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Everything posted by mynamehere

  1. A list is a good idea. There must be space constraints and clear necessities.
  2. Accolades to Peckham Vision !!! Standing Ovation
  3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_pseudoplatanus I am plagued by my neighbour's sycamore. I love trees. But I now say clearly that a sycamore in a residential garden is a plague upon the neighbours. I spend a large part of my gardening time pulling seedlings. Every year I find sycamore saplings I missed. All the gardens I can see are full of sycamore saplings from the one mother tree. Tell me you love a huge sycamore next door
  4. heart felt condolences and thank you for being one of the best councillors anywhere
  5. "very influential" what does that mean rch and first mate? As opposed to people killing the planet in heavily subsidised motor vehicles who control all the countries in the world with their industrial demands? Do either of you cycle btw? If not why are you weighing in
  6. No one. Not one family should be driving a child to the Goodrich School. Full Stop. Take the time to smell the flowers and the air. Walk your child to school.
  7. Why are parking spaces free to cars? What about multiple car families? Just asking. The hanger spaces are not free, they are rented on an application basis.
  8. Peckham high street mall near Argos across from the arcade entrance to Morrison's. ?5 installed
  9. I've used System Solutions for more than 10 years http://www.system-solutions.co.uk
  10. This is an area with dreadful law and still developing public sympathy for the safety of all road and pavement users. Your 6 year old should be on the pavement and I for one welcome him. http://www.cyclelaw.co.uk/child-cyclists In all things cycling The Netherlands should inform us http://www.holland-cycling.com/tips-and-info/cycling-with-children https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=children+on+bikes+holland&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi96a72v63UAhUpBsAKHbJXCYoQsAQIhQE&biw=1842&bih=1271 Thanks for making your child a cyclist The driving public refers to their payment of "road tax" as giving them preference and in fact ownership of the roads. In fact what is paid is Vehicle Tax based on car pollution.
  11. http://www.dawsonshill.org.uk http://www.martindknight.co.uk/7.html http://www.martindknight.co.uk/MKsResearch.html https://www.pinterest.com/pin/535858055642960181/
  12. Install windows that open. Problem solved at least 90% of the time. James Barber: Why do they REFUSE to install windows that open to vent the hot sweaty air? And pleeeease don't say noise/ neighbours/ listed. Windows that open = a few thousand pounds. The buildings has had this ventilation problem since it was "upgraded"
  13. VIGIL FOR BILAL KARGBO TRAGICALLY KILLED IN PECKHAM KNIFE CRIME ATTACK ON 28th APRIL 2017 The Vigil for Bilal Kargbo the young person who was tragically killed on Friday 28th 2017 will be held: Date: FRIDAY 5TH MAY 2017 Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm Venue: The Peace Garden - Walworth Methodist Church, 54 Camberwell Road London SE5 0EN
  14. VIGIL FOR BILAL KARGBO TRAGICALLY KILLED IN PECKHAM KNIFE CRIME ATTACK ON 28th APRIL 2017 The Vigil for Bilal Kargbo the young person who was tragically killed on Friday 28th 2017 will be held: Date: FRIDAY 5TH MAY 2017 Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm Venue: The Peace Garden - Walworth Methodist Church, 54 Camberwell Road London SE5 0EN
  15. I've also done the survey and passed it on. Thanks!
  16. Ingrid's huge impact on shaping the street art scene will be her memorial. And what a memorial it is.
  17. I went to dinner in one of the new high buildings from which I saw a sea of concrete to the horizon 360degrees. The arguments here in favour of business as usual for a veolia recycling lot of dead earth to dig in and out dead bodies often encased in heavy wood and metal. Wow what a bunch of flat earthers a minority of you are. This is my opinion to which like you I am entitled. How nice or not nice Lewis is is not what the conversation is about. 20 / 20 hindsight proving me or possibly you right will arrive. See you here in 20 possibly far fewer years.
  18. I have just used John for a heavy and also delicate removal of limestone floor tiles that I wanted intact for their next incarnation. I completely agree with this reference for John. He's great on time and courteous. > He is definitely the best remover we have worked > with, by a long shot. John - JTayRubbish.co.uk. > 07904 038 332 TheDulwichGardenCo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would like to highly recommend John and his > waster removal service. > > He has helped us on several garden projects now, > and has always been efficient and cost effective. > He has turned up when he has said (sometimes > early!), helped us load the waste, removed without > mess, and is generally lovely to deal with. > > He is definitely the best remover we have worked > with, by a long shot. John - JTayRubbish.co.uk. > 07904 038 332
  19. All of your opinions are fine. 10 of you? 15 to be hugely generous want a traditional (even the word traditional doesn't really cover much time) cemetery at the end of your road. But please do not think you speak for a majority who are perfectly open to a conversation old fashioned politicians who run mostly everything cannot imagine having. We elect people to "think" for us and when they cannot we have a broken political model and that is clear around the world. So, oddlycurious I do not agree with your back of the envelope. I'd say it's not even a "Brexit" closeness. I think vastly more people get climate change and green space and a densely treed area for remembering and also for a variety of uses from botany to schools and mental health. The funeral services would not suffer a pound of lost revenue and the profit would go on and on literally.
  20. I recognise that it is very hard to stay balanced and informed on line and in fact everywhere people air grievances and opinions. Your conversation has nothing whatsoever to do with push bikes and the long over due infrastructure to support a growing population of all ages and sizes and types. Bike lock ups are forever and are no different than parking spaces. Cyclists should not be always piggy in the middle to the chattering classes
  21. It sounds like (I spoke at length to the police who where at the property for a good hour) the doors were just kicked in which means to me there wasn't a yale lock or the doors were made of cardboard
  22. There was a forced entry through the shared front door to the 2 separate house doors. The resident of one house was alerted by the noise and the burglar ran. Police called took details. LOCK with dead bolts all windows and doors on street level. At least. It's opportunistic: if your door or window is easily forced.... think about upgrading / finding a remedy
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