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Everything posted by prdarling

  1. He must have missed my question (6)
  2. Dan my understanding is that it's the term after they turn 3 so in your case yes, however they may not get in that intake in which case he may be offered a place in the Sept intake. My son is a March baby. We didn't get into the Sept intake but got offered a place in the following January
  3. Oh and if you want her to go to school nursery, you also need to get her name down - you apply directly to the school concerned for this
  4. Ludo Yes your deadline will be end Jan 2012. I think the person you have soken to may be confused with going privae, in which case it's common to ge names down ASAP
  5. Both my boy went into a proper single bed at 2. They have a Malm bed from IKEA. It's low to the ground, so no worries about falling out and it's fairly wide. We did have a cot bed but at 2 they were both that when I took the sides off they just looked really cramped. I made the decision to get them straight into a bed as I would have had to do it sooner or later anyway I found that the both fell out a couple of times the first week and then never again
  6. Fliss it's really out of order that Southwark results haven't been released. I have messaged James Barber on his page but am sure I'll get no joy. They are utterly useless. I'm afraid I don't know the situation for sure but I did think you could be offered something from both boroughs...can anyone clarify this please???? As far as I know, the reasoning behind the nursery class situation is that many people who would be at the front of the nursery queue based on distance citerion etc, may not take up a place because they ned more than 2.5h nursery provision a day. However they still need a school place and are entitled to that place based on the normal citeria. Does that make sense?? What I mean is that if I worked full time and my son couldn't take up a nursery place because of short hours, it wouldn't be fair to lose my school place because it's filled by someone who may be further down the list than me, but who doesn't need full time nursery care. Stop me if that sounds double dutch!
  7. Have moved to main room, thanks for pointing this out. Not a big poster so am a bit clueless re locations. Smiler I have seen the thread - my point is that in that thread one of his excuses was the organisation of bulge classes in Southwark which is not happening in Lewisham. I just wanted to point out that indeed it is, so his excuse portfolio is dwindling. I just want someone to do something rather than making bloody ridiculous excuses, it's just not good enough. Anyway, thread moved Cheers
  8. "Lewisham will be sending their letters out 20 April but they don't appear to be trying to create normal extra reception classes 'bulge classes'. The most important thing Southwark will be doing is ensuring we have all reception kids in reception classes. Having bulge classes and the distraction or purdah and supporting elections means a five working day delay is required"[/b] Mr Barber I recall one of your excuses for Southwark not being able to release the school application results along with the rest of London on time, in April, was as above, that you are busy creating bulge classes while Lewisham is not (I quote above). This is absolutely untrue as Fairlawn School has a bulge class for September. Fairlawn is in Lewisham. I rest my case. So basically supporting elections seems to be your only excuse..do you think that you are the only London borough supporting the elections? This is a ludicrous argument. It seems to me that Southwark is the only London borough incapable of sorting out the school applications and campaigning at the same time, in which case we residents of the borough have much to worry about under a Lib Dem authority. By not releasing the results,you are creating needless chaos because residents on the Southwark/Lewisham borders who have to accept their Lewisham place by 5th May will have to accept and then possibly reject places once 10th May finally rolls around. This is clearly making a bad situation much worse and is very disrespectful to the other boroughs involved. Mr Barber, I urge you to release the school applications as soon as possible.
  9. "Lewisham will be sending their letters out 20 April but they don't appear to be trying to create normal extra reception classes 'bulge classes'. The most important thing Southwark will be doing is ensuring we have all reception kids in reception classes. Having bulge classes and the distraction or purdah and supporting elections means a five working day delay is required"[/b] Mr Barber I recall one of your excuses for Southwark not being able to release the school application results along with the rest of London on time, in April, was as above, that you are busy creating bulge classes while Lewisham is not (I quote above). This is absolutely untrue as Fairlawn School has a bulge class for September. Fairlawn is in Lewisham. I rest my case. So basically supporting elections seems to be your only excuse..do you think that you are the only London borough supporting the elections? This is a ludicrous argument. It seems to me that Southwark is the only London borough incapable of sorting out the school applications and campaigning at the same time, in which case we residents of the borough have much to worry about under a Lib Dem authority. By not releasing the results,you are creating needless chaos because residents on the Southwark/Lewisham borders who have to accept their Lewisham place by 5th May will have to accept and then possibly reject places once 10th May finally rolls around. This is clearly making a bad situation much worse and is very disrespectful to the other boroughs involved. Mr Barber, I urge you to release the school applications as soon as possible.
