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Dog illness, is it just circulating on the Rye?

Maria Mac

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Hi, as a local dog walker seeing and hearing of quite a few dogs coming down with the runs and vomiting, can any dog owners shed light if they have been to the vets? Will this pass quickly? Dogs energetic and eating so I have advised any I walk to keep up the fluids and go on booked rice and chicken. If any dogs are going to vomit on the rye please collect it than leave for others (if you can bag it please), or don't mix for a few days until illness over? Many thanks m
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There is a virus going around, I read about it Initially on Facebook via my breeder over the weekend and on Sunday night/ Monday morning one of my dogs showed symptoms - vomiting, diarrhoea, general lethargy. I took her to the vet immediately and they confirmed there is a known virus doing the rounds not just on the Rye but in the general south east area. She is on a course of antibiotics and is slowly getting back to normal.
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Frankito Wrote:


> There is a virus going around, I read about it

> Initially on Facebook via my breeder over the

> weekend and on Sunday night/ Monday morning one of

> my dogs showed symptoms - vomiting, diarrhoea,

> general lethargy. I took her to the vet

> immediately and they confirmed there is a known

> virus doing the rounds not just on the Rye but in

> the general south east area. She is on a course of

> antibiotics and is slowly getting back to normal.

Antibiotics only treat bacterial ailments. You said it?s a virus

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Yes - my dog had this between Xmas and new year. It was very swift - lethargy with vomiting and diarrhoea (with quite a lot of blood in poo) taken to emergency vets who admitted him and put on a drip. It took him a week to get back to normal, with several follow ups. They had no idea what it was (I was thinking poisoning but there was nothing showing)

Was on antibiotics plus other gut supportive medicines.

Right as rain now but pretty scary.

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keano77 Wrote:


> Frankito Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > There is a virus going around, I read about it

> > Initially on Facebook via my breeder over the

> > weekend and on Sunday night/ Monday morning one

> of

> > my dogs showed symptoms - vomiting, diarrhoea,

> > general lethargy. I took her to the vet

> > immediately and they confirmed there is a known

> > virus doing the rounds not just on the Rye but

> in

> > the general south east area. She is on a course

> of

> > antibiotics and is slowly getting back to

> normal.



> Antibiotics only treat bacterial ailments. You

> said it?s a virus

Stopping opportunistic infection whilst they are ill I suppose - as you say will not stop the underlying virus.

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