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Everything posted by MrsLL2b

  1. Hi all, Thanks so much for all the advice and words of wisdom. I agree having an apartment or two rooms is ideal. I think going to a large villa with one or two other families is probably a good compromise. It we have left it too late to organise anything like that this year. I don't want to be totally self catering as it wouldn't be much of a holiday for me. I know mark Warner well. We have stayed in their ski resorts a few times and my husband has also worked three seasons for them many moons ago! It was the hotel room set up that put me off there. But it is looking like at this stage a package Hol might be the way forward for this year. I shall report back if I happen to stumble upon the holy grail of holidays with kids!! Thanks again.
  2. I am probably being really thick, but I am trying to plan our first proper holiday abroad with our toddler and really struggling to get my head around the logistics of having a child around in the evenings! I must admit I am a stickler for routine and bedtime. So I am going to try to be a bit more relaxed and let her stay up a bit later/go with the flow a bit more. But the way I see it the options are: a. allow your child to stay up, bring the buggy out with you and maybe they will doze off in it? Really can't see our toddler doing this as she is a nosy little thing and tends to get hyper with tiredness. She also hasn't slept in a buggy for as long as I can remember. b. all eat together early-ish and we end up sitting quietly on the balcony or something and go to bed early. Sounds fun. I had hoped to book a small apartment within a small family run, independent set up (see my other post) but budget constraints are meaning we will probably have to consider a half board package style holiday. The first option would mean we would at least have a living space to use in the evening. On package holidays are kids allowed in the restaurants in the evening, or would we just have to eat with her very early? I have found one or two that look nice within budget which have two room apartments. We would still all have to sleep in the same room but we would at least have somewhere to sit once she has gone to bed. Sorry for rambly post, I have been looking at holiday and flight websites all evening and my head is ready to explode with the complexity of it all. Don't even get me started on flight timings!!
  3. Hi Hazel, sorry to pester you again. We are being really indecisive and umm-ing and aah-ing about where to go on our hols. We havent yet booked Verdemar as I can't really tell that much about it from the website. I know you said it is 10-15 drive to the beach, but is it near a town or anywhere that you can walk into? I get the impression it is quite rural/remote and I don't want to get there and find we are a bit bored if there is not much to do. We will be pretty limited anyway as our daughter will only be 21 months but I don't want to be too isolated. Any advice appreciated! Thanks
  4. Hi V, Thanks for that. I hadn't thought of groups where I might be able to discuss it with others in the same boat. I might see if the local NCT do one here. I'm in Cheshire now, halfway between Manchester and Liverpool. I'm impressed you managed a home birth after a previous section, well done! Thanks again Louise
  5. Hi all, Sorry to resurrect this thread again after months and months. You're probably all sick of discussing your birth stories. I am in the same position, basically identical first birth to cff9 and the same mixed feelings about whether to have a VBAC or c-section. I only know one friend who this happened to, she did manage a VBAC but ended up with a horrible forceps experience and very bad tearing. So that hasn't really given me confidence, as she really regrets not having an ELCS. However logically I know that could happen in any labour (it isn't VBAC specific) and I suppose I have no valid medical reason for choosing an ELCS other than the control factors others have mentioned. I have the added bonus of being due 20th Dec so am ELCS means I could choose to avoid Christmas day in theory! I'd be really interested to hear how those who had a CS, either elective or emergency, found their recovery having a toddler around. I have received a copy of my notes but as far as I can see there is no detail about why I ended up with a EMCS last time apart from feral distress. Ie no details on the baby's positioning etc. I have also now moved out of London so haven't got the option of registering with any of the great midwife groups down there. I was booked for a home birth and had got quite into the Hypnobirthing etc last time so in a way feel I'm 'owed' a good birth but I think if I attempted VBAC and it ended in EMCS or a really bad birth I'd be really disappointed. Aaaagh decisions decisions! Met the consultant yesterday but he just said to keep an open mind til I'm about 34 weeks and then we can decide. So no pressure either way yet, although I did notice afterwards he circled VBAC in my notes! Any advice or just stories on how you came to your decisions would be gratefully received.
