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Everything posted by louloulabelle

  1. Sorry, fully in support of sentiment and reason for post but should the use of the word 'moron' be acceptable as a thread title??? There are other ways to make a point.
  2. Oh please. When will the good people of dulwich stop labelling each other particularly us mums. And for the record I will go where ever I please with my kids whenever it suits me. If I go somewhere and don't like the clientele I leave. Maybe others could try that option? Can't see any of the pub landlords on here telling mums not to spend their hubbies money with them during the day and yes of course it's hubbies dosh. By definition being a SAHM means most of us don't have our own income as a joint decision with hubby as childcare is so expensive and bringing up your own child is a preference some of us make.
  3. Hi I've seen the Dulwich Park fireworks on Nov 4th advertised loads but have just seen a page on southwark council website that says at a meeting in sep it was cancelled. Anyone know if it's happening or not? I'm confused Ta
  4. Hi I have several toddlers to entertain this weekend and have been looking for a small bouncy castle (ELC type) but most hire companies only have bigger ones. Any kind sole have a kiddies one they would be happy to loan out this coming weekend? 8/9 th oct... Ta Please pm me
  5. It's the greyhound in the village according to flyer from dulwich estates to freeholder residents...
  6. oh helena handbasket when you put it like that I can barely consider trying again and all i can envisage is an embryo that looks like benjamin button..
  7. I had 1 St at 38 and my 2 nd 8 weeks before my 40th. Fell pregnant quickly each time. Had miscarriage 2 mths ago and I'm 41 in december and intend on trying again!
  8. Soft play a def, play doh/drawing, painting. As lots of dulwich mums have toddlers and babies ( of both the static and crawling variety) essential to have something that both ages can do while mum keeps an eye on both.., Speakers for the parents a great idea also. Maybe the swap shop once a month? Tv showing cbeebies?
  9. Christopher at dulwich dental clinic on lordship lane, he's been brilliant with my little one and has seen her at 18mths and 2.5 Yrs old and she wasn't apprehensive at all.. (nhs)
  10. Hi I wasn't overly impressed with any care, pre or post birth BUT I had both my babies there, one in 2009 and the 2nd oct last year and best thing about it was the brilliant views I had from my labour rooms!!!!
  11. Hi I think had i have known how nasty it can be i would have considered private vaccination but my two are only 2 1/2 yrs and 10 months so probably wouldnt have done it till nearer school age anyway but now they have had it so thats academic. The older one had a fairly mild case, showed no symptoms of being unwell at all previous to the spots coming out, spots came out over 6 days and then about 4 for them to scab over completely, 4 weeks on shes still not clear of them and a couple sadly on the bridge of her nose look like they will scar. Little one had a much worse case. She was very very unwell and was covered from top to toe with huge spots. No longer infectious but covered in scabs and red marks from where scabs have come away now so still looks poorly but shes much much better in herself. I was told infection is highest 2/4 days prior to spots appearing and then all the way to the last scab appearing. Doc said its past through skin to skin contact, water and sharing toys they may have chewed, coughed or sneezed on so that goes for playgrounds where they touch the same handrails etc etc. We did go out for the occasional walk where we wouldnt come into contact with anyone as they were in buggy and i was only housebound for 3 weeks as they got it back to back. We ventured out today to post office and over weekend they should both be fine for the park at last!!! x
  12. Yes my two lovely daughters have both had chicken pox recently. No neither of them are infectious anymore. Yes the youngest in particular is very gruesome looking with her incredibly scabby appearance following her severe bout of the pox which is only recently come to its conclusion. BUT i am going to be venturing to local play areas with them this week following a 3 week forced house imprisonment with them both. Please do not think i am stupid or uncaring enough to take them out if there is any, any, any! possibility of them infecting other children or adults or pregnant women. THEY ARE NOT INFECTIOUS so to the mums/carers/dads etc that saw my eldest daughter recently when we ventured out between their bouts of said virus and criticized me for carelessly taking an infectious child to a public area and pulled their off spring away from her as if we were ringing a bell and declaring 'the plague, the plague' ..... SHE WAS NOT INFECTIOUS - chicken pox is not infectious once the blisters have scabbed and dried THE YOUNGEST IS NOT NOW INFECTIOUS - I AM NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO TAKE AN INFECTIOUS CHILD TO A CHILDRENS PLAY AREA !!! They just look scabby!!!!! bless them.... thank you.
  13. Why do so many of you assume that rude behaviour goes hand in hand with those of us that have to have children in tow? I come across plenty of rude people day in day out both with and without a buggy, or using (or not as the case may be) a Parent and Child parking space or the 'kids' side of Dulwich Cafe or the 'adults' side of Dulwich Cafe. I dont expect a car space to be laid on for me, but i will use it if it's there as it's damn hard getting a car seat in/out in a normal size space sometimes and equally hard getting a toddler in and out of a cramped door space because someone has parked far closer to you since you left your car then when you parked it... I will use the 'kids' side of a cafe so as not to inconvenience those who don't want my children flinging chips at them.. (sorry, hummous and pitta, we are in dulwich...), i dont expect doors to be opened for me and the double buggy, i dont expect anyone to help me and the buggy up or down steps or onto trains or buses. I am quite capable of holding a door open for someone else even with buggy, scooter and 3 shopping bags. BUT i can be rude and intolerable when so many people jump on their high horses over something so trivial as PARKING SPACES. It's equally not hard for those without children to park further into the car park. Supermarkets provide these spaces to lure in parents with kids who have to do the weekly shop with them in tow to try to make the horrid experience that is food shopping with toddlers a little less hassle by not having to traverse the car park and its perils with children darting all around you because you can't always have them tethered to you and yes you do need the extra space either side. Now, surely we all have more to do in our lives than fight over who has the right to park in spaces that are on private land and have been designated for a specific sector by that company but dont police it so it doesnt matter a who har who parks in it anyway!. love and peace x
  14. hi my two have just had the 'pox' and are at dry scabby stage too, im using Aveeno Bath Colodial and Aveeno moisturizer cream to try to keep the scabs soft! thats all you can do and of course try to prevent them picking!!!. good luck boring being housebound isnt it...
  15. I'm not an ED Yummy as you put it and I doubt im 'cool' but i can drink wine whilst talking about how many times my girls woke during the night... does that qualify me for your cool gang???? oh no sorry, can't join as I may talk about the two most important things in my life AS WELL as being able to hold a conversation about other things..
  16. I simply wanted to bring my children up myself! No offence to anyone as each to their own but we decided we would make every effort to live off one salary and I'm now a sahm to two under 2 and a half. I will go back to work in some capacity when they reach school age but for now - as an older mum- I'm enjoying raising my girls and seeing them become people! I'm very lucky and am grateful everyday.
  17. I'd be up for that if enough of us can get together!
  18. Dulwich Montessori on College Road behind South Dulwich Church... Lovely.
  19. HI Need some help on this. never used childcare vouchers thru an employer but husband has his own ltd comp and we believe we can make our own vouchers but not sure how all this works.. if anyone's done it etc please PM me if you have any advice.. very gratefully received. thx
  20. cant believe the tone of some people! Disabled spaces are important and if Parent spaces are provided why should parents not be able to use them!!! I dont have to justify why i have kids, what car i drive and how much my weekly spend is but people using areas that are not designated for them should have to justify it!
  21. My MIL works at a charity shop (not local) and the staff snaffle all the good stuff before it hits the shelves.. yes they pay for it but they get first dibs!!
  22. Hi sounds good. ive got a 2yr old and a 4mth old.. keep us posted..
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