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take our streets back and block the roads


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WE pay through our road fund licence for the streets we use, so we should have a 'Take Our streets back@ day where we bring traffic in southwark to a halt, they have put all the traffic onto the main roads where the smog has gotton to record levels, and all the side streets that have tree which help remove smog are doing nothing.

the was no consultation with local people, even people who live in the streets that have been closed off are complaining, a 20 second drive to get home is now sometimes a 15 minute crawl and all the extra pollution is going in the air by where all out young mothers and their babies go shopping, where our elderly people go shopping.

Take the streets back, we pay for it!

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Angelina Wrote:


> the idea that people drive to get somewhere 20

> seconds away in the first place really suggests

> the cause of the problem here.

That must surely have been a joke?


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Oh, really disappointed, I thought that was about reclaiming the streets for the masses as was gone twenty years ago, not for entitled motorists, particularly those who don't know that both Fuel Duty and Vehicle Excise Duty are general taxation. It's like a campaign for those who have paid death duty to reclaim the morgues.

I wont be joining you and blocking streets will not get you general support.


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The OP needs to take a step back and rephrase his/her arguments

Having said that, I agree with some of the arguments as to the lack of consultation, and the inability of the council to be able to quantify the effectiveness of the measures outside of a ?very? limited area.

However, I have been out shopping in the past, and called in to shops on my way home, which were not far from my front door.

Of course these days, I could, and do, use home delivery services to some extent, but then that too would have an effect on local businesses.

Lastly, these road closures have been incredibly divisive in local communities, and have been implemented in a hugely one-sided manner.

Other than that, I wish you all a peaceful lead-up to the next lockdown..!

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