  6. We moved 5 months ago to Cheshire. Swopped our top floor conversion flat for a 5 bedroom Victorian semi with huge garden in very nice large village. I was nervous to leave London despite knowing it just wasn't right for us anymore. We have an 18 month old and another on the way (and hopefully more after that!) so a top floor flat just wasn't an option anymore. It was really starting to bother me that to live in the catchment area for a half decent state school in ED you would need to buy a ridiculously overpriced and probably too small house, and would need to be a two income family to afford it. The crime levels and general stress of even mundane things like battling the DKH sainos were just taking their toll. We literally have not looked back since making the move. Like someone else said we still feel like we are on holiday all the time. I have found it really easy to make new friends as everyone is very friendly. Everything is easy (Ikea in 10mins and always empty!), life is simply more enjoyable and there is more time to appreciate it. I think the keys to a successful move are to choose your new area carefully, be gaining more than your losing (in our case big house, being near my parents and friends, and massively increased quality of life) and being ready to leave London/ED rather than being forced out. Shocker as it may be.....there is life outside ED!
  7. Esme - apologies for hijacking your thread! Hazel - that all sounds ideal. I have been in touch and they do have one of the larger villas available the week we want to go. She also said the monitor should work which is good. We may well end up here! Thank for the advice.
  8. Hazel - I have just started another thread and then seen this. It is exactly the sort of thing I am looking for!! Am I correct in understanding that you can choose to self cater or the owners can cook for you in the evening? If so, do you remember if baby monitors work from the accommodation to the main house? Are they quite flexible on you eating in sometimes and cooking for your sometimes? Thank you.
  9. Hi, we have a week booked off at the end of September to go away. We are thinking somewhere like Portugal or Majorca - still nice and warm, but not too far. our daughter will be about 21 months then and I will be 6 months pregnant. I have seen the following two places recommended on the holiday review section of Mumsnet. I really like the look of them and wondered if anyone knows of anything similar in Portugal or Majorica or similar country? The first one is uber expensive and the second one is mid France so I don't think the weather would be reliable in late September. http://www.country-kids.fr/site2008/rubr/heaven_for_parents.htm http://www.livingfrance.org/ The aspects that appeal are that they are small and appear to be friendly, family run places. I like the idea of having the self catering option without being tied to it all the time. There would be the opportunity to meet other families, ie not stuck in a self catering villa by ourselves somewhere for a whole week, but we would still have our own space. You would get to know the owners who do the babysitting etc. I have been searching for somewhere like this in Portugal but can only find big resort type places, which I don't really fancy. Many thanks!
  10. Peekaboo is good for prob 12months plus. The nighty night interactive book is great. Baby piano also a hit here. There are quite alot of rubbishy ones that are free but would at least pass a few minutes on a long trip.
  11. This is great thanks! One thing to point out is that the site is not iPhone friendly. I can only see as far as the column 'term time only' on my phone and can't scroll across any further. Some other things to add are jelly babies, rhyme time and soft play at the leisure centre.
  12. Following on from the above I just bought the White company leggings. Anyway seems as I was a little over optimistic,bought medium,wore them once and spent the while time tugging them up...bit small! They were ?26, and are in as new condition as worn for about 3 hours. Anyone interested in making me an offer?! PM me if so, thanks.
  13. Ps you might be ok in just the sleep style one for the first few days while you're hibernating at home and then you can buy some day ones once your milk comes in and you know what size to go for.
  14. I too second pretty pregnant for advice (but cheaper online!) and actually debs hams on Oxford St had a huge selection and were so helpful. They brought me endless sizes and styles to try. As snowboarder said get a tank style one that you can use breastpads with at night. I think they do a plain White two pack in Jojo Like this: http://www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk/sp+2-pack-maternity-sleep-bras+a9252 I liked the bravado one but when you unclip the cup it is very exposing. There was one I got from debs hams that had a panel under the cup with a hole for the nipple so once the baby was attached was quite modest but wasnt as comfy as the more expensive ones. I didn't have any but the elle mcpherson ones are supposed to be good too. Good luck!
  15. One good tip I heard is to pay for priority boarding for one of you, that person can go on ahead and bagsy seats for you all and then second person can go on at their leisure with the kids (or have one each etc).
  16. I do a quick pasta sauce using a bag if spinach, a chunkily chopped courgette and some broccoli. Boil broc and courgette, once cooked add the spinach until wilted. Blend together and the. I usually stir in Parmesan and creme Fraiche (you could omit those for your sons portion) then just stir into any type of pasta. It is yum by itself but I often add prawns or grilled bacon and more Parmesan. If you don't have one of the veg substitute with peas or even rocket/watercress etc. It freezes well too. Another favourite is nigella lawsons 'noodle soup for needy people' http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/noodlesoupforneedype_87338 I rarely follow the actual recipe as it is easy to just substitute in whatever crunchy fresh veg you have. Can easily be veggie or can add prawns or chicken etc. Maybe tofu? Is good with sugar snap peas and pak choi.
