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Historical research question..


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I'm trying to put together a memory book for my husband's nan for her 90th birthday. I have a fair amount of information and some great photos but I have a few gaps.. This is nothing to do with East Dulwich I just hoped that someone who may have done this sort of thing before might be able to help me!

The main gap I'm trying to fill is this. In the 70's she ran a shop in Radstock, Wiltshire. It was a haberdashers and school uniform shop. I have the address (10 Fortescue Road, Radstock) and have looked on google maps to find that it is now called Cottle's.

My question is this: Does anyone know how I would go about finding out what the shop was called in the 70's when she ran it? I've been googling furiously for a while but to no great avail.

I know the sorts of places I think I should probably be looking.. Wiltshire Council website I guess.. But what is it I'm actually looking for? I feel like I'm not really googling the right things because I'm not getting very far in my search!

I'm also sure I'll have to pay to obtain the information but don't want to do it if it's too pricey as really this little piece of information is a small part of her memory book.. I just thought it would be nice and I thought I'd at least try!

Any pointers would be very gratefully received! But I appreciate it's a bit of an odd request.. I have my fingers crossed though!

Beth x

Edited to add.. I have just found out via Ancestry.co.uk that she was at this address in 1985.. so more like the 80's than the 70's.. The search continues!! x

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I wonder if you might find out the information from the local library (the one in Wiltshire I mean)?

My library has an excellent local history section with loads of books that contain details and fascinating pictures of the area in past times. One of them has really detailed information on premises that were eg. maltings, mills, bakers and so on in previous lives. You might be lucky to find something in that section about the shop's name?

There's also a local history volunteer who gives free talks to interested people and who also helps them to trace families from the area so you might want to ask if there's any such service like that at the library?

Good luck with it, what a lovely idea for your nan's present.

edit to add: I think (hope) most libraries have a local history section.

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Wiltshire came to my mind, but Radstock seems now to be part of Bath & NE Somerset.

One recourse would be the Bath Record Office. http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/libraries-and-archives/archives There may be contemporary Kelly's (though I can't remember whether it lists by street) or other street directories (I've not checked th catalogue) or an archivist might have some ideas or suggestions.

Any local forum, such as https://bathmums.co.uk/listings/view/radstock-library, might well be a source of good information. We've seen people come to EDF and get good local historical information. Or the local Library/Information Centre whose details are in the linked page.

Re libraries, see also http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/libraries-and-archives/local-studies for local studies.

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Thank you all so much for your excellent suggestions!! And thank you for pointing out that it's actually Somerset, not Wiltshire!

I have already sent a message to the research team at the Radstock Museum, so I have my fingers crossed for that! I have also already done a google search for photos of Fortescue Road, one does come up from the 60's but unfortunately it's a shot looking down the road so it's not clear what the shops signs say.

Going to the local library is a brilliant idea but unfortunately I only have 3 weeks to put this together and no opportunity to get down there. I love the idea of leaving a message on a local-to-Radstock forum to see if anyone has any suggestions so I will definitely do that!

My friend suggested I contact the shop that is there now, as they might know what came before.

I'm going to try all the suggestions above so hopefully one of them will turn something up! Thank you so much for all your help and thoughts, all massively appreciated!!

Beth x

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