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Dee Woffaz

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Posts posted by Dee Woffaz

  1. In my considerable experience men are looking for a nice little arm trinket who is frightened of spiders, cant wire a plug & certainly cant drive a car with any kind of conviction. They want someone who they consider them to be a hero someone they cant function without, it inflates their egos and to be honest? makes them feel like a man. When they have got one of these pathetic little creatures they don?t want them because in all honestly who would want a trembling little creature clinging to you for ever. They then go off and have affairs with girls who excite them totally opposite of what they married, but will never leave because they feel sorry for them.

    Take this from a very able and capable action woman who clearly frightens men to death. I am in no shape or form a man hater, I like them very much and am in the market for a little arm trinket myself. Doesn?t need to be very bright, as long as they look cute, don?t need skills unless in the bedroom or kitchen & don?t want to be running off to mother every two minutes.

    In short, look and act a bit helpless someone?s ego will suck you up. ;-)

  2. Since the weekend my phone line has been doing very odd things indeed. On calling out the the line is very crackly and recorded message lady says that "This number has not been recognised, please check and redial". Behind her recorded message i can hear the ring tone and the person im calling talking to me. I can have a conversation but with 'madam' in the background telling me i had diled incorrectly throughout the call. All very odd, i am in the 'Horniman Triangle black hole' so i need my land line. Anyone else had this experiance?
  3. Now if thats the way to do it, im a respectable middle aged woman, own hair, teeth, house, car, bike, solvent, employed, no hang ups, dependents, skeletons or bitten off arms in the closet. Now if that doesnt get your heart racing guys.... Two of us here!!!:))
  4. Give him a break there are lots of reasons he could have transposed digits there is a possibility he is dyscalculia. I am and even though I can tell you my mobile number I could have easily written it down wrong?. But then id never know. Interesting that we haven?t heard anything from Ben recently, does he really want our help?
  5. Anyone know what was going on on the junction of Dulwich Common Road and i think College Road this morning? I was passing on the bus on the way to the station at 0730 and saw a police man trying to drag a blond haired woman through a gap in the fence and about 3 riot vans a a couple more police cars parked round the corner.

    Such goings on in Stepford, oh sorry West Dulwich, scandal!

  6. Maybe we could have a Captain John Hawkins doll that could be hung or mutilated as required. Unfortunately slavery is not a thing of the past, the cigarette industry, GAP, Abercrombie & Fitch, Nike. In fact most sports wear manutacturers and anywhere that sells very cheap clothing. It is now re branded as Sweat Shop labour, however it is fundamentally the same. These people will never be clebrated in history, albeit with shame of the past. This their way of life its what they have to do to survive. Who knows if the 'Gollys' come from the Asian continent they may well have been made by the afore mentioned just to put food in their mouths...
  7. Im having mobile boradband issues!(6) So far i have a 3 dongle a Vodaphone Dongle and now an o2 dongle, i do know i live in a mobile blackspot but i can even load the latter 2!!! Does anyone know or is anyone a bit of a computer wizz, geek, nerd, in the nicest possible way, with respect etc. Please, im willing to pay i just work long hours and am unable to get my laptop to anywhere during the week during business hours.
  8. Just a thought. I have read with interest about motorbikes & scooters being stolen, being a biker myself a subject close to my heart. I was walking home from WD station on Thursday evening and noticed sitting in the traffic a white flat bed type truck with 3 scooters and a motorbike sitting on the back. I instantly thought of the posts and that of bycicles being stolen also. The truck was very clean however the VRN (number plate) was obscured by dirt & totally unreadable. This may well be a case of bikes & scooters being repaired or transported but there was no sign writing on the truck...
  9. Does anyone know of, or is anyone involved in motorbike meets and rideouts? Im relatively new to the area and as the summer is round the corner id like to stretch out my leathers and dust off my bike. Before I?m met with a host of NIMBY?s envisaging chapters of unwashed bearded extras from the Mad Max movies raising hell on a rape and pillage spree; I?m looking for sports bikers preferably looking for a ride out, ideally after the omnibus edition of the Archers on a Sunday.:))
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