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Baby bjorn advice

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Dear Forum people,

I would like advice on baby bjorn carriers.

I have the original which I bought about 4 years ago which I used for my first and now second baby.

But it is beginning to weigh me down; my second is now 16 weeks old.

I am particularly interested in the 'Miracle' and 'Synergy'.

My eldest is 3 in October and essentially I want to avoid getting a Phil and Teds so I would like to know how long I could use the new carrier for. I am a small 5'2".

Any advice really appreciated as they are an expensive piece of kit to buy new.


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I found the baby Bjorn carrier unbearably uncomfortable after sone ridiculously short amount of time (perhaps up to my son being about two months old). It was a while before I discovered the joys of the Ergo - I think I used it from 5 months up until he was about 2 yrs (and he is an extremely chunky little guy, always at 98th centile on the weight charts).

Now I'm expecting my second, I'll prob borrow a wrap type sling for the very first few months for baby-wearing, and then switch to my wonderful Ergo as soon as I can.

I'm sure a zillion people will post other recommendations for different slings. It seems to me that the baby Bjorn is the very least comfortable carrier out there, but because it's well known and has prime position in John Lewis, everyone seems to end up with one....

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Agree, Baby Bjorn terrible, loads of great soft structured carriers that are much, much better for you and bubs.

Still carrying my nearly two year old (full time, very seldom use buggy, although we do now take the bus a lot!) in our fabulous Manduca. Previously had the Ergo, the graduated to Beco Gemini. Loved both but Manduca works from newborn and is so so comfy and adjustable, it's worth the extra ??, have recommended to loads of friends and no one disappointed yet.

If you get the ergo you will no doubt be thrilled, but if you can track down a Manduca I think you might find it even better and useful for longer.

Happy babywearing :)

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agree with previous posts. baby bjorn really uncomfortable. for my second i used a wrap around sling and would recommend 100%. you carry the weight all over your body, not just on shoulders. after about 6 months i used a ring sling on my hip and found that really practical.
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agree with all of these!

the only thing to add would be to say to try some out at the sling library (or locally if people are offering!)

i have the ergo and really like it, i didn't like it so much when i needed the insert though. people also rave about the beco and the manduca, but you mention you are quite petite and so depending on the size of your baby you might be better off with one over the other or even a mei tai type sling e.g. the baby hawk.

gcoakley, i also have a hip carrier which has been a godsend since my baby hit 6 months.

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If you are quite petite, the Pognae baby carrier is very good. Like the Ergo but originally from Korea (where I'm from) and every Korean mum I know owns one. It's become very popular in the US too and you can get one from eBay.

I have been a sling lover too. Baby Bjorn Synergy (mostly used by hubby), loved my wrap sling but after 4m or so, prefer the convinience of Pognae. Recently bought hip seat too and loving that too around the house, at play group, etc etc.

Feel free to send me a PM if you want to try the Pognae sling and hip seat.

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Just to be different, we (husband and I) found the baby bjorn to be fine, we had the one with the extra back support and used it for many months even though are daughter was very big (9lb 10 at birth) I actually found the structure of the back support really comfy and helped pull me up into decent posture after my c-section. We've had a couple of other slings since but the baby bjorn was the one we used most
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I must agree with Kes. I have been using BabyBjorn since my little one was born (5 months ago now) and find it VERY comfortable. I had massive problems with my back, which I had fixed and still can use babyBjorn all day round on a regular basis with no pain to my back whatsoever.

I usually criticise everything so surprisingly there is something I cannot moan about but actually recommend! :o)

Having said that I suppose it is all down to what size you are and how big the baby is - some things work for some people and others simply don't - good luck with your choice thou :)


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Hi there,

It is a personal preference however, the position of the baby is not great in a babybjorn as they tend to "hang" rather then be fully supported from back of the knee to the back of the knee (please see the photo attached to make it clear). Saying that, if you and babe are happy with a bb then great. Should you feel uncomfortable with the weight distribution then have a look a local sling library for other options. The Manduca and Ergo mentioned above are great carriers and will make your carrying days last longer (great for trips into town or walks in the country side).

Hope this helps

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for taking the time to give me some advice.

I have started using a cloth Moby carrier which I was given sometime ago but to scared to use.

It is so far so good and baby is very snug in it.

Will consider Ergo though.

Thanks again!

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