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Walking group

psychology Dulwich

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I often walk to Brockwell Park from Dulwich, excellent suggestion! I'd be up for it

psychology Dulwich Wrote:


> It is nice to see so many of us are joining a

> walking group.

> I live in west Dulwich.

> May be Brockwell park would be a good option.

> Any thoughts, please let me know.#Thanks

> Shanta

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I'm part of this (Lewisham)


PM me if you would like to get involved. There is a lovely walk in Wells Park. Others are looking at Waterlink Way. I do some other walks - Dulwich Park, the Rye, One Tree Hill, The various cemeteries, Ruskin park and more. There is now a 9am walk meeting at Honor Oak Station.

Numbers have dropped off due to pandemic, I did some Zoom walks which were poorly attended as those they were targeted at probably aren't always computer savvy.

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Just get together with a few friends and head off.

I meet some chums one night each week for a decent walk and catch-up.

Last week was ED to Westminster to Southbank to London Bridge to ED. 11.3 miles apparently.

No need for pubs !!

ETA: And night-time is much MUCH quieter.

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Not everyone can do this, either lack of opportunity of different circumstances.

I agree about night time walking, beginning to prefer it now!

KidKruger Wrote:


> Just get together with a few friends and head

> off.

> I meet some chums one night each week for a decent

> walk and catch-up.

> Last week was ED to Westminster to Southbank to

> London Bridge to ED. 11.3 miles apparently.

> No need for pubs !!


> ETA: And night-time is much MUCH quieter.

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Of course.

Just suggesting for those who can get out with friends, obviously the distance was a bit extreme too !

siousxiesue Wrote:


> Not everyone can do this, either lack of

> opportunity of different circumstances.


> I agree about night time walking, beginning to

> prefer it now!



> KidKruger Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Just get together with a few friends and head

> > off.

> > I meet some chums one night each week for a

> decent

> > walk and catch-up.

> > Last week was ED to Westminster to Southbank to

> > London Bridge to ED. 11.3 miles apparently.

> > No need for pubs !!

> >

> > ETA: And night-time is much MUCH quieter.

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