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sound system!!

almost peckham

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Some one has set up a sound system on the junction of Danby Street and Colpleston Road. This is the third time they have done it over the last week. Quite apart from it being unsociably loud for anyone who doesn't want to listen to it quite a few (well, about ten at the moment) people are starting to gather, adults with children for f's sake! Seems just about the most stupid and selfish thing to do at the moment. What does anyone reccommend, police non-emergency, noise team?? People are idiots.
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Somebody round our way did a similar thing on Saturday afternoon... set up a big PA playing pop music for an hour or two. I imagine it was well intentioned, but struck me as rather presumptuous, inappropriate even. There are all sorts of reasons why people might not want to be "cheered up" by very loud music at the moment.
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I suspect there will be some 'private' parties over the weekend. Last night was quite lively outside in terms of random shouts and screams.

It only annoys me as it reminds me I miss the pub - already googling my Covidend pub crawl :)

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JohnL Wrote:


> I suspect there will be some 'private' parties

> over the weekend. Last night was quite lively

> outside in terms of random shouts and screams.


> It only annoys me as it reminds me I miss the pub

> - already googling my Covidend pub crawl :)

Unfortunately the recent "liveliness" outside ended in a stabbing last night (rye lane) - boy is OK though apparently in hospital.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Snooker cue Wrote:


> Bad luck if you live closer to Peckham way, as you

> are likely to hear big soundsystems playing awful,

> aggressive music by people who seem to think that

> as soon as the sun comes out they think they are

> at Notting Hill Carnival. There is often

> troublemakers, drugs and violence at these al

> fresco gatherings and I don't envy the police

> having to break these up as the grief and hassle

> they get from these people is outrageous.

Nice to have a balanced opinion.

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