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Tacqui Smith


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SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> >

> well we haven't have we? And it really isn't any

> of our business


The reason why it's my business is this is the government, the ministry, these are the people, who want to monitor everything that everybody is doing. The whole Intercept Modernisation Programme agenda (email, Web, and now IM and Facebook/social networks) stinks to high heaven.

If Tacqui and her people think it's okay to open my mail and monitor my Skype calls and see who I've chatting to on FB, then I'm batting that ball right back and saying: just how do you enjoy having your privacy totally invaded? Not much I suspect.

The whole 'nothing to hide, nothing to fear' agenda is a red herring: very few of us would want to waltz around town with our current bank balance printed across our forehead, or the titles of the videos we watched last night published for all to see. It's not about hide/fear, it's about respect for the individual and his/her dignity and privacy.

Today Tacqui has lost that dignity, because she has lost the privacy she would normally expect for herself and her partner, in just one tiny, tiny respect.

I hope she learns the appropriate lesson, but I suspect she will not as she is just not that bright.

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There is a lesson to be learned here guys.

If your wife is a civil servant, always check with her first, before she goes away for the weekend, if it is ok for you to download porn in her absence.

If she says "no - you dirty pig" tell her you were only asking for the sake of her career, in case she was intending to claim it back, and she should be grateful to have such a forward thinking hubby.

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SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> >

> Ah but what is Mister Louisiana up to while you

> are so occupied, eh? eh??


> ;-)

He's in Shanghai, dancin' to dubstep and hopin' his entire project isn't going tits up ;-)


> And does this mean that the forumite called

> fiskeroo is somehow link to the practice of

> fisking?

Who knows


> I'm confused now. But I will say having had a

> kitchen ripped out myself, best of luck louisiana!

It's out.

Now I have to figure out what to eat for the next five days... Sea Cow, here I come.

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nooone would even be combing trough her expenses if it wasn't for the fact that she was claiming 40k for her husband as an administrative assistant and claiming ?116,000 expenses on a very dubious basis.

She has only herself to blame.

The damage her husband has done, as the independent points out today in a good comment piece, is that she has now become a joke, which is far more damaging than the taint of sleaze to a politicians career, and points out that in all likelihood both hubby and wife will be looking for new jobs come the day after the next election as her constituents won't be voting back such a waster (nay embezzler) of increasingly scarce tax payers money.

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bigbadwolf Wrote:


> Do any of you guys (Mockney, Sean, Louisiana)

> watch 'grown up' movies. That question was mainly

> aimed at you Sean. I do, REGULARLY.

Not seen one in (ten?) years.

They struck me as fairly ridiculous as I recall. Improbable men, improbable women, improbable plots... More fun watching fake plastic trees.

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SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> >

> Ah but what is Mister Louisiana up to while you

> are so occupied, eh? eh??


> ;-)


> And does this mean that the forumite called

> fiskeroo is somehow link to the practice of

> fisking?


> I'm confused now. But I will say having had a

> kitchen ripped out myself, best of luck louisiana!

Thanks Sean. It's exciting and worrying, all at the same time, given the strange pipework to be contended with, the crumbling plaster walls...

But when it's done, it will be great.

(Previous kitchen was I heart 1980, with tiles and floor to match.)

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*Bob* Wrote:

> Have you never noticed the name S?amus O'Dong in

> the credits anywhere?

Yeah, have you seen the one where he comes round to tarmac the drive and he does her in his wheel barrow?

On a more serious note. In my opinion porn has become a little bit extreme since being available only on VHS when the era of more hirsute female leads was the norm. Last month I borrowed a scud movie from a mate and what I witnessed would've made the most seasoned pervert shudder. Now as adults we're all aware of the American craze of fisking/fisting but the last production I viewed had a guy pushing his foot into a downstair orifice. Now call me old fashioned but when did it become acceptable for pornstars to start 'wearing' one another.

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sack her and replace her with another politician who is less corrupt...... now only if we could find one.

they are all at it , fiddling the expenses to get what they can out of the system. how many are truly there because they love their country and want to make a positive difference? very few i think.

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Knocking one off at our expense, we should take to the streets on Wednesday. (tu)

Apparently her Husband was dressed as a milkmaid, had his manhood out, and commented that it was just a joke that had gone a bit too far, at least a tangerine and auto-asphyxiation were not involved. :)

It's yet more 'do as I say not as I do', so presumably it was a 'fem-dom' film .......B)

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If you google Raw Meat 3 which is one of the alleged movies watched (such a tasteful title) you

find out it's a gay movie - I have heard that a lot of straight women are turned on by videographic depictions of homosexual activity so maybe it was her wot dunnit and the poor hubby is a fall guy for her nocturnal taxpayer funded viewing habits. I can't imagine the fragrant Tessa Jowell ever been caught up in such shennahigans - and she also claimed for a ?500 stone sink (so ED) and an 88p bath plug.

Cheeky or what ?

It's past midnight a trembling hand struggles with the sky remote to watch ....


Raw meat three is absolutely packed full of gay action, with a special emphasis on our fighting men. Another excellent 90 minutes of xxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxx and some extra special scenes with mustard and crackers! You'll have to get the tape to find out the details!

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