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Everything posted by Gussy

  1. Right sorted, got some from the bakers on LL. 20p each, brilliant!
  2. 4 months is one of the biggest growth spurts - you know the one where everyone tells you to wean because you aren't producing enough milk for the baby!....
  3. Hi both thanks for your suggestions. SG - I agree the baking section is pretty amazing in Sainsburys - it gets me excited and I don't even 'bake'....the odd cupcake here and there is my limit. Emza - I'll take a look, I think I know the card shop you mean.
  4. Any ideas? I just want a plain white folding cake box (or pack of 10 or so for future use). I want to take a few cupcakes to family this weekend and wanted to make it a bit more special than an old tin. There's tons of places online I can order them from but my recent experience with royal mail would tell me they won't be here by thurs/fri and I don't want to risk it. Anyone know any shops locally? Thanks.
  5. Hi Renata, thanks for you reply. I (and probably many of us) had no idea that there was a rebuilding project planned. It does sound like this won't happen though (yes I feel fairly pessimistic in this current climate). If it doesn't get the go ahead, will alternatives be looked at? Is the building failing? I know its old, but is there a chance it can be maintained? How about volunteer run? It does seem to be a waste that it's not used for anything other than the 1oclock club. Have you thought of a fund raising event or perhaps even a small charge applied for it's use? I know I'd rather pay a small amount than have it closed down, for example. Anwyay, as you say there's plenty of time, but just wanted you to know that there's a lot of passionate people out there supporting the place and I would hate for a sudden 'from the top' decision to close it if the funding falls through.
  6. Ps re:raspberry leaf tea, as I understood it, it works to make contractions stronger/increase tone in uterus once labour has started (and helps it along) rather than induce labour. No harm in drinking it though....not sure how long you need to drink it for best effect.
  7. I had some reflexology after trying all the 'traditional' methods (excl. castor oil)...2 days later I had my little boy. The woman doing it actually caused me to have a contraction while she was pressing some point on my foot. Amazing as I was a complete sceptic. My little man was 10 days late and I fought tooth and nail against induction (but don't get me started on ESTIMATED delivery dates....). Good luck SB, maybe give the castor oil a miss x PS PM if you want her details - although I had to travel to Covent Garden to see her.
  8. We go most weeks and the kids enjoy it. Kimmy (teacher) is lovely and they always love the bubbles and parachute bit at the end. As Anna said though it can get very crowded. I think Mondays are generally for toddlers and babies and there's another class on a Thursday (?) for just babies, so you have the option of 2 classes.... PS Anna I think I saw you as I was trying to get in, I felt a bit sorry for you! Will say hi next time :)
  9. Yes I was there too about 4 to your right with little girl and crawling baby boy. I thought it was you because I knew who little Keef was from your post a while back about your mum taking her to tippeetoes. Btw, mini keef at one point was kissing my little girls hair - very sweet. She didn't even notice!
  10. Have to say I also thought about Marsden already having a similar thing going. However, I'm all for somewhere else!
  11. Anyone around Thurs afternoon? Thinking of heading to DKH open day thingy with my two. Yes they are under the normal age range for the adventure playground, but there's lots going on there so think I'll just go to take a look if anyone's at a loose end.
  12. It's a difficult one isn't it because we all have different age babies/toddlers with different needs. I made it to the Plough but tbh I think an outdoor place is better suited to my two. One is a very active toddler the other is cruising, so the pub, although very large, just isn't going to amuse them for long. I go to Goose Green A LOT and its great also 1oclock club. 1o clock club has outdoor and indoor area in case its really horrible outside, although I'm a firm believer in a bit of rain/cold/wind never did them any harm if they are wrapped up warm. Otherwise you'd never get out in the winter!! One thing about GG - might want to avoid going in the afternoon because loads of kids from St Johns/St Clems head there after school and it can get a bit hectic at times for very little ones. So anyone wanting to brave the elements give me a shout, I'm always out in the afternoons. x
  13. No email contact here yet... I'm glad it won't be closing that's great. I just hope it doesn't change too much and go down the route of providing timetabled activities that can be restrictive as with some children's centres. One of the joys of the club is that it's open every day and its a drop in from 1-4pm come rain or shine (no half terms, inset days, bank holidays etc etc). And it is for EVERYONE. I struggle as it is to 'get into' bookstarts, playgroups, music classes etc if I'm not there on the dot at say 10am, where you are often greeted with 'NO FULL'. I love that you can just pop in and out and bring food and meet friends and it's all very relaxed. So, I DO hope they consult us parents first for our input if the format is going to change.
