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Posts posted by reneet

  1. Miss the wine especially days like today when a chilled white would have definitely taken the headache away. I feel like I have never, not been pregnant, today is worse, as all of a sudden the baby is really heavy (feels like a sack of potatoes tied to my front) and its painful when the little bugger moves.

    I probably can make the 8th with my little girl in tow. Don't know about hubby, he'll probably grumble but come anyway.

  2. Hello all,

    Ris - would have loved the coffee but have to work tomorrow and agree about setting the date thing.

    rant begin

    Is anyone else getting annoyed about the fact that they cannot touch their feet any more. Tried fastening my shoes today and I literally could not. Not a good way to discover that I cannot bend normally any more have to do the bend knees thing. And have been getting really fed up with the nice 'wow, you really are big' comments. And don't get me started on the fact that I have outgrown even my maternity clothes. Need some exercise, if only I could get off my lazy %%% and attend a class, third time now I have booked and not attended.

    And the next time hubby says to me 'let me get that for you' or 'are you sure you can do that', I promise I will bite him.

    rant end

  3. Great weather. Sorry about the weight issue Audrey seems to be going around. 2 people I know have also been told that their babies are big and that their EDD might be brought forward, which has left me worried as I had my scan today and was told my baby is a bit on the big side but not to worry as they are still within the percentile.

    Picnic would be lovely.

    Great meeting everyone on saturday, hope to do it again soon.

  4. Warning Massive rant.

    I used to walk to nursery then work. Now I am huge and get pretty tired so I take the bus. I have a preschooler with me and I am pregnant. I NEVER get offered a sit on the bus. I asked several times and have stopped asking now. I would drive to work bur no parking. I get very annoyed, a few days ago my daughter was very tired and she kept on saying VERY LOUDLY, "I would like a seat mummy", almost made me cry. NO ONE offered her a sit, people (not disabled as far as I could see) were seated on the priority seats and NO ONE Offered. Lazy g*ts is all I can say.

    So go ahead Ruth ashame the b*****s into standing up.

  5. I think doddy misunderstood me, I mean I pay each what they ask for, I am usually not fair to anyone but myself :).

    I am a little confused here, what do people mean by baby sitting? I generally use a baby sitter in the evening if Mr. R and I are doing something, and usually little R is asleep, if I need to leave her for a whole day or part of the day when she is fully awake, I rely on professionals (never needed one before), responsible relatives/friends whom she knows very well and have spent time with her and know what my parenting style (if I have any) is. Usually use a sitter for 3hrs max any longer I get a friend/relative to spend the night or i take her to a friend/relative and she spends the night.

    Edited to say: I have used a baby sitter for both baby sitting and cleaning and she charged me more for cleaning than she did for baby sitting.

  6. We did not want to find out with No. 1 but the OBs let it slip ("I can't really see a peepee.", he said). He then said he could not be totally sure but then we knew. We have (I think) decided to find out (officially) this time but not tell anyone else. My cousins nanny used to be a midwife in Romania, gave me the feel and predicted the gender (not that i believe predictions). Sadly its for practical reasons like do we keep No.1's old clothes to be reused or give them away, will we eventually need separate rooms for them and stuff like that.
  7. I don't know about image consultants, I had tasters with a few some years back and was not satisfied with any of them, I felt I was not me in what they choose or suggested. Although they were right about the colours that suit me. Anyway I am the least fashionable person I know, after years of spending all my time in ugly suits, the a few years of nothing but jeans and t-shirts, I am now very lost. Maybe after my mat leave(which I have not even started yet), I should embark on reinventing myself.
  8. Fuschia Wrote:


    > if you or partner atre higher rate taxpayers, sign

    > up to your employers voucher scheme before april

    > 5th,, very important!!!!

    Agree, you will save quite a bit no matter what childcare you go for, as its getting cut by almost half for high rate tax payers.

