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Royal Mail delivery

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I got a couple of Christmas cards yesterday and like Sue, the shielding letter arrived a few weeks after the fact. However, it?s a understandably a difficult time for Royal Mail.

I missed a hospital appointment too!

I saw that you can log on to book the vaccination, I?m obviously going to wait until the group 4 is called. But the shielding letters/instructions are emailed to me aswell - could they not give the go ahead to book an appointment via email? The site is quite clear that you should have a letter before making the appointment and personally I?d rather have that instruction so everyone who needs it, gets it before me

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heartblock Wrote:


> They are actually lying about failure to deliver.

> Package not delivered due to ?unaccessible

> driveway? ... I don?t have a driveway!

This isn't one of those scams is it, where they say they can't deliver then ask you to send money?

If not, are you sure this was Royal Mail and not another company? I had something similar to that once, and the driver had entered something wrong on the non delivery thing on his device, but it wasn't Royal Mail.

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twinhunters Wrote:


> Christmas card posted 22nd December in Camberwell

> arrived Peckham today 😡

At least you got it!

I still haven't received an item posted on 8 December.

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My mum sent two shoebox-sized parcels separately and both arrived separately, even though they were sent on teh same day. A deliverer came in a van so perhaps this is not Royal Mail, but a separate entity? Has anyone been down to the Peckham office recently to ask for someone to have a rummage for mail? If so, what's the best time, etc.?
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With the covid vaccines being opened up to the clinically vulnerable and over 70s and invites being posted out (according to today's news) I hope there is a procedure in place to identify and fast track these very important letters.

Although the real hope is that those who can, will be reached by other methods.

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Nigello Wrote:


> My mum sent two shoebox-sized parcels separately

> and both arrived separately, even though they were

> sent on teh same day. A deliverer came in a van so

> perhaps this is not Royal Mail, but a separate

> entity? Has anyone been down to the Peckham office

> recently to ask for someone to have a rummage for

> mail? If so, what's the best time, etc.?

Yes, I've been down a few times over the weeks. From memory they are open most days 8am to 12pm, but are open on Thursdays all day. I've popped down about 11am and there haven't been many in the queue. Definitely worth a try if you're waiting for something urgently! Mind you despite my visits I am still waiting for quite a few items posted over a month ago! They won't get through the backlog until Feb I'm told.

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On Saturday I finally received (far too late to use it) my "urgent" item which was posted first class on 8 December.

Today I received a gift card which I had ordered well before Christmas (When it didn't arrive, I had to send an e-card instead and will have to use the gift card myself).

Still, looking on the bright side, at least they have actually turned up :) I was beginning to worry that Peckham may have had a bonfire :))

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I just spoke to my regular postie who said I ought to be getting second delivery today. He said he had been off with Covid-19 and that piles of mail are there in bundles and that if I were to go down, I may get a nice person who would go and search but then again, I may not!
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I tore a ligament in my ankle 2 fridays ago while at work and was waiting for a letter from hospital to go back and see surgeon and have plaster cast taken off to check my ankle etc.

It arrived yesterday my appointment was for January 15th so has to phone hospital who have made me an appointment for this Friday...

I have also had post arrive this month dated November..... I dont know what is going on with the post in last few months but needs sorting..

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chrisb0702 Wrote:


> i had some Xmas brownies from my aunt arrive

> yesterday that were sent on the 15th Dec. Shame as

> they were rock hard now

You could try spraying them with water and microwaving them?

Or having them with custard? (Great Cooks Of Our Time :)) )

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One of those C4 food shows rehydrated old cake by wrapping it in foil and putting it into an oven at about 100C for fifteen minutes. It works because of, er, science - you would think such heat would further dry it out, but no. If it is still horrid, feed it to the birds!
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We got a huge batch of letters delivered today - it looks like it was all of our post for the last two weeks. Luckily nothing urgent but does anyone have any idea when they are going to get on top of this - it's getting beyond a joke?

It seems there are a lot of no-shows for vaccines (a family friend went to have a pacemaker adjustment and was given the jab "as he was there and a lot of people hadn't turned up so they had spare") and I do worry that a lot of people just aren't getting their letters in time.

I think we can all live with the occasional delays to post but the service now seems to be totally unreliable. Has anyone heard anything from our local councillors on the matter?

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Rockets Wrote:



> It seems there are a lot of no-shows for vaccines

> (a family friend went to have a pacemaker

> adjustment and was given the jab "as he was there

> and a lot of people hadn't turned up so they had

> spare") and I do worry that a lot of people just

> aren't getting their letters in time.

I don't know whether they have sent a letter as well, in which case it will probably arrive in time for my second jab in April, but my invitation to have the jab was by text (thank goodness!)

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Sue - did your text come from your GP or hospital, or via the shielding list?

I got another Christmas card today, it was very exciting :S

They say you need the letter - that will be late given the post situation. I know you can book online - do you think the online database is driven by shielding list aswell?

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muffins78 Wrote:


> Sue - did your text come from your GP or hospital,

> or via the shielding list?



> They say you need the letter - that will be late

> given the post situation. I know you can book

> online - do you think the online database is

> driven by shielding list aswell?

The text came from the hospital/s. Guys and St Thomas's are linked.

I have no idea how they got my details. I've been an outpatient at both over the last couple of years but also at King's, so if because of that I would have thought I'd have been called by King's, which is closer.

I had assumed it was most likely because of my age, but maybe it's more likely because I'm on the shielding list?

The text didn't say I could book online, only via responding to the text (including answering a number of questions including am I pregnant, ha ha ha I'm over seventy) or by phoning them.

I am quite bemused. A healthy friend of mine who is 67 has been called for the jab by her GP, yet another friend in her sixties who is due to have an urgent operation has been told she isn't in the age range to have it.

Despite the fact that she will be very vulnerable after the op, plus in hospital where she may well pick up Covid.

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I am wondering whether GPs are allocated a certain amount of vaccine according to a UK-wide average rather than a specific allocation for their patient list. That way, if there were, say, fewer 80+ but more 60+ (or, say, 50+ with lng disease or diabetes, etc.) then those less urgent cases get to have a vaccine?

DMC nurse told me I was higher up the list than I had thought, which made me think that that is according to DMC's current and particular ranking rather than the UK-wide on.

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I think a scatter gun approach is being used and that in the rush to get as many vaccinated as soon as possible priority by age/health/exposure is sometimes being overlooked .

This extract suggests priority groups


JCVI advises that the first priorities for the current COVID-19 vaccination

programme should be the prevention of COVID-19 mortality and the

protection of health and social care staff and systems. Secondary

priorities could include vaccination of those at increased risk of

hospitalisation and at increased risk of exposure, and to maintain

resilience in essential public services. This document sets out a

framework for refining future advice on a national COVID-19 vaccination


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That does not suggest a scattergun approach to me but a pretty delineated one. The fact there are priority groups means that attention is paid to those at most risk - their own health and that of those they are likely to encounter. I hope none is wasted and that everyone shows up when they are invited and have confirmed.
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