  14. Hmm, sort of agree Emily, mine weren't entirely as I remember (husband agrees) and contained quite a few upsetting remarks and omissions, but on the whole I'm glad I got them, just to help put the past experience behind me before the birth of my second.
  15. Hi I followed the instructions as above until a point where my eldest wanted to walk a lot more and my youngest became a bit heavier and therefore when eldest got out of the top my youngest in the bottom would tip it up. Therefore, youngest now goes in the top, so eldest can pop in and out of the underneath with no risk of tipping. I think basically you just work out what works for you after a few trips, based on how much they walk, sit, sleep, weight of them both etc etc x
  16. I think from memory they are not allowed to charge more than a maximum of 50 quid, which I agree helsbells is outrageous.
  17. I was in Warwick gardens this afternoon and saw a goods train heading in towards Peckham Rye station. I know this line isn't the one nearest to Copleston, but is still near enough to Choumert/Chadwick and surrounding roads. Didn't notice if it made a noise though!
  18. Yep contact PALS. I got mine from a different hospital (UCL) and it cost me ?35. They charge for each piece of paper they have to photocopy. Grrrr.
  19. Hi Ruth, from memory I went through this phase with my now 2 year old. I never quite worked out what it was - I was pregnant too, so maybe it was that (?) - they say they can sense these things, and I think some teeth eventually showed up but it wasn't obvious for some time. Or, controversially, it could be recent jabs? My little one was knocked out of sorts for about a month after hers - could have been complete coincidence of course.....So in good news, it is a phase that will pass, annoying I know as it doesn't help. All I'd say is be consistent as I'm sure you know. My two now won't co-sleep - they think its party time as soon as I bring them into bed. My toddler started hitting me on the head a few weeks ago when I started falling asleep after bringing her in with me because I thought she was ill. NOT AGAIN!
  20. Done. Will do all I can to help as this place is a life saver and its too far for us to go to any other 1 o clock clubs.
  21. I am convinced that the less sleep they have the earlier they wake up - well with my two that's the case anyway. My first went to bed at 6pm until a year old and slept until 7pm, but if I put her down later for bed she woke earlier. My second also goes to bed a 6pm and sleeps until 6pm, but if I put him down at 10mins past 6pm or he doesn't nap well then he can wake from 5am. I agree with the poster who said veering from overtired to too much sleep is a really fine line. This would also fit with that tricky time of when they start to drop the morning nap....It can drive you mad thinking/observing it all and in the end you just have to get on with it until they grow out of it I guess.
  22. Hi Fuschia, my little girl is ill as we speak, so no change on the constant illness front! We were scheduled for a blood test at Kings today just to check everything is ok but we didn't make it....still not sure I can put her through it (even though I'm sure they are gentle). Her confidence in drs has been shaken recently when one tried to put a nebuliser mask on her with a bit too much gusto and she lost the plot! (she's a very sensitive soul).
  23. If you mean the one at the church it was on a couple of weeks ago and assume its still going!
  24. Sorry to highjack but can anything be done to make peckham pulse clean up their act? I was there a few weeks ago when a small boy vomited into the balls and they had no idea what to do. They didn't even close the area and kids were skidding through the sick. Not nice. I was going to write a letter of complaint but haven't got around to it yet. I've just not been back since, but it's a shame as its our closest softplay.
  25. hmm, not sure where this is but now I'm curious as I often cross the bridge on Avondale.....I've just google mapped it and it looks like there is a crossing from the end of Ivanhoe rd through to Copleston - is that where you mean genwilliams or does it bring you out further down on Choumert? Fascinating I'll have to investigate.
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