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Kevin Smith builder - beware!


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Just a little warning about Kevin Smith who has a couple of recommendations on this forum. A five day simple job turned into a month of him popping onto site then leaving again because of the weather and his shoes getting wet. He accused me of not wanting to pay, fitted a felt roof then came back sneakily to remove the gutter, felt and downpipe in a strop. The brickwork and rendering is poor quality, there is rubbish all over the place that he left, and everything he did seemed unprofessional and has to be re-done. A roofer is re-doing his roof, the plumber has had to step in to re-do the plumbing and I have had to fine a carpenter to finish off his work. Kevin caused me a month delay and almost everything he did has had to be done better.

If anybody needs more details 07429611696 to call me about him.


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