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I would like to recommend decorator Darren Feltham


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A few months ago Darren Feltham did an excellent job decorating my spare bedroom. I recently asked him to do my hall and living room and he has done as fantastic a job on these rooms as he did on the first. He takes a huge amount of trouble over the prepping of the room, and when they are finished you wouldn't even know that there was lining paper - the room just looks like a beautifully plastered room. The lines between the different colours of paint I use are really clean. He also painted my newly in built wardrobes and that looks great too. He ensures a perfect finish. Also I fussed around a lot about colour but he was patient and full of helpful hints and advice. He is a perfectionist - he notices every detail and if something is wrong (for example I had a slightly wonky door) he insists on righting it. He does also do all the other little jobs you need doing but needs to know what they will be at the beginning. I can recommend Darren Feltham without hesitation. Oh yes - and his rates are reasonable. Do message me if you have any other questions. His phone number is: 07879233900
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