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Everything posted by prdarling

  1. busymum ifyou look on the admissions page on the Education part of Southwark website it will give you all of the admissions criteria for each school. Am useless at links sorry!
  2. Ryedalema - a friend of mine in Cornflower Terrace got in to Goodrich which must be more or less where you are??
  3. Pickle - the admin team at Southwark will be able tio tell you exactly 020 7525 5337
  4. Clare you can phone Southwark admissions and they will tell you. I don't know re no. of siblings at Heber but apparently the furthest distance offered was 470m
  5. Alieh yes that sounds about right. It's very complicated and very frustrating. The stats this year are even worse...52/90 places at Goodrich have gone to siblings, plus probably a couple of places to children with exceptional needs etc so probably only 35 places which is why the 'catchment' area this year has shruck ENORMOUSLY. Last year the furthest distance offered was 683m this year it is 440m. We live 465m and thought based on last year's stats we'd be OK How wrong we were. I have applied to 6 schools across 2 boroughs and got nothing
  6. snowboarder - my friend lives in the Brackenbury area of Hammersmith, is 200m from her school and has not got a place. Not wishing to be alarmist but it's definitely something to bear in mind intexas - you have depressed me further! It's just so frustrating when my next-door-but-one neighbour (going away from Goodrich) got a place in the school last year, as did her friend who lives on Dovedale Rd over the other side of Forest Hill Rd. We have the added difficulty of being further away from Goodrich than Dawson's Heights, in which there must be dozens of children all basically qualifying for a place from the same address. I know there is nothing we can do about it but it doesn't make it any less frustrating. Tor, Toast et al I spoke to Southwark this nmorning who said that I will receive a call between now and Friday with details of where we are on the waiting lists. Tor you're going to be at leat 1 place above me!!
  7. OK OK fine. I accept that if you live on LL (prob near the library?) you have a fighting chance of a place. Great stuff. Many of us here barry are around Forest Hill Road near-ish the Herne Tavern. Zero chance of the Village. Yes possibly an outside chance of Fairlawn. We've all applied there and we'd all dearly love to get a place. However as many have pointed out, it's not really about getting in an 'outstanding' school it's about getting in a school that's a short walk away rather than one which is not Goodrich is only 'satisfactory' on paper...it's clear that it's not being snubbed for its OFSTED status
  8. barry we all know the bloody Village school is outstanding but massively oversubscribed, but we all know you can't get in unless you live metres away from its front door in DV, which none of us does. We all know that Fairlawn is outstanding and MASSIVELY oversubscribed. Many of us on the ED/HO borders have applied and are on the waiting list and indeed have been banging on about it for the entire thread. I simply don't get the pooint you are making....do you think this is new information????
  9. misticnutmeg I find your posts very unpleasant and antagonistic. How dare you say that I am never happy unless I am stressed...what an idiotic comment when you haven't a clue who i am. Terribly sorry if you think that not getting into my 6 closest schools across 2 boroughs is not alarming and I should just get over it. I have seen some of your previous posts and many of your comments and snide, sarcastic and downright rude. Your comment above to Toast about showing respect is ludicrous in light of your comments to other people on previous threads I have seen. You are making an unpleasant situation worse and you seem to delight in annoyoying/upsetting people. Please just don't bother
  10. Oh barrybrains I'm not being funny but get with the programme
  11. No idea buggie - could sit here all bloody day and speculate. Very possibly yes. Just feeling drained with the whole thing to be honest. Frustrated that I've been worried about it since January and I could very well still be worrying about it come September. Exhausting
  12. mrs.lotte Am understanding that you are walking distance to GG -am curious to know where you live and where was your first choice last year and why?? Glad you and your child are happy at GG though! I just want to go to the school which is walking distance for us :(
  13. Buggie Normally about a third of places are taken up by siblings - this year it's well over half. It must surely be down to last year's bulge class??