  10. True true true. I'm just being giddy and anxious!
  11. Have you seen the numbers though - it's mental 340 applications for 90 places at Fairlawn but that's with 30 additional places (a bulge class??) so it would have been 340 for 60 places. Meanwhile I can't park in my road at 3pm for parents coming to pick their children up from school as they live so bloody far away It can't continue like this
  12. Crikey lucky you if you're going to get an offer from both anyway. I am on borders and have not got into anything in Lewisham so am banking on Southwark Must be nice to have the luxury of choice...you are a minority around here
  13. For a child starting school in either Sept 2010 or Jan 2011 (any child born 01/09/05 - 31/08/06) you had to apply by end of January 2010 I guess for a child starting in Sept 2011 or Jan 2012 (any child born 01/09/06 - 31/08/07) you will need to apply by Jan 2011 Does that make sense??!
  14. Hi Toast We didn't get in but we live in Ryedale so I wasn't very hopeful. I may give the waiting list a go as we are 817m from Fairlawn and the furthest distance they have offered to date is almost 784m. It's a miserable affair. Am so hopping mad that Southwark are holding back until after the elections due no doubt to their monumental f*** ups last year. I just want to know where my son is going...
  15. It depends if you need full time nursery care or scchool hour/term time only care. For the former you need to be looking at something like Nelly's or Gumboots or Mother Goose etc but the waiting lists can be beyond horrendous (2 years for Nelly's for example). As far as term time care goes then Buds is great - I have two sons there, both of whom started just after they turned two. They absolutely love it, staff are very friendly, really nice bunch of children, and there is a big outdoor space which backs onto a cricket field so you really get a sense of fresh air (obviously an illusion in London but welcome all the same!)
  16. Always wanted 3 - ideally BGG or BBG. Currently got BB. Mr Darling says he wants another but we can't afford me not to work. However am of advancing years so in my opinion we need to crack on with it. Mr Darling and I not friends at the moment over above issue..hmm
  17. DS1 is Bobo, Belicious or Belishbox DS2 is Mondy, Mondini, Mondelish or the Mannion none of these bear any relation to their real names (DS1's name starts with S and DS2 with W) My nieces are Sophia and Orla and I call them Dizzle or Dizbox and the McTaggart WTF!!!
  18. Wondered if anyone could give me some inspiration re what to do over Easter, especially if the weather is crap. I have two boy aged 4 and 2 and a half. Am happy to go further afield than ED! All suggestions welcomed with gratitude x
  19. Fuschia are you aware that Mr T is one of the star attractions at this year's Camp Bestival???
  20. In my opinion don't do it. There is nothing in the world like meeting your baby for the first time and finding out yourself what it is. With my first baby the midwife pushed him through my legs so my partner and I could find out together and no money in the world could replace that feeling. Even if you were really wanting one sex or another, there's no way you'd be disappointed on the day because (and I'm not trying to be alarmist :)) birthing a baby, especially your first is such a strange/scary/exhilarating/shocking experience that you are just glad that you have come through it and that you and the baby are both OK! There is no way on earth anyone could go through all that and then look at their newborn and wish it was something else. There are so few opportunities in the world to be genuinely surprised, why spoil it for yourself for the sake of 20 weeks? So you can buy more blue babygros than pink?? You've got to do what feels right, but you did ask!!!
  21. I can't believe this is a serious thread! Is someone seriouly suggesting that a potty training toddler should either wet their pants (which usually means pants, trousers, vest, shoes and socks - not pleasant when you are out and about)or should they be confined to home until they have 100% bladder control. Even if public toilets were readily available, there is no way most toddlers would make it on time as they only tend to know they need to go right at the last minute. FFS lighten up
  22. It's not usual for them to b able to tell the sex at this stage but it is possible. At my 12 week scan with my second child, the first thing the sonographer said when he put the scanner on my stomach was "there are the male genitals." We didn't want to know the sex, it hadn't occurred to me to mention it at this scan as I'd always understood they couldn't tell, but there it was. I was terribly upset and it really spoilt things for me. Ditto what other people have said about bedside manner - they have none, so don't be alarmed when they talk amongst themselves and largely ignore you. Unfortunately they are not in the business of reassuring you, they are just number crunchers. It's a bit of a shame when you are keen to have this perfect, exciting experience but they are THE experts in the UK in this field so as long asyou remember that you are in the best hands you'll be fine. As above it can be a LONG wait so take plenty of reading material. They will usually book your next scan with you while you are there - this is a good chance to get an early morning slot where you'll have minimum delays. Let us know how you get on!
  23. Piennie it's ?80 from 2-6pm and you can take all your own food and soft drinks...booze must be bought there
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