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Quite by chance discovered The tengooz (the name is a play on words)

Good stuff!

Their blog is here:


You can hear their stuff by clicking the covers:


They seem to have gathered quite a following here in blighty, although I didn't notice any media presence when we were over in Japan for 6 weeks last autumn.

Here is some Kiiiii


They have been known here for some time by the regular 'headz, good stuff!

Just to round off, some Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her


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Heh, yeah they are pretty mad.

Seeing as that wasn't enough to buzz your bins off, try some Merzbow!

Seem to have forgotten most of the Japanese noise bands I was into about 8 years ago, memory is awful these days, but they did some pretty mental stuff.

To end on a mellower note, something from the wonderful, and much overlooked Flower travellin band:


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feeling a bit "emotional" today and this song has been running up and down the stairs of my mind today (unbidden - I haven't had it on or anything....

The Smiths - Ask

It's easy lilt disguising the lyric

"Shyness is nice - and shyness can stop you. From doing all the things you'd like to"


"Nature is a language, can't you read?"

oh dear - I'm off again

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Oh those Floyd numbers transported me immediately to winter, 1983, wave-lashed seaside town. Me, a mate, a portable cassette-player listening to this at all hours.... wow - very evocative

if only I COULD find Portuguese cover version of it

As someone mention the K&D sessions the other day - my favourite (and probably most familiar one..)

K&D - Useless

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I saw them about 5 times supporting others and ended up enjoying them more than the headline bands sometimes.

The second album was rather mundane as it goes, but for their live bonkersness and that first album they will always have a place in my heart even if they never live up to the potential.

Think Manics, their last 5/6 albums have been pretty dull, but that doesn't mean they leave your heart for Gen Terrorists and The Holy Bible does it.

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Motorcycle Emptiness is my Manics tune of choice

I almost feel bad for saying anything bad about them (BSP) - they are clearly popular and seem like good guys. Last time I saw them they were headlining a festival so we got the full stage foliage and film. And the rest of the day had been a succession of worthy but quiet acts so come show time I was well up for it... but 6 songs in I was "where's the beef" - I couldn't hum a tune of theirs if you payed me

But I hereby promise to listen to those 3 tracks tonight when I get home

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ooh no - do like the Bonnie Prince. I know it's not music, MP, but have you seen him in an early role in a 1987 film called Matewan? He plays a young radical preacher in a community of coal miners fighting to form a union in the bad old days. Superb stuff - a host of greats are in it too - James Earl Jones, Mary McDonnell, Chris Cooper ...
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Oh cheers for that Incitatus. I was lucky enough to see the Small Faces when they reformed in '77 but, of course it wasn't the same without Ronnie Lane. Also, saw Steve Marriot with Humble Pie back in '74 supporting the Who at Charlton. He had an amazing set of pipes. Bloody awful the way he died.

And it's an awful shame that Ronnie Lane isn't with us either so here's another little reminder of the great man.

Ron & Ron - Richmond

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