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bald marauder

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Everything posted by bald marauder

  1. Batdog, I assume your comment is based on passing observation rather thsn active participation - I'm not sure I can imagine a batdog running?!
  2. Yo Batdog! Whilst being a big fan of ED and Lordship Lane, I am a very proud resident of SE15, and I agree with James that Peckham Rye Park plays a fantastic role in confounding people's expectations of Peckham. ED Kiwi, you normally seem quite sensible, but I have to say that anyone who seriously wants to rename PRP is a shallow tosser!
  3. Mrs M and I honeymooned in Mongolia 5 years ago - no one from ED there (at that time) - anyone else been? (I've also never met anyone from East Dulwich in Japan, China, Venezuela, Mexico, Guatemala, Vietnam, Malaysia, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India or anywhere else I've been.) This year, with only a trip to Scotland for a wedding planned so far, and possibly a trip to Somerset, we may be more lucky...
  4. Mockney, I'm with you 100%, but I get conceptually stuck when I start to think about the implications. If we buy and consume less things (sounds like a good thing right?) then how does the government still raise enough money through taxation to pay for our public infrastructure? VAT must be one of the government's key revenue streams, no? And if we stop spending as much money, comnpanies will make less money, which means they will make people redundant, who we will actually need more money (not less!) to ssupport via state benefits. So, the risk is, if we drastically alter spending, we enter a downward economic and social spiral of epic proportions. As far as I know, no-one has invented a viable alternative to capitalism that will maintain standards of public services - even puttting aside individual comfort and prosperity. I am not meaning to sound cynical, I'm genuinely interested in the alternatives, just not aware of them at the moment. Can anyone enlighten me?
  5. Agreed Mark, not many people (certainly not me) can afford to pay those kind of premiums (no matter how much better it makes us feel. I reckon that Philips (who seem to have been pushing the green angle from the very top of the business for some time now) must be about to deliver eco-lighting that works and is affordable. Question is how long it will take them to do it. I am enjoying this debate (especially given that I work in a 'green' company) and I must say I am pleasantly surprised by how knowledgeable and passionate many EDF'ers are about the issues. If anyone fanices livening up the comment section of our online eco-magazine, it would be great to get some input from you guys - we really want to get a lively debate going there too (and feel free to send it to anyone not living in ED that you think would be interested too). http://www.betterthinking.co.uk/magazine Thanks! BM
  6. A fair and valid point geh. Who do you think should bear the cost of the 'positive fiscal encouragement'? Surely the only valid option is government funding, which would have top be paid for by taxes raised on the 'polluter pays' principle. But if the goods are made in china by chinese contractors (plus other components from elsewhere) then the government would have to tax the whole supply chain, possibly as an additional import tax. This would seem complicated and costly to administer. But I can;t see how/why retailers or manufacturers would underwrite the cost of incentives themselves either. Thoughts?
  7. "We are...the cyclists"! Brilliant! Thanks CrystalClear :)
  8. Well I've heard of a jazz mag (though no idea of the etymology) but never heard of a jizz mag - did you make that up?!
  9. DM, you really must calm yourself, or smelling salts will be called for!
  10. Hmm, what do you think of the 'new' (I'm sure they tried it last spring too) Prada socks with sandals look? I'm not sure if that one can be carried off in ED...
  11. DM, I wouldn't admit this to everyone (especially since I boycotted Starbucks - and all other US of A products - after Bush got re-elected) but I have to agree with you. When Baby M was little (hell, she's still only 5 months now!) knowing that Starbucks was there at the end of a shop if we needed it made a huge difference to the feasability of going out to a supermarket in the first place. And I have to agree with you again too, that whatever monstrosity Sainsbury's replace it with won't be a patch on Starbucks. Not that I'm a big fan, as you know I prefer Nero, and hanker after a Monmouth Coffee in ED - though I would also like to see what the East Dulwich Deli people would do with a sit-down cafe as well...
  12. Hey Huguenot, I didn't realise that you were so empassioned and enlightened about environmental issues - it's inspiring to see - I'm not taking the piss, I really mean it. I work at an ethical consultancy - we try to make a difference by helping companies to a) operate more sustainably, b) involve their customers and employees, and c) strengthen their competitive position through their positive actions. It's very frustrating to see that while there are a few companies out there who 'get it', most of them do not. Or if they do, it's only at a surface level, ie in terms of creating a new ad campaign to make them look good, while most of what they do carries on as normal. Companies will only really change if they can see that there is consumer demand and consequently profit in it for them. And until companies start to make it easier to shop and live responsibly and intelligently, most people will (like geh) just trundle along doing whatever is easiest and most comfortable for them. We need to make it cool to be ethical, not in a 'hippy' way, but in a mainstream way. Buying and behaving unethically must become as unacceptable as drink driving, if any long term, widespread changes are to be realised. We need people like you and DM and Mockey pushing the agenda at home and at work - so I hope you guys are all in positions of influence - I fear it's going to take a lot to win geh over!!
