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Dulwich road closure scheme review- register to have your say

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Southwark council have put their Dulwich Healthy Streets review brochure through letterboxes this weekend.

They say a full public consultation will commence May-July 2021.

If you have an opinion and want to feedback your point of view then register your interest www.Southwark.gov.Uk/dulwichreviewreg or in writing at:

Highways-Dulwich Review, 3rd floor, Hub 2, 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2QH.

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The review area has now been confirmed as going no further east than Lordship Lane so it is a blatant attempt at gerrymandering by the council.

The council will prioritize the responses of those within the review area over those outside it even though you can "have your say".

However, putting pressure on your ward councillors to force them to weight all responses from East Dulwich equally can have a positive impact.

We cannot allow the council to manipulate this review in the same way they did the CPZ consultations.

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