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Dad presents


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LordshipLovely Wrote:


> Hello, and thanks for all your responses!



> He's already going to the rugby at Twickers on 6th

> for England/Wales. Is there anyway you can get

> tickets upgraded to include access to one of the

> bars/restaurants/suites - or am I barking up the

> wrong tree?

> Otherwise I am so far thinking Vinopolis (as we

> can go together - doubly beneficial :-)) or a

> round of golf although surely i've really got to

> buy two tickets).


> I think the Wine Society, although a lovely idea,

> would be a bit wasted on him and he already has

> that DVD of the Lions Tour, as I seem to remember

> having to sit through it at Christmas.

After expressing an interest in the business - how about a wine tasting evening at G&B? There's lots of different ones to chose from and they range from between ?13 and ?35 so depending on which one you chose you can get two tickets so he doesn't have to go on his own.

Check out http://www.greenandbluewines.com/index.php/Tastings/

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If he is in the trade he is a practical man, and if he says 'dont get me anything' that means do not waste your hard earned, but if you find something that is useful which he does not possess, he will undoubtedly use it.

A practical present is a 'Mach3' razor and some 'Kingshave' (a fiver a tube) from most large supermarkets or boots, assuming he does not use them already. They will produce the smoothest shave he has ever had.

My eldest daughter arranges a day out to somewhere unusual, lunch on a thames ship, a day in a nature conservation area, an afternoon at the Tate or the Science museum (launch pad is the place for him) as there are things to do and problems to solve) plus there are loads of mechanical stuff which would interest him.

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As he's an outdoors guy how about a weather station, you put the thermometer outside and it magically beams the temperature to the indoor display, something like this..


My mum's got one and thinks it's great, at least that's what she tells me.

You can get ones with barometers, rain measures, forecasters etc but generally it's just handy for knowing what the temperature's like outside without having to go outside. I bought mum's from here http://www.weather-station-products.co.uk/cat--Shop-by-price-range-%C2%A330-to-%C2%A360--mid_price.html

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Thanks again everyone. I emailed Dulwich & Sydenham golf Club at the end of last week to enquire. If don't hear by lunch I'll give them a call. Steve T - trouble with my Dad is, despite me being almost 30, if we went out for the day he wouldn't let me put my hand in my pocket (despite insisting) :-$ so I figure the best thing is to get him something he can open!

Mark - the weather station idea is great!!

WOD - upgrading equipment would be a good idea but might keep in mind for next Crimbo. Bit depressing getting new ski gear if you're not going again for another year!

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  • 1 month later...

I just thought that after all the effort you went to to help me out, I'd let you know what i ended up doing. So, on Saturday, ended up treating Dad to a day 'up town' as he calls it. Imperial War Museum in the morning (brill, could have stayed there all day) followed by a late lunch in Covent Garden and then the pub to watch the rugby.

Good fun, just a shame we lost the match!


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