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free sociable cycle ride Sat Dec 19th 10-12

Sally Eva

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Healthy Ride, Saturday 19th December

Canada Water, Greenwich, Tower Bridge Loop ? Southwark Healthy Ride

NOTE ? You must book on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/canada-water-greenwich-tower-bridge-loop-southwark-healthy-ride-tickets-133072069141so that we can limit numbers.

the ride starts and finishes in Deal Porter Square, which is opposite Canada Water Station, next to Canada Water library, SE16 7AR. Canada Water station is accessible from East Dulwich where there is walk-on access with a bike. Change across the platform at Peckham Rye (no stairs) on to the Overground. There's a lift at Canada Water station which takes three bikes.

10am start, 12 noon finish. Easy 10 mile loop using Greenwich Foot Tunnel and Tower Bridge. No hills, mostly off road or quiet streets. Tower Bridge can be busy, but strict 20 mph and no awkward side turnings, so not as bad as people think. Lots to see always on the river. Jamie leading.

If you've booked but cannot make it, please cancel so that someone else can take the place. Even at the last minute it is worth cancelling.

We will keep everyone as safe as possible by observing all the Covid Regulations. We need to split the ride into groups of 6. The groups should not mix during the event. Your "ticket" (coded red, green or blue) will indicate which group you are in. Please keep in these groups at the start and throughout the ride. Each group will have a Group Leader whose instructions you should obey.

It is important that we maintain a 2m social distance. Particularly important to maintain social distancing from other users on shared paths, i.e. on much of this ride. Always give way to pedestrians and to other cyclists so all path users can maintain 2 m and feel safe. Riders are instructed to bring face masks in case there is an incident where wearing a mask would be appropriate.

Please do not turn up to this event if you are displaying symptoms of Covid-19. The safety of our volunteers and participants is key to us.

These rides are run by Southwark Cyclists and we are the borough branch of the London Cyclist Campaign. Our website is here: https://southwarkcyclists.org.uk/. We may contact you after the ride to ask you about your experiences and will let you know more ways to sign up to information from the London Cycling Campaign. For more info you can follow us on Twitter @southwarkcycle, email [email protected] or DM me on the forum.


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    • Well at least you didn’t live here when we used to have Concorde 😂 can’t lie though, I actually find it comforting, haven’t known anything different and only realised it was a thing when a visitor pointed it out last year. It’s when the helicopters come around that it gets annoying and that used to be fairly regular too. Before the area… changed…
    • As long as there are other ways to offer feedback, but also to speak to the council about this matter, then 1-1 feedback to GALA is not a problem, but an additional option. 
    • It's four bus stops away so hardly a deterrent unless one has mobility issues. Gala nor any other events organisers are under obligation to do what they've agreed to do. I'm sure if those who are serious and want to be heard will make the effort to attend the meeting. Whether their concerns have an impact or are taken seriously. Unless you can prove Gala have purposely chosen Peckham Levels as a means to deter people from attending i don't think it helps matters by implying that there's some sort of agenda or conspiracy going on. From following this thread it appears that's it's you with the agenda. Your display of arrogance in the post above ( Let's not pretend ) suggests that we're all in agreement with you.
    • I’m Greek, and I get my information directly from Greek media. I couldn't access the Economist article, but it doesn't seem very different from what I mentioned, apart from their ideological angle—and thanks for adding the actual text. If the government involves other private educational institutions, the situation will become more complicated indeed. However, I don't think it can be compared to the Greek situation for the reasons I mentioned and those in the Economist article, which I find prejudiced and patronizing, if not racist. (But a gap between ideology and real life is something with which many Greeks seem to live quite contented) Regarding the Economist's information, I'm not sure how many private schools closed, as the Economist claims, since the law only lasted for two months. I definitely know of one school in Piraeus called Michalopouleio, but given the law's brief duration, it can't be the sole reason.  Tsipras sending his sons to a private school does create an ethical problem. However, asking him to send his sons to a public school, when public education has been chronically neglected by right-wing governments, is similar to asking leftists to give away all their money.  Additionally, the right-wing government has introduced legislation that allows private colleges and universities this year, so there's no “problem” there anymore.
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