  13. I agree with everyone - the alternative products need to get better (eg cars, lightbulbls, etc) - and we need more fundamental behaviour change too. One of the things that really bugs me though, is that some devices really are not pracctical to turn off at the wall every night - ie devices that store digital security passwords (for connection to a wi-fi network) for example. Were it not for this issue, I believe there is an amazing product which allows you to turn off ALL your devices on standby at the touch of one button. Not sure what it's called or where you get it, but I know it's out there! As for the password issue, it's really up to manufacturers to get this sorted, maybe I'm lazy but I really don;t want to input a 16 digit password, which clearly I'm not going to be able to do from memory, every time I boot up certain devices. Maybe there should be some legislation to outlaw the manufacture of such devices in the future?
  14. Dear DM, Of course you may call me Bald, after all, I am! I have edited the post so the link should be working now. I think the milk bottles are a great initiave too, as are the Ecover refilling stations - it's a pity there isn't one in ED - does anyone know where the nearest one is? Mrs M and I try to compensate for having a dishwasher by a) buying the most ecological model (has super sensors to tell how dirty things are and only uses 10 litres per wash) and b) using Ecover dishwasher products. I have to say, with baby M creating more washing up, I'm not sure I could give it up now! As for Cornwall, I don't think one has to give up everything at once (ie ALL air traval), just consistently integrating the principles as best one can - and making solid progress - is a very good start. Sounds like your husband is very committed anyway - he must be almost doing enough for the pair of you!
  15. C'mon, it's a miracle that Keith Riohards is still ALIVE! After what he's put his body through, I don't think he's in bad shape at all. Compare and contrast with Elvis' final days... BTW, did you know that apparently Keith Richards changes his blood every year - kind of like a car getting an oil change. Spooky, no? And one more on the subject of raddled, I think Iggy Pop has weathered exceptionally well - I'm sure there are some women who wouldn't mind him jumping out from a dark alley (admittedly more likely in Camden than ED though)!
  16. If you're interested in making a positive difference to our world through your shopping and domestic behaviour, there's a new online magazine which features some interesting things that progresive companies are doing. http://www.betterthinking.co.uk/magazine DM and spymum, I think that Daylesford Organic will appeal to you (unless you're already loyal customers - East Dulwich Deli used to stock their cheddar cheese). Also, there are some interesting tips in the final article 'What we can all do' that put recycling plastic bags into perspective...
  17. Wow! Is that true? I love them even more!!
  18. El M, who is craig bellamy?! H, I know because some friends of mine had a dalmatian (also they are the only dogs that genuinely smile at humans - most people think they are snarling when they do this, but actually it's a smile).* *I also know so much about dogs because I used to work at Dog World magazine when I was younger.
  19. Haven't seen the poodle, but love Weimaraners (ie Clarence). Would be nice to see a rhodesian ridgeback in ED, and maybe even a great dane. (BTW did you know that Dalmatians are the only dogs that, given the opportunity, would actually eat themselves to death?)
  20. Well done Mark, safely back on topic (and special thanks to mamafeelgood for trying to keep the spirit of the thread alive!) I have heard a rumour that there is a good reason why the men in the cheeese shop are sometimes less than friendly. I overheard some men in dark suits in a local pub saying that the cheese shop is actually a cover for an alien invasion. The owners are in fact, David Icke style lizards, part of the deadly power-sharing elite that run and exploit our planet. They only smile at people they want to RECRUIT to their corrupt and dastardly scheme. So if they don't smile at you, be grateful and move on quickly. Having said all that, I don't believe it for a minute, although it could be why their cheese is so damn tasty (especially the delice de bourgogne - perhaps it's got secret lizard flavouring in it...)
  21. Haha! Well, on the strength of those examples, it doesn't sound like an entirely bad thing! ;)
  22. Haha! (lol) I think the calvo reference is to my own nickname, Polly. I can't imagine El Mockney being a stalker!
  23. Ooh, that's more like it, scandal! Mark, does your news share the same source as Ant's (ie not 100% trufax*)? *Nice reference Ant!
  24. ...more interesting than smashed cars, old pubs, bedsits and ghosts. Does anyone know what is happening with the refurb of the leisure centre, for example? Or if there is any more news about any of the shops on Lordship Lane? Maybe someone can make something up - I need a little frisson in my local gossip this morning! I'm going for a run round Peckham Rye Park to try and burn off some marauding energy - I shall check to see what you inventive souls have come up with when I get back... BM
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