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Everything posted by Trish

  1. Does anyone know the best way to contact Clare Kedvers? Thanks
  2. It just takes on the look of strawberry milkshake!! But good to know I can still use it - it becomes so precious when I don't feel I'm providing him with enough as it is. Thanks for your advice - if things don't improve over the weekend then I'll seek some help - don't fancy going through Christmas like this.
  3. You poor thing - wish I could help! Good luck with the expressing.
  4. Hello ladies - sorry taken so long to respond to your kind questions. He's 4 weeks old, and putting on lots of weight in what's only been a short time - he was 9lb 4oz at the last weigh in and 7lb 1oz when born. He had a cold at 3 weeks so I got lazy with the latch - he was having so much trouble breathing if he was getting milk down him I let jim do whatever was necessary....and I think I'm paying the price now. But it's painful deep inside the breast on one side - I just think he can't get enough out quickly enough. He is feeding if I used a nipple shield but doesn't seem to get as much milk which may exacerbate the problem. He can even make me bleed through the shields. So I tried pumping but if blood goes into the milk do I need to discard it and resterilise the bottle? I know I'll get through the cracked nipple bit - I just need to grit my teeth and use lots of different positions! The other pain is something I haven't experienced before. Just wondered if others had. Thanks for that link Helen - I'll look at it in more detail. Have just spent the entire day waiting for a package which I've just found out won't be delivered so have to do it all over again on Monday! Grrrr! Have managed to feed baby boy though - I think it might be getting slighy easier. Lansinoh is helpful!
  5. Anyone else awake right now? It's freezing! Just got up to put heating on so it's warm and cosy for my daughter and her daddy when they wake up. So tired....bleeding, cracked nipples and just generally painful breasts from baby sucking so hard. Is that bit normal? Beginning to think seriously about introducing the odd bottle of formula every now and then if things don't get a little easier. I'm sure I'm not giving this poor little chap as much milk as he wants. But I'll persevere a bit longer and see if my milk supply picks up. Well today is the start of the arctic weather isn't it? Cabin fever may set in as so much harder to get out and about and get things done....but could make for a very beautiful Christmas!
  6. I have a 3 week old boy (and a 4yr old daughter) and am also getting cabin fever. Would love to meet up!
  7. Best of luck - hope all goes smoothly and they let you go home.
  8. DMC - I gave birth on Saturday and they have been absolutely amazing. This birth was an entirely different experience to the birth of my first child and it's all thanks to The Lanes midwives - they're amazing and we're so lucky to have this level of provision available (when it is - I know they have a waiting list).
  9. Jacob was born this morning at 4.34 weighing in at 7lb 1oz. Utterly gorgeous and chilled to the max so far!
  10. Congratulations and welcome to the world, Alice!
  11. What a beautiful picture sanity girl! I'm sure it's my hormones but it brought a tear to my eye. I can't wait for pregnancy to be over and have my baby with me now too. Just getting ready to go to a wedding where i'm sure everyone will look gorgeous and I'm enormous - everything I can fit into looks like a moo moo! I feel like a freak of nature at the moment -a small child actually asked his mummy why 'that lady's' tummy was so big 10 mins ago!
  12. This is a great thread - thanks for starting. Thanks especially to molly for your outline of the pros of having a 4 yr age gap. I too have a 4 yr old and I'm 32 weeks pregnant with number two. I'm really looking forward to spending one on one time with my baby while my big girl is at school. And as you say, the fact the eldest one is so independent now will undoubtedly be a huge help. I'd also agree with molly that you just can't plan these things and even if no. 1 appeared with no problems at all, don't assume no. 2 will necessarily do the same. It can be an emotional uphill struggle to get there.
  13. Fi, no parent has it easy all of the time, no matter what they say. It's the hardest job in the world and there's no right or wrong say to do it. What gets you through the tough times is finding out everyone else has an equally ridiculous story to tell about thei child's behaviour/their own parenting skills. As with most things in life, the ability to laugh at those situations in hindsight is invaluable....but so is exchanging advice and experiences with other mums.
  14. What time is it? I'd love to join you but have a scan and midwife appointment to work around that day.
  15. Hi supergolden! I'm right there with you at 6 months but working 5 days a week with about 3 hrs travel a day so it's killing me! Also have 4 yr old daughter at nursery. I think 3 months will go faster than you fear. It's only a few weeks and do you remember how tough those first 3 months were? You obviously got through those! I'm sure once you meet your baby the pregnancy will be a distant memory!
  16. Thanks so much for letting me know that Vicki. Do you have any idea who to contact about it and how you can put your child's name down for it? I had contacted the council, the school and gumboots but nobody has offered up much info so far. Thanks Trish
  17. In the chemist on Northcross Road they are currently on sale for ?15, reduced from ?35 I think. I thought it was such a bargain was tempted to buy one there and then but I'm only 18 weeks so felt it was tempting fate.
  18. supergolden - I've had mine since my (4 year old!) daughter was born and they've got much worse with this pregnancy. I am literally feeling your pain and in the same dilemma! Last time germolene suppositories were reasonably effective at reducing the discomfort for me. I have been avoiding them as don't like to take any medication during pregnancy but there comes a point.....! I don't think you'd be offered surgery while you're pregnant because things could change from the birth. I'm just dreading what they might be like after round 2!
  19. Can I blame it on baby brain?! I only know it as The Mag but thought I'd better attempt the full name in case other people weren't familiar. Ladywotlunches - good question and I've just checked and it's not open until midday so shall we change venue to Cafe Nero? It's open from 8.30am.
  20. So Sunday 11th July. How about 10.30am at The Magdala on Lordship Lane?
  21. Count me in - great for me that you are proposing a weekend as I work full time. Does that work ok for everybody else? I am due 12th Nov and also have a 4 yr old daughter. Would love to meet some other mums east Dulwich -am so looking forward to maternity leave!
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