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Our East Dulwich local councils failures in relation to its housing estate.

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Malumbu, are you bored of it because you aren't a Southwark resident?

What has happened here is shameless and reflective of how Southwark treats residents.

If people don't complain about it then administrations can get away with it. This only came to light because a resident complained about it, else Southwark would have got away with it.

Have you watched the video? Are you happy that a council acts in this way and is there any part of you that thinks Southwark needs to be held accountable for these actions? This has put lives at risk and the residents, whom Labour purports to support, have been treated appallingly.

By the way your suggestion to move if you think a council has been treating other residents badly is a joke right?


To be fair your post looks like another brazen attempt to disrupt and divert a legitimate discussion thread to your own agenda and I think admin has been more than clear to everyone about that.



Edited by Rockets
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I honestly believe that Mal has not watched the video - I think if they do, they may also be shocked at what these people have had to withstand - Mal, do watch and then maybe add commentary after. I would be interested in your thoughts.

The poor woman with a lovely flat ruined by contractors made me in equal parts sad and angry. I am in a political party - the Green Party and also personal attacks on posters - not a good look. I will report.

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It is beyond shocking and one of the speakers from the affected building did ponder whether Southwark might be going the way of Birmingham and Croydon and may need emergency measures - it sounds as if the budget to rectify these mistakes is going to be huge so where is the money going to come from to do it? Are residents expected to pick up the cost of council ineptitude in the form of higher council tax? Chat to anyone in Croydon after their 15% increase in council tax to see how that feels.

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The level of mismanagement is truly scary as are the apparent attempts to block and bury. It does seem that the only reason any of this has come to light is that one of the residents reps is involved with planning elsewhere and I think he said he had been, or is, a councillor in another borough, so he knows how to work the process.

I would urge everyone to try to watch the monthly scrutiny sessions on environment as this is chaired by Cllr Margy Newens and it is where Cabinet Member Cllr McAsh has to report. If you google Southwark YouTube and then click on playlists, the various scrutiny sessions show up.

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The most insulting part of that for me was them telling the residents that if they insisted on a Councillor answering their complaints they'd have to come back when the relevant person came back from adoptive leave.

No one else was prepared to look into it and come to the meeting to help them. 

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Tonight’s overview and scrutiny committee meeting is shocking, relating to another major works project. The interim chap had apologised profusely, disciplinary investigation /action is underway and auditors are involved. There’s not even an attempt at defending the incompetence/ poor behaviour etc.

Just to add the council officer who is the inter person in charge has just described this as a catastrophic failure and has also said that if fraud is shown it will be referred to the police. And that he’s struggling to understand how this has happened when residents have been raising issues to staff and councillors over a period of several years. He’s shocked as well.

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