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N Cross Rd closed to cars?


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Disclaimer: This is my first foray into the politics of ED.

I'm sorry, but why is it that N Cross Rd is NOT closed to [Public] vehicular traffic during the Market? At the very least - Saturday - between Lordship and Fellbrigg.


- Vendors would get a better flow of foot traffic,

- therefore more business ??

- More room on the pavement for visitors - a more enjoyable shopping/ED experience

- significant Health & Safety benefits to vendors AND visitors (ask Guy the Butcher how many times his van has been hit)

- Vendors could place stalls on opposite side of road and have greater stall space


? Seriously.

Current pavement issues:

- clogged with prams (is all that stuff really necessary for a 30 min shop?!) - please be considerate

- vendors sitting around bonfires !?! smoking cigarettes. Hmm, how attractive is this to ANY market visitor. Is this even legal?

PS: It would also be very nice if there was a vendor selling hot food at the Market (eg: sausages & mash; samosas; noodles; breakfast buns; pulled pork sarnies; ??)

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Hello ronnyb - a brave leap!

All makes sense to me, but then I don't drive a car or a pram, so that would favour me greatly. The smoking thing also rings true, as I have no intention of buying food from a stall that everyone is smoking over.

Doubt it will ever happen but seems to make sense... although I guess most of the traders would need access, so no idea how the logistics would work.

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A brave leap indeed, especially the dig at (at least) 50% of the money spending population in ED - pram wielding parents.....

I think pedestrain only market days would be very welcome, especially if it means more stalls - the current ones do lack some variety.

I'd be grateful for any tips/advice you may have ronnyb on lightening my pram load - (other than off-loading child) and of course I am very sorry for any lack of consideration........

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Sorry, yes, there was a small dig a prams, but no nod towards 'pedestrian' exlusive - rather, car free. If car free, then loads more room to share with 'other' users, like prams. On prams, I can only comment that Crouch End has/is going to launch a 'visitor/shopper' freindly approach by offering (I think) toddler care services and encouraging car-free zones. http://www.thecrouchendproject.co.uk. I will myself be very soon with infant to negotiate...

The main issue is really the cars. Simply, we could see public vehicles excluded from 8-6?, with right of way for traders/shop holders. Indeed, most available parking is occupied by traders anyway during the market days, and not used by shoppers/visitors.

I'm much more concerned about environmentally friendly and safe communities than anything else.

Although, I can't imagine this topic not having been hotly debated previously.

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I'm a biker and there's a lovely considerately placed motorbike park on North Cross Road, so I am glad you only talked about banning cars.

However, I know people who drive from Sydenham to North Cross Road to get their goodies and stuff on their way to other places, so a bus is not a viable alternative for them, and I don't think EDers or the ED businesses want to deny the money people bring in to the area even if it is via car. All the roads around there are clogged, banning cars along North Cross Road would make it worse for absolutely everyone. I think also there is a one way area or at least a point at which you can't turn right at several junctions somewhere near there, and thus driving down North Cross Road is your only way in or out. Can't remember exactly where I am talking about, now, but I am sure that would make things worse.

Welcome by the way to the forum!

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I'm hearing you and with you all the way - although not sure how residents of Archdale, Nutfield, Ulverscroft etc would feel about the potential extra traffic in their streets. I do think the market adds something to NC road but could add so much more - I know there are a number of potential vendors who would love to have a stall but the pitches are gold dust apparently.

Best of luck with the impending arrival, and I'm sure you'll find that the amount of crap required whether for a half hour shopping trip or two week holiday is astounding.......

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Er could you all...........

most of the self serving residents in close proximity to LSL are turning all their front gardens into drive ways and shunting the problem of parking into everyone's elses streets, now you want closed access in NCR on a saturday.

So no baby buggys on the streets because i may have to move out of the way yet, stuff you and your parking because i am all right jack, nice.

I think i will go buy the Gaurdian, protest the war and read the Mark Hix recipes for easter, what a liberal combo.

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Would the retailers pay for the extra hassle required for such a plan ?

No.of course not.

How would the residents of the streets that back onto NCR feel about their lives being disrupted and roads congested by an erstaz Spitalfields at the end of their road, with vans arriving at dawn at the weekends to set up their stalls with their overpriced jumble sale tat that seems to make up the majority of their stock - I would be less than happy to give up some of my weekend lie in for the benefit of a few stall holders


This is an appalling suggestion

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ronnyb Wrote:


> Sorry, yes, there was a small dig a prams, ...I will

> myself be very soon with infant to negotiate...


Are you KIDDING ME???? This was not a "small dig at prams"...

And not only are you about to have a baby, I presume you once were one yourself?

Shall all of us with small children who like to stroll down Northcross Rd (or on

any of the narrow pavements in our fair city) simply stay home. This lends a whole new

dimension to children should be seen and not heard. According to you, not even seen!

I love the "please be considerate" part... oh yes, sure... next time I am planning a shopping

trip with my two small kids I will be sure to think about YOU! not.


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shoshntosh... feisty! I like it

In weather like this the amount of strollers, cars, market stalls and whatever else is irrelevant - it's bleedin orrible out there

If there are no plans to increase the size of the market I would leave things pretty much as they are traffic-wise. It all seems to rub along ok

Apart from Mr Sparkes the butcher - I hope people stop crashing into his van

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