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Southwark Council leaflet dropper - unbelieveable!


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The poster calling himself NickW posted 3 submissions in as many days in November 2006, and then went silent. He has now started posting again. That is a strange profile, although NickW may not be the only alias he uses (I say he both because of the aggressive tone now used and the name Nick). Or maybe he's been away.

His November 2006 posts were all well mannered (one was a puff).

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Ha ? good play on words Penguin68. No I am afraid I am here all the time. I often read the posts as a casual observer but I felt driven to write this time. I don?t know what happened to ryedalema and I don?t condone the actions of the dropper - however all too often mum?s like ryedalema think they have a divine right to the pavement, doorways and what ever else. Were you actually to meet me you would find me always polite and ready to help carry pushchairs up stairs, happy to open doors and give up my seat to mums but all to often mums can be pushy, impolite and darn right rude and they have no excuse.

In this case why I particularly felt the need to write because from experience of working with disaffected youth ryedalema's ?quip? just helps them feel more isolated and alienated. People are rude, people have bad days, but there is no point in exacerbating it and making people feel more worthless. More than likely someone giving out WHTVR is on a first start program ? they are likely to have had a tough time at home and should be cut some slack. Ryedalema is not the victim they are.

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NickW Wrote:


...I don?t condone the actions of the dropper - however all too often mum?s like ryedalema think they have a divine right to the pavement, doorways and what ever else...

I'm pretty sure I would also feel I had a "divine right" for people not to walk into my home unless I have invited them. In fact, I think I would be quite intimidated if a strange (as in unknown) man pushed past me as I was walking out of my home, into my hallway. I'm sure there was no harm intended and he probably thought it was a communal hallway, but it would still make me feel uncomfortable.

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NickW - who's to say this leafletter is a 'disaffected youth'. He could just be a bloke who works as a leafletter? Have a look on gumtree there are thousands of jobs as a leafletter! I think its your attitude, that people have bad days and have a hard time growing up etc etc, is one of the reason why some people are so rude!! Im my Nans time she would have given him a 'clip round the ear' and prob would have known his mum to tell her!! But with PC swilling all around the place we just have to put up with these people with no respect and care for other people!

Also maybe one of these mum's you've encountered that have been 'pushy, impolite and darn right rude' are 'disaffected youth' aswel??

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How completely out of order can someone be?? NickW it sounds like this leaflet dropper barged past her toddler and buggy with newborn in on their front path (throwing an assumption out there but guessing like most front paths this is quite narrow).

Think it's understandable that she'd be annoyed as the guy didn't even apologise when this was pointed out - all he've had to say was sorry - or even to hand the leaflets to her instead of pushing past (even most of the pizza/curry flyer-er's don't behave this badly).

The forum by it's very nature attracts the "arrgghh" moments - but I've not noticed you launching such personal attacks on the opening posters of these.

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just wanted to point out my last post was in response to NickW first comment not the last comment! Anger at woman who had strange man push into her and her home inappropriate-anger at people for being intolerant of those who have life hard somewhat apprropriate.

Although I must say that whenever I have worked with troubled/disaffected children or young people the emphasis of the organisation/charity has always been on respect-respect others and eventually you respect yourself. Ignoring this lad's behaviour will not help him, and getting angry at the person he mistreated will not help him either.

But seriously NickW head over to the lounge and have a good rant-you'll feel better.

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NickW wrote No I am afraid I am here all the time. I often read the posts as a casual observer but I felt driven to write this time.. To have been a silent observer from November 24th 2006 until today with all that's has been going on over the years suggests a Trappist mentality and probably deserves a prize of some sort.
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Wow- I go offline for a morning and come back to this. That's quite a few assumptions about me NickW.

One I'd like to respond to is that I'm a 'neurotic, patronizing, over protective mother who is let me guess?.. never wrong.' On the contrary I am most definitely wrong - and a lot. Could you help me by pinpointing exactly how my posts are offensive so that I can remedy this for future? I try very hard not to be - and hate it when I do.

Was it my posting about my husband being beaten up? The one about thanking all the health professionals for seeing my daughter safely into the world? Or another?

I work for a housing association (and have worked for the Council) so work with people who have had tough breaks all the time. I still fail to see how that gives anyone licence to be rude, or as someone else has pointed out, to trespass.

At the start of this posting I said that I knew this wasn't as serious as many of the other threads on the forum at present, but just wanted to vent.

This has taken a nasty turn now so I hope my apology to all forumites for any offence caused will stop this from getting any worse.

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well, yes, this fella is a rude fecker (maybe not as rude as NickW) and no being in a crap and badly paid job doesn't excuse rude behaviour


yeah, I am inclined to be more tolerant to badly paid people in genuinely soul-sapping jobs. And nothing much happened here other than a slightly rude encounter which lasted seconds.. but people have escalated it with emotional phrases such as "your home" and "children" being present - it's all mountain and mole-hill stuff really isn't it? (something I think the OP has even alluded to?)

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  • Administrator

Unfortunately the original message by NickW has been deleted from its position within this thread. This was an administrative error caused by the fact that complaints received are emailed to us and the "read this message" button and "delete this message" button are too close together and the wrong one was pressed.

This was the original message:


Subject: Re: Southwark Council leaflet dropper - unbelieveable!

Author: NickW

Date: 28/01/2010 12:36

@ryedalema - you are a neurotic, patronizing, over protective mother who is let me guess?.. never wrong. Your comment epitomizes everything that is wrong with East Dulwich. You have so much and yet you still have ago at those that have so little. You are self righteous and far more offensive and undesirable than the leaflet dropper.


Sorry for any inconvenience.

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We don't know anything about this leaflet dropper but the fact is he over-stepped the line as to what is acceptable. There was a lack of respect to persons and property and the nature of the job and level of pay is irrelevant.

He entered ryedalema's home uninvited and in doing so he trespassed. He was then rude when she remonstrated.

There are a number of implications to this brief encounter, not least had he slipped and hurt himself in ryedalema's hallwall for any reason (just mopped/polished floor before going out etc) she could have been sued under occupier's liability. Point is the molehill could well have become a mountain.

You can't have people barging into your home uninvited for your sake as well as their's.

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I'm a little confused as to how, if you were negoiating leaving your house with children, this person pushed past you without you questioning the person as to what they thought they were doing in the first place. I would not have just expressed my views on rudeness but asked what the person thought they were doing and in particular where they thought they were going. hmmmm...
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You're absolutely right. At the time I was picking up said toddler, who had lost her footing in the exchange (she was holding onto the door jamb) and had newbie in car seat in the other hand so I was concentrating on 'over-protecting' them.

I should have asked him what the xxxx he was up to - but up until he stepped over our threshold I thought he was putting the leaflets somewhere outside (we have a little shelf where the milk goes that some leafletters use).

Oh the benefit of hindsight - I'd make a very bad security guard!

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