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Thanks all for replies. We have previously done pretty much all you have suggested (save the bottom wiping!). I think the problem is his extreme control freakery coupled with an absolute refusal to stay still. I don't think he is scared of poos themselves as he always is pretty enthusiastic about getting involved with flushing his accidents down the loo.

However, I think you are right Fushia re patience, as today he did his first ever poo in the potty (8 weeks in). It coincided with bedtime stories so I think he was in the frame of mind to stay put. Hooray. Am hoping it's the eureka moment. Fingers crossed!


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