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Poor show at The Palmerston for Mothers Day


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Poor lunch at the Palmeston - irritating music on Mothers Day - unrecognisable and annoying reggae music for Mothers Day. When I asked for a change I was met with a hostile response of: you can download an app...? Not sure I'd say this to my clients who enter my establishments - but then I wouldn't play reggae on Mothers Day in what is supposed to be a very good establishment. That's sadly my relationship with the Palmeston over. Food was cold too.
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The Palmerstone has SecretDJ accessed throuh an Apple App..

So the music is selected by customers who have the App.

If you download the App you will get 3 - 4 plays.. per day

If you are a regular user you become Top Dog and then the DJ.

Top Dog and the DJ get 8 / 9 plays per day

You don't have to be in the pub to select music. You can log on to SecretDJ . Check in to The Selected Pub

the more visits and songs you select will make you the DJ. But only for that site.

You can sit there and keep logging into each site alternatively.


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Misty, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy your afternoon but complaining about the background music in what is after all a pub environment seems a little harsh. I passed through mid afternoon and the atmosphere appeared relaxed and the music unobtrusive. There did appear to be a higher than normal number of children throwing food around whilst parents looked on, but the staff seemed to be coping admirably in the circumstances. Perhaps next year you should opt for Mr Liu with its pan-piped version of Candle In The Wind on loop? Alternatively you could always cook lunch at home where you will (presumably) be better placed to control the playlist. :)
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Goodness me, MistyBlue, do you not realise that people's musical tastes vary?

I quite often don't like the music playing in a pub, but I don't therefore think that my taste should override everybody else's and go and ask them to change it!!!

I'm not just a mother but a grandmother, and I like reggae!!!

Just because you become a mother doesn't mean a) the musical tastes you had before you were a mother suddenly change to some bland middle of the road rubbish (unless of course you like bland middle of the road rubbish) or b) becoming a mother entitles you to speak for all other mothers going out for a meal on Mothers' Day!!!

Oh, and maybe if you'd taken on board what they'd told you about the app, you could have changed the music (and quite probably pissed off some other Palmerston customers who didn't like YOUR choices ......)

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Agree with Sue...music genre is subjective and very unfair to criticize a restaurant because you didn't like the music. It seems like they did give you a chance to change it but it wasn't to your convenience.

If you have issues with the music then might as well eat at home where you can choose whatever music you want.

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DulwichFox Wrote:


> With SecretDJ if no one selects music then it

> plays random music or music selected from staff

> who

> can override the system and even reject selected

> music they don't like..


> DulwichFox

Mine is a different scenario I suppose.

I've only noticed (in a number of pubs) when I ask if the Anthems/Buildup can have sound added

during a rugby match or if in the build up to a Champions league match we can have sound.

Told that agreements with the pub group is that music can only be switched off when

the game starts (first kick - not before) - so assumed there is some tied agreement about music.

Couldn't imagine a reggae only playlist - more likely a reggae fan in the staff :)

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I just got back from Bloc where Jerry Dammers played a three hour afternoon set of joyful, uplifting reggae and ska to the gathered throng. There's nothing like reggae for lifting the mood, and bringing out the sun. There were smiles all round at that Mother's Day party! BTW: MistyBlue is the most depressing name I have seen on this forum.
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Misty Blue-the clue is in the name, A woman in a Laura Ashley Frock who would rather they played the likes of James Last and Harry Neilson especially for a mothers day crowd.

My mum when she was in her 60'sand 70's used to love Notting Hill Carnival and was always happy to hear Reggae in the streets.My dad when he was 80 was very partial to a bit of white man reggae in the form of Simply Red.

And yes-both my parents are white in case 'Misty Blue' has any assumptions to the contrary.

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another ED securitate edict. everyone must like Reggae. all the time.

dissenters will be sent to reeducation camps and sunjected to heavy dub until they crack.

I like reggae so I am not racist. I am not racist because I like reggae. repeat.

Bask in the warm glow of my open non racism

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