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Posts posted by omniprescient

  1. What - you admit to knowing the results of the Word Barrista Championships and your telling me to get out more? Anyway - I imagine the italians treat this competition with the same respect they treat the Italian highway code.
  2. WoD there is no real poverty in this country. Everyone has access to clean running water and sanitation. Everyone has access to enough food and shelter to sustain them. Everyone has access to free education and health care. Real poverty is something that happens abroad. That's why there's people queueing at Sangatte to come here. Compared with third world countries we are all living in a paradise. In general our society does work and it works because people like you and me pay our taxes thus ensuring that those who are unable or unwilling to look after themselves do not go without. There's really no need for you to wring your hands in anguish.
  3. Is there any evidence of substantial long term gain associated with these gap-year aid projects? The student gains by adding to hes/her personal statement for uni entrance (which as far as I am concerned is the major motivator for all of this) but as far as the donee country is concerned aren't we simply providing a sticking plaster to cover matters which require major surgery? In the meantime aren't we effectively propping up incompetent/corrupt governments and adding to the culture of reliance whilst giving an opportunity to unqualified and generally inexperienced 18 year old to participate in activities which they would legally be banned from doing in their home country? (e.g. working as teachers, medical support staff etc.)
  4. I sympathise with you over this but I find the tone of the remainder of this thread quite appalling. It seems people are prepared to put the blame for this occurence on the shoulders of parties barely connected with it (rather than upon the inadequates who perpetrated it). There also seems to be a resignation that this sort of thing is enivitable and that there is nothing that can be done to stop it. As long as this defeatist attitude prevails then parts of our cities will continue to descend into no go areas.
  5. Prestigious projects like this are normally put out to what's called a "design competition" rather than a tender as such. The competion briefing would include any restrictions imposed by the outline planning permission (i.e. height, footprint, overall accommodation etc.) - full planning permission would only be granted upon submission of a detailed design but this is normally a formality if the outline conditions have been adhered to. It's possible that due to the nature of the project and the fact that the site will become US sovereign territory the normal planning process would not apply. Whilst not being particularly attracted to the proposed design, I feel its impact on the locale will be less than the overbearing and bombastic structure currently occupying the west end of Grosvenor Sq.
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