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Changing bag advice

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Hi forum,

Seems a bit menial compared to some of the threads here but I need advice and/or recommendations on where I can get a large size changing bag. We have recently had twins and our newly purchased bababing changing bag is bulging at the seams with all the paraphernalia we need to take out with us. I think we're being modest with what we take out i.e. a couple of bottles for each babe, change of clothes, nappies etc.

Are there any parentfolk out there who have any recommendations for a good large size bag or should we admit defeat and take out more than one bag (cripes!)?

Many thanks, CBCX

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I just bought a Baby Mule (it was heavily discounted but usually ?90!!) and so far it's fab. Really roomy and works as a proper rucksack (I babywear), a messenger bag or a pram bag. I'm really impressed, it's really well designed and has loads of amazing features and is particularly good for me because I have a newly potty trained toddler (so lots of spare clothes and a potty!!) and a 15w baby, I don't drive and I seem to be constantly carrying round picnics and outfits for rain or sun etc and so far seems great. I breastfeed but there is a single bottle cover thing too which I'm using to keep toddler beaker from leaking. Plus I cloth nappy my new baby! I can see it lasting and being a fab bag for ages to come. Worth looking at pics and reviews on Amazon and maybe zulily will do another offer soon? I paid about ?60.
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I like the pacapod pica (the backpack) and the oioi bags are pretty roomy.

What I use most often is the pacapod 'pods' hanging separately to my oioi bag.

Arguably the best thing for carrying lots of stuff is a comfortable rucksack with a well organised interior eg with a mini changing bag, cool bag for bottles, etc.

But I do really love changing bags, so....

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I thought the same re: backpacks but have managed to break two (decent ones) by over stuffing them. Hence my latest purchase! I think the material and stitching need to be really strong given how much grief I give my bags when out and about, chucked around on buses, hastily grabbed and ransacked when a snack/nappy/potty is urgent.
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No experience with twins but I had a normal bag with lots of pockets for child one and was wildly jealous of people with a 'proper' changing bag, so spent the vouchers my colleagues got me for baby 2 on a whizzy expensive changing bag that lasted 3 months was ripped, too small and an utter waste of money. For baby 3 I bought a nice change mat from Jojo, used the insulated bottle thing from the posh bag ( the only bit that survived) and a little portable pack for wipes etc as described further up. A large rucksack or decent sized tote/shopper will do the job. Def think specific changing bags are an unnecessary item.
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I managed to burst the zips on my pacapod bag, currently I have one of these: http://www.themiraclebox.co.uk/urban-baby-changing-bag.asp it has 2 large compartments I can easily take everything for toddler and baby in it. Material is a bit thin but so far I've not managed to break it!

oh and I don't use the changing mat that came with it, I use one of the jojo folding mats that holds nappies and wipes, really handy

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Your post made me feel better katgod. I have had 3 and never bought a specific changing bag and just used any bag I liked and that worked for the situation. Usually contained a small fold up changing mat, wipes, nappies and then any other clutter as necessary.

I think with the specific bags you tend to fill up all the compartments and perhaps lug around more than you need?

All that said there do seem to be some pretty funky specific bags out there ...

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Thanks for posting this Cbcx! I was pondering the same thing. I have twins on the way (our first children) and have no concept of how much I need to take!

I would prefer to buy a 'normal' bag, that looks remotely stylish, but obviously it needs to be big enough. I will check out the links the other people have posted.

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:-0 some of these bags are ?200! Surely it shouldn't be necessary to spend that kind of money for something that is going to hold lots of messy stuff! If you see a frazzled lady in a couple of months time, strolling around Peckham Rye, with a bin bag gaffer taped to her double buggy. That may well be me! ;-)
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Not a changing bag specifically, but these are v sturdy (Mr Saff hasn't yet managed to break mine!), and they are customisable: http://www.timbuk2.com/tb2/?cvosrc=ppc.google.timbuk2&matchtype=e&network=g&mobile=&searchnetwork=1&content=&creative=22963640104&keyword=timbuk2&adposition=1t1&gclid=CLzQpfiymLgCFajKtAodvAwAfw.

I've found it useful to have a couple different bags, one for short trips out to the park/shops, and another for longer daytrips. That way you're not lugging around stuff you don't really need on short outings. Store extra bits under the buggy if you can, so you don't have to carry them. Twins sounds challenging (I only have a singleton, and it's tough enough). Hats off to you! xx

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Sonia and Matt in Greenwich do excellent bags with changing mats. I got mine when I had my second baby and it was spot on for baby and toddler trips out, ie everyday!

I am about to sell mine if you are interested. See attached or pm me for more photos.

Few stains/marks on it due to wear and tear but such a brilliant bag.



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When i was looking I found all the changing bags to be pretty unstylish and too dinky in their compartmentation. I found that a large 'tote' style bag worked best with smaller bags inside for my separate bits - so that i could wash the separate little bags when they got gross and could also grab the small nappy bag, for instance, when going to change baby instead of taking the whole massive thing. Also, when the big bag gets knackered its cheap and easy for me to replace with a new tote bag.
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I had a lovely leather change bag when my toddler was a baby, which was a kind gift from my colleagues. It was incredibly durable and had loads of room inside. The downside was that once we switched from a pram (with a 'shopping compartment' underneath) to a maclaren buggy, it was too bulky. Since then we've just used a standard 35l rucksack which fits behind his seat on the maclaren when we have the buggy or goes on my back for buggy-free / sling trips.
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