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Advice please: Micralite Fastfold Super classic


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Does anyone have this buggy? I'm toying with the idea of getting one but cant decide! I have a Maclaren Quest and a Phil and ted double but am thinking of getting rid of those and just using the Micralite for all with a buggy board?! How does it compare off road is my main concern? I'm so fed up of my Quest as hard to steer and hold my pre-schooler's hand and with any bit of gravel etc its bumpy bumpy bumps and impossible to push! Am I wishing for too much?

Be interested in hearing your opinions!


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Have you seen the micralite twofold? Has inbuilt second seat/buggy board options and looks good!

I had a regular one briefly quite a while ago - they do take some getting used to as the front wheels are so much wider than the back, but I did like it! However anything with seperate handles (rather than bugaboo style flat bar) is hard to push one handed I find...

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We have a micralite toro and love it. Had it on for sale but have decided to keep it for when we are single-buggy users again.

Very good over patches of rough ground as you just tilt it and just use the back wheels if that makes sense.

I find it easy to push one handed BUT agree the wider front wheels take some getting used to.

And if you can get hold of an all terrain kit (now discontinued) you have a pram which can go on the beach, through mud, snow etc.

There is one on eBay at the moment but they don't come up very often.

I like the look of the twofold as well!

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I have seen the two fold but at ?300+ its def much more than I wanted to spend. Would have been interested def in hadn't got the P&T before no. 2 though! Thanks for info on Toro but I think that's more sturdy than I need (my youngest is 15months). Hmm decisions decisions!
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I have a micralite fast fold which I use as a "sports car" alternative to a Bugaboo Chameleon which I love but is just so cumbersome.

I really like it but there are a few things to consider:

- I don't find the wide front wheels a problem - for me the problem is the narrow rear wheels as I often find that I kick them especially when walking downhill. This could be because I am reasonably tall (5'8") or perhaps I just walk funnily!

- when folded it is significantly longer than a mclaren - only really important if you need to fit it in the boot of your car though

- like most lightweight buggies it does tip up if you take the baby out and leave a bag on the handle

- I do wonder how long it will last my on-the-large-side 16 month old as I can see it getting quite cramped in the seat

- the hood seems to be more a way of supporting the rain cover as it is not really big enough to do anything else!

Good points:

- you can pull it along on the large rear wheels when it is folded rather than having to carry it

- lightweight and easily manoeuvrable even on uneven terrain

- easy one-handed steering (also a reason why i love the bugaboo)

On a slightly more superficial point, I also really like what it look like!

I bought mine 2nd hand from Preloved - it cost ?90 with a rain cover and seat liner and is in pretty good nick so it's worth keeping an eye out for a 2nd hand one.

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Thanks for this Zedd, sorry I missed this hence late reply but you've def helped me decided to go for it too! I'm getting a bit obsessed with them and keep checking prices and whether there are any 2nd hand! Really good to hear it's good one-handed too. I'm short so wont have that prob (though OH will - just wont pass that info on till after we have it!). I'm ignoring the bit about how long it will last as my son is 15months and I keep telling myself he wont need a pushchair for mych longer, I have been toying with the Maclaren XT but think Im going to want lightweight etc more.

Thanks everyone and sorry for the waffling!

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I regularly haul a hefty 2.5 year old around it one. It is, to date, my favourite pushchair. Great on uneven pavements or on grass, etc. Incredibly easy to manoevre, knocks spots off the bugaboo bee. Because it tapers off at the top, there is less space for the child's head as they get taller, but it doesn't really matter. Just watch for those comedy moments when the whole thing topples over if you forget to take bags off the handlebars before lifting the child out.
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I have a (reasonably battered) toro that I haven't got round to getting rid of. I got it when my eldest was 18months and used it until my little one was 2.5. My eldest could still fit in it when she was 5! I stopped using it because we now just need a scooter rather than because it was outgrown. It is exceedingly sturdy, I frequently used to sit one in the seat and the other on top of the mechanism (definitely not recommended by the manufacturers btw but very handy at times. anyway, I've got the buggy board as well so if you wanted to have a look and make me an offer - (I've got the carry cot, zip on sunscreen and rain cover and the attachments that let you fit a maxi cosi carseat).
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Hi, sounds great but I'm really thinking about the fastfold and don't really need adaptors cot etc so you could get better price from someone else, would be interested in the board though if you'd like to PM me price for that alone? That's assuming I can't somehow fit a lascal maxi board?

Ps thanks medusa too

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