  17. Jenny you poor thing, you must be exhausted and so worried which won't be helping your emotional state. It sounds like you are being amazingly attentive and doing everything you possibly can. I can't offer much help on the ear infection. But when my daughter had the terrible vomiting bug last month I went through a similar thing with trying to get her to take some food and keep it down. It's awful when you get a little over optimistic and they take a decent amount and then sick it all back up. Your little and often approach sounds great. Her tummy will probably need to adjust to having more in it bit by bit. I just tried different things til I found some things she would eat. She seemed to regress a bit and preferred very smooth purees etc rather than the lumpier things she was having. Just try different things. My baby would eat the following : cold, plain, pasta shells, cow and gate apple & pear pur?e in the squeeze pouch (from the pouch only not the spoon!) a little bit of custard, and sometimes some squash and sweet potato pur?e. I also gave her milk before each nap and whenever she woke in the night. Even if she gulps down the milk maybe limit it to 3 or 4 oz per feed or whatever you think she can take without being sick. When my daughter was on the mend she started drinking full bottles again but then would sick it up whereas if i only gave her a little bit she could keep it down. I agree with the others that if you feel it is more than just being a bit weak from the lack of food and drink then go with your instinct and take her to A&E. I think you tend to know as their mother if it is serious or not. Good luck, really hope she is better soon and you get a bit of sleep and peace of mind x
  18. This is the thread where buggie explains the doses: http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?29,653327,653675#msg-653675
  19. Thanks all. She doesnt normally need medicine during the day when she is teething, so I don't usually mind giving her a bigger dose or a mixed dose (2.5ml of each) as a one off. But this is like no other teething! Think she may have 4 teeth coming through,constant dribbling, clingy, whingy, pulling on gums etc ALL day and night. I was just in sainsburys and was looking at the instructions for use on different brands of medicine. For a 1 year old, baby nurofen and sainsburys own brand say 5ml but calprofen says 2.5ml (all the same strength) and sainsburys own paracetamol says 5-10ml each dose, where calpol says 5ml. Those higher doses are more aligned with the dose she would need if I were basing it on weight. Might go with the lower doses during the day and higher at night. Have had 3 nights of crying/moaning on and off all night long, hoping it will pass soon or the teeth will break through!
  20. I remember reading on a thread here a while ago that in hospital they work out dosages of ibuprofen and paracetamol by weight which sounds very sensible to me. Think it was 0.4ml/kg for ibuprofen and 0.8ml/kg for paracetamol. I certainly don't want to risk giving my daughter too much medicine but she has been ill and teething badly for the past few weeks on and off and I find that if I go with the dosage on the box it just doesn't seem to help her at all. During the day the box dosage may be enough to take the edge off but at night it doesn't give her enough pain relief. I also heard somewhere that you shouldn't give ibuprofen more than 3 times in a 24 hour period and not for more than a few consecutive days. Interested to hear what others do. Incidentally I did try to question a gp about this but in short he didn't seem to know - he did not know what calculations the hospital use and he said 'follow the instructions on the box and if she needs more than give her more'?!!!!!!!
  21. Handpicked.co.uk also has nice ideas. Classic book set like Winnie the pooh or Beatrix potter, personalised wooden train set (each carriage is a letter of their name,from amazon), nice silver cutlery set, silver piggy bank from the little White company, personalised chair or toy of though might be a bit pricey.
  22. Rocca in dulwich village are amazing with kids and I imagine it would be fairly quiet early evening. They also have loads of highchairs and booster seats etc. Enjoy!
  23. Hi Lakey, We had exactly the same,introduced a bottle around 4.5 months but she would only take it from me (once she actually took it which was a challenge!). Once I had her taking a bottle regularly and she got more used to it she then did take it from other people. My husband just used to try it every now and again and eventually it worked. You will get there don't worry. I have to admit I was really interfering when he would give it to her (tilt the bottle more,lean her back etc etc!) so in the end he took her out for the day to his parents house and I went out and had a nice day and let him get on with it. She refused bottles all day and he just tried every hour or so eventually she caved and took a full bottle and things improved after that. The worst bit is throwing away expressed milk they don't drink but then I gradually mixed in formula and changed the ratios until she would take a bottle of formula. Good luck!
  24. Bt150 here too, it's great. The difference between the bT100 is I don't think that one has a temperature gauge on it. I love that you can adjust the volume and put it on mute but watch the lights. I have used it abroad where the pool was at the end of the garden and it still worked from quite some distance. You can get them on eBay but it's worth the money I think.
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