    I used a childminder until they were 2 then took them to nursery. I think its a bit over 1,000 for under ones and about 900 for one and 2 full time per month. Child minder was 4.50 an hour if i remember correctly.

  9. Its what one asks for I can get a good baby sitter (NOT NANNY) for 6 pounds but a cleaner will never accept that, not a good cleaner anyway. I always ask my baby sitters how much they charge and pay them the amount same to the cleaner, so its a matter of what the market rate is. If a whole load of cleaners suddenly turned up and started charging 6 an hour and they were trustworthy and good then that would become the going rate.
  10. Hello all,

    Love to meet up with all on the 2nd April. Does anyone know of another session by session yoga classes around except the Jags one. I am trying Jags this Monday but was hoping to try another one before I decide which one to attend. The dulwich therapy room charge a bit more than I am willing to pay, for the evening sessions. The only ones that match my desired price are those that I cannot attend, morning sessions. Are there other exercise classes as well, other than yoga i.e a pregnant women's walking club or something like that. I find it hard keeping up with any exercises at the moment and would like some like 'big bellied' supporters.

  11. Oh so now we are not only 'chavy' but also bad parents, because our children swear ones a year or so.

    And no one is in any way condoning the swearing, this thread was started for parents to share a 'common' problem of 'loose tongues' that get soaked up by our 'very bright' children's spongy minds. And if you read the posts carefully you will see that the parents state isolated incidences.

    If any of you have pre-preschoolers at all you would know that you do not have to repeat a word for them to learn it and repeat it at the most inappropriate time/setting.

    Had to edit to try and remain level headed and calm. Wonder why people feel that they can be so judgemental about other people's parenting.

  12. karter Wrote:


    > This is interesting stuff. Also any local taxi

    > firm recommended to drive to hospital when about

    > to give birth? Family and friends are on standby

    > but you just never know.:-S

    My backup plan is calling an ambulance, I have considered walking to hospital (if I go to hospital that is), will definitely speed up the labour process.

    Taxis are exempt, which I used to think was silly, until I got stuck in the city with my daughter and only simple way to get home was getting a taxi.

  13. Since its the family room I am going to reserve my comments on what I think about BB 'Moral high ground' take on this issue.

    I, like most, grew up in a non-swearing household and had a very strict upbringing/schooling. Only started swearing in Uni. Hubby on the other hand grew up in a more liberal family, swearing is common place in their house and so is arguing. This surprised me as I never saw my parents argue. Whenever we argue I think our marriage is falling apart and on the other hand hubby takes it in his stride as usual and even healthy. My conclusion is I do not want my kids growing up into drama queens like me, going completely mental over common disagreements and arguments (which sometimes involve swearing) I want them to learn that general words gain meaning from context and not in the words themselves, therefore my referring to Mr. R as an 'ungrateful g*t' does not mean the world is coming to an end and I am about to pack my bags and leave. And they she only swears ones a year them so be it.

    Having said that there are some swear words that I will not tolerate in my house, the derogative words against people of different race, gender, sexual orientation or social status, regardless of the context.

  14. Had to tone down the swearing when at about 2yrs my now 3.65yr old said F***ing h**l in church when a toy shoe did not fit her, right in the middle of a summon. And at 3yrs when she told her nursery teacher to 'f**k off' when asked to apologise after calling a fellow child a 'g*t'. Fortunately those are the only incidences or maybe its a yearly thing.
  15. My daughter always liked imitating so I would give her her brush while I have mine and she would brush hers while I did mine, then we would swap and do each others, worked for a while, she got used to it now she just opens wide and lets whoever is doing it get on with it. Just used regular baby brushes from the supermarket and used the 3 baby toothpastes as well, normal adult brands but baby ones eg colgate and the likes.
  16. Seems to be going around. A have a whole day to myself in a weeks time and Mr. R suggested a spa. He actually suggested the colour room at the sanctuary. I am thinking more of a place where I can get a decent pedicure and foot massage given that I can almost not touch my feet now.
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