  14. Tor my husband is on about us moving in with his parents until we can sell the house - God can you imagine!
  15. tallgirl not meaning to say that siblings shouldn't get a place - far from it as I would fully excpect my 2nd child to go where my 1st one does. I'm just lamenting the fact that last year's bulge class at Goodrich has this year created more problems than it solved I TOTALLY agree with Cora and others re the letters - Lewisham are so much more organised. I didn't get a place at any of my choices but it was clear and plain why that was and what I had to do next. Peter John please take note..
  16. Coach Beth the bulge class siblings have meant that in Goodrich there are 52/90 places given to siblings for 2010/11. This is absurd. If everyone just went to their closest school as happened when i was growing up, there would be none of this bullshit. Am I missing the point?
  17. Peter the thing is that most parents will really only want their first or second choice, so even if they were offered something further down the list, there is no way anything will really be sorted out quickly as everyone will go on a waiting list to try to get what they really want. Believe me there will be many, many more than 175 children who are not in a school they want!
  18. Used to be safest walking distance but is now as the crow flies
  19. I realise I am driving myself mad here but Southwark just told me that the furthest distance offered for Heber was 470m. Friends of mine live around 800m away and they have received a place (not a sibling or SEN place). How can this be?? My brain is frazzled but this just doesn't add up. I have zero faith in the LEA and stuff like this just makes it more frustrating
  20. Have just spoken to Southwark who are really way behind Lewisham in terms of organisiation/communication. The lady I spoke to didn't even know their email address which is the one I am supposed to use to put my name on the waiting lists. It was a bit embarrassing having her reel off the website address 3 times in a row when i asked for the email address as though she thought she was genuinely giving me a new address each time. Desperately worrying. Anyway I have found out that the furthest distance offered from Goodrich was 440m and Heber 470m and Goodrich had 52 sibling places (52/90). Not sure about Heber sibling places as couldn't bear to wait yet again while the lady on the other end of the phone asked her colleague yet another question she couldn't answer directly. We are 465m from Goodrich (according to their measurement) so who knows where that will put us on the waiting list Be interested to know if anyone else has any more info
  21. Fuschia Not really any other schools on the way from Ryedale to LL. Am waiting for 9am for the LA to open. Incredibly frustrated that they released the info at 5pm last night when there was no-one there...maybe they thought we'd have calmed down overnight - ha! Will Southwark not supply all of that info automatically? On my Lewisham rejection letters I was given distance from my door to the school and distance of the last place offered. My son will be 5 next March, so would be due to start in January 2011. Are you saying that legally he doesn't need to start until after Easter or in the September when he is 5.5? I just worry that he'd be terribly behind if it came to that. Anyway, let's see what Southwark say at 9am - not much until after 21 May I wouldn't have thought :(
  22. James Barber Despite my bitching and moaning on previous threads about releasing the school admission results in line with the rest of London, I am actually grateful that you didn't release until yesterday as I would have just had an extra week of tears, not sleeping and being desperate with worry after finding out my child didn't get a place at the school 400m from his home but did in fact get a place several miles away, in the opposite direction from his brother's nursery which is going to be physically impossible for me to get to unless I leave my job or take my son out of nursery - neither of which are options. Only 1 night's lost sleep so far rather than 10...jolly good stuff
  23. My problem is I need to walk my 2.5 yar old to Buds on the south circular, then jump on a bus down to ED station to go to work in Battersea. I can only feasibly do this if I am walking past Goodrich as it's directly on the way (or Heber at a push). It is physically impossible for me to get to both schools. Do I take my baby out of Buds where he is happy? - No because where the hell else do i get a nursery place at short notice? Do I get a nanny? - No can't afford it Do I quit my job? - No can't afford it Now I really really don't see a solution to this. I feel sick with worry
  24. I find it farking ridiculous that if you mention the word British you are automatically accused of something sinister. For God's sake we are all just concerned about having to traipse our little 4 year olds (and in many cases younger siblings)half way across Southwark rather than walking 5 mins up the road. It's not difficult to comprehend surely Barry?
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