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"Dropped Footway" in Crawthew Road


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I just got a PCN for parking next to a so-called dropped footway in Crawthew Road. Can anyone tell me what this "footway" is used for? It can't be for a driveway cos there's no gate. It can't be to assist pedestrians or wheelchairs to cross the road cos there's no dropped footway on the other side of the road. If someone could please enlighten me as to how I was endangering or obstructing anyone, I'll take back my words, stop being upset, and humbly pay the fine...
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Doesn't matter to the best of my knowledge, the offence of parking there has nothing to do with it's use (or lack of).

although thinking on I'm sure there's something about if someone is blocking a private driveway some kind of complaint has to be made.

Or all the above may be nonsensse...

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Well being a wheelchair user I am glad that cars are being ticketed for parking in front of dropped footways. It is so difficult getting around as it is that when I come up against cars parked in front of often the only means of crossing the road, my heart sinks. It is difficult for people to empathise with disabled people if they don't know someone in this situation but take it from me it is hard. People often don't realise the implications of blocking or using a disabled persons only means of getting around and whilst you might not see how a dropped foot way could be useful it is not your place to judge.
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Hi again...I'm having to eat humble pie...and apologies to "Lumps"...I went back today to take photos etc. and there IS a dropped footway on the other side! Guess why I hadn't seen it yesterday? Because a car was parked on it!! So I will pay my fine peacefully...it woz a fair cop, guv!

Thanks for your comments...I learnt a lot about DFs last night, and will never park adjacent to one ever again!

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Without wanting to sound condescending 'Thank you'. I know it can be hard to admit when we have made a mistake and I really appreciate your apology. It is hard being disabled in an able bodied world and at times it is made harder by people who don't realise that a simple thing like parking in front of a DF can cause so much difficulty. I have not been disabled all my life and was only too guilty of doing the same thing myself. Anyway thanks again.
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Today, I paid to get a ticket to park (legally) from a ticket machine (?2.20 for each hour on a road not in Sloane Square, but...off the Old Kent Road!!!) I put ?4.00 in and got my ticket, and my money came back as well!!

Well, wot would you have done??!

Did I drop anything?

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