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Plough Pub reopening

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In Southwark News today - The Plough has increased it's outdoor space to now accommodate 200 people. How will this impact on local residents?. We live on Barry Road and for the majority of the time have had very little to complain re noise in the Pub's garden and would hope that this will remain. I know before lock down they wanted to put up an extended conservatory but this was abandoned last year.
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In Southwark News today - The Plough has increased it's outdoor space to now accommodate 200 people. How will this impact on local residents?. We live on Barry Road and for the majority of the time have had very little to complain re noise in the Pub's garden and would hope that this will remain. I know before lock down they wanted to put up an extended conservatory but this was abandoned last year.
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It's outdoor space is pretty big. Can honestly say never seen more than about 20 people absolute max in the garden, guess the gap between outdoor and indoor being open might change that.

That's the main reason I used to go there sometimes. Never a queue, beer is ok and M&B food is passable if you stick to simple things.

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It's outdoor space is pretty big. Can honestly say never seen more than about 20 people absolute max in the garden, guess the gap between outdoor and indoor being open might change that.

That's the main reason I used to go there sometimes. Never a queue, beer is ok and M&B food is passable if you stick to simple things.

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mrwb Wrote:


M&B food

> is passable if you stick to simple things.

We stuck to simple things and they were appalling and not cheap either.

I did complain at the time. I felt very sorry for the person who had to bring them to us.

How can you ruin a toasted sandwich, FFS?!

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mrwb Wrote:


M&B food

> is passable if you stick to simple things.

We stuck to simple things and they were appalling and not cheap either.

I did complain at the time. I felt very sorry for the person who had to bring them to us.

How can you ruin a toasted sandwich, FFS?!

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Good luck to them.

@Pugwash. Good advice to speak to them. The Cherry Tree on Grove Vale has a garden but from memory of signs I have seen inside it closed at 10pm. Obviously this was before the pandemic when people could come inside. I think it was a condition of the licence.

Might be worth raising your concerns with your local Councillor and asking the council what their advice to businesses / local residents is. There are going to be various businesses and communities around the Borough affected by reopening and associated impacts. We all need to adjust to the changes. I?d anticipate more noise - it?s unavoidable 200 people create more noise than 20. There will only be so much staff can do and as Nigello said people generally don?t want bad outcomes.

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