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Everything posted by gillandjoe

  1. I go to bed so early these days!! 8 o'clock is when I start thinking about sneaking off! I read this book called 'What Mothers Do - when it seems they are doing nothing' (my partner thought this title was hilarious) and it said that the most important part of becoming a mum is learning to let go of your old life and accept that a new life has begun for you. I think that this is easier in some areas than others and it is hard for me to accept feeling unhealthy and tired every day as a norm. I guess I will adjust, but I am having some teething problems (so is Joe, ha ha!)
  2. Hey guys, don't hate her because she's beautiful! haha!
  3. I have to say I think you are all superwomen! 6 months has been hard enough, it is so amazing that you stay positive and loving with years of sleep deprivation clocking up. I hope I am that strong! Recently, I have started to get inundated with 'he isnt't sleeping through yet?!' comments and all sorts of old wives tale type advice. On a recent holiday I was told by mother in law that I would need to toughen up if I wanted to get Joe sleeping through. I'm not against CIO methods but it just isn't me or my partner. Last night we listened to all of 5 minutes of crying before we gave in and co-slept! We have put a single mattress in his room now so I can crash in there if its rough. I guess its a case of accepting our lot and getting on with it. Thank you so much for letting me know my baby isn't wierd and that lots of parents go through this. Needless to say, baby no.2 is on hold until I can get 8hrs uninterrupted sleep!!
  4. Thank you all for your posts - it feels better to know that i'm not alone! However hearing that Joe might still be waking frequently in two years time is slightly terrifying! How do you cope?! We were co-sleeping until last week because it wasnt't working out brilliantly anymore. My partner was in the spare room so much it was like we had separate bedrooms and Joe seemed to be feeding more and more frequently for little snacks. He is also a kicker that would quite often have me in a state of wakefulness for most of the night! Alas, breastfeeding sitting up and out of bed is almost as bad! I guess I do still nurse to sleep which probably doesn't help but I am so reliant on that as a calming tool that I don't want to let it go. Is it just that being a mum means always being tired?!
  5. Excellent! What time and where are you guys meeting this Tuesday?
  6. Hello there, I am the mother of a beautiful, healthy six month old boy who is absolutely thriving. Its not him I'm worried about, it's me! I am completely exhausted with night feedings which sometimes go up to 5 or 6 times or until I've stopped counting! I am breastfeeding on demand and have no other issues apart from when will he learn to sleep through the night?! My partner and I moved him into his own room last week and it seemed like we were getting somewhere until last night when our baby demanded my breast every hour and a half the whole night through. I've read a lot about it and don't want to cry it out, and I'm not even particularly interested in any more advice - I believe that he will learn to sleep through when he's ready. I am just feeling very alone in this situation as all the other mums I know have had excellent little sleepers, and would like to know if anyone else is going through or has gone through a similar thing? How do you survive the exhaustion (at this point I don't feel I can get through it) and is it my fault?!! Thanks
  7. Hi there, I am new to the forum and spotted this thread. I am desperately seeking stay-at-home-mum's company for me and my 6 month old! Are you all still meeting, and if so, could we tag along? Gill x
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