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East Dulwich CPZ - postponed

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Dear all,

I have just sent this email to constituents who have been in touch regarding the East Dulwich CPZ. I am copying it here so you can read it too.

Best wishes



Dear all

I am writing to you because you have written to my fellow councillors and me regarding the East Dulwich controlled parking zone. Thank you very much for contacting us.

We share your concerns that now is not the right time to implement major changes to local infrastructure - in particular those which involve people having to leave the house to move their cars! We have been pushing for the scheme to be postponed and, thanks to your support, we have been successful.

The formal decision from the council is as follows

In light of the current COVID-19 government advice, we have temporarily suspended the introduction of the East Dulwich CPZ until the current working restrictions are lessened. As I am sure you can appreciate, it is not possible to provide accurate timescales on when works will recommence but we will look to update all interested parties through the relevant page on the council website as soon as possible, which can be found at the following weblink:


Thanks in particular to those who have pointed out where signage had already been put up. This should have now been removed, or will be very soon.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Victoria, Charlie or me if you have any questions on this subject, or indeed any other.

Best wishes,



Councillor James McAsh

Labour Councillor for Goose Green



Sign up for our Goose Green councillors newsletter: jamesmcash.com/newsletter

Surgeries: 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 7pm, East Dulwich Community Centre in Darrell Road.

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Dear DollyDee

Is that for the Peckham West Zone? That one is going ahead because it is already in place. But there is an extended warning period so that no one is given a penalty for not moving their car (with usual exceptions of unsafe parking).

Best wishes


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