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Everything posted by Northeastview

  1. gillandjoe Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- Would you have had the 'balls' to call me a jerk to my face, > Londonmix? You should take your own advice. > However, I would be happy to meet up in person and > have it out with you if you'd like. If you do decide to have it out in person i would be happy to referee if you could make it a Friday morning as I'm turfed out of my flat by the cleaner #firstworldproblems
  2. I've taken the 68 to work for 15 years and I've had to give up and take the train to st Pancras instead for the last half a year, the traffic is so bad I was consistently 45 mins late. The train is very expensive, I'm just hoping the traffic will ease at some point?
  3. I found a new job in a different part of my organisation but with the same part time hours I previously negotiated after returning from mat leave. I was lucky that on the day I looked they were looking for the other half of someone else's job share, though the hours were initially a few short of what I wanted (17.5 rather than 23.75) they made up my hours to suit me. How I managed this: 1- luck 2- I was able to sell my experience and skills as their department really lacked what I could offer 3- through condensing many hours to certain days I would be available for the whole opening time of the service on those days. Think like this when you apply, and if you really want the job, arrange a visit so you can find out about them and sell yourself a bit pre interview. I work for an NHS Trust
  4. Thanks for the support. I've had some very trying times with my two but mostly people showed some camaraderie, were kind and offered help, this is something I try to keep up myself when someone is clearly having a difficult day, who hasn't been grateful for the person on the bus who plays peekaboo with your toddler when you are completing your 10th commute of the week? Or who chats to them whilst you get your first mouthful of food for the day at a cafe. Smiling again
  5. i just replied to a thread on the gossip page on the forum. It was started as a statement about child free pubs/ spaces in ED, but has become a rant against parents and kids. Just makes me feel sad that we are all working so hard to care for our little ones as well as our community and they think so little of us and our efforts. Don't we deserve a little slack and some support?
  6. Is a shame this has turned into a diatribe against parents of young children. It is really hard caring for little kids and I'd guess the majority of the people you see are parenting far from their own families and natural support networks. Pubs have marketed themselves as a family environment and families frequently have children. You want to indulge in your own antisocial behaviour (I don't like being around those smoking for example, weather I'm with my kids or not) but hold parents responsible for behaviours you don't like. If there is one thing worse than hearing a screaming kid in the pub you are in, it's being the parent trying to keep everyone happy when you've had no sleep/food/wash/adult conversation for a very long time. Instead of bemoaning your own disturbed peace why not offer some words of comradeship or maybe see if they need a hand? This is what I do and it results in more smiles all round than sneering and getting cross.
  7. I went to one of her epic breast feeding workshops for pregnant women. my husband came looking for me as it went on so long- I was enraptured by her passion, I also met my new best friend there- happy times
  8. Met Claire at today's 'Keep midwives at the breast feeding cafes' protest outside Kings. Many of you will know and have benefitted from her work as a lactation consultant at Kings, she was a God send to us when my son had tongue tie. She retired in March and Kings have not replaced her(?!)
  9. Hi, many of the children's centres have activity days and trips over the Summer, e.g: http://dkh.org.uk/childrens-centre Contact them to find out in advance what's on. Mother Goose nursery had wildlife garden days last year, the wild life garden on marsden rd may also have stuff on? I can also personally recommend letting your child go crazy in Harrods toy kingdom on rainy afternoons. Works for me😉
  10. Splash park in Peckham Rye would be great. We love the one at Myatts Fields and Brockwell if you're looking for inspiration.
  11. It is really poor isn't it? I'm baffled by the wall all the kids are walking on too
  12. My three year old did it in one day (Boxing Day) by begging to go on her brothers new pedal bike after playing on her large size new balance bike. That's why I have a balance bike for sale....
  13. The Albrighton centre has a really nice session for under 18month olds- pretty sure it's still Monday afternoons, and bookstart on Fridays
  14. I wish people would just say 'excuse me' when they need to get passed me in my seat, rather than stand up and stare at me or worse still, shove past. This is my only real pet bus hate.
  15. Before we had children spending our money for us I used to buy him a holiday for Christmas, a week in Prague, Budapest, Paris.... He'll be lucky if he gets a book this year
  16. The stamp duty is the final straw for us- we are a family of 4 living in a two bed housing association flat which we own 35% of, but to buy the rest we would have to come up with ?9000 stamp duty. I'm a nurse and my husband is a teacher, if we can't manage it how can any other normal family? It shouldn't be 3% around here when you can't buy anything for under ?250000
  17. Just thought I'd add that I'm really pleased about the bilingual school and have registered. My son goes to the near by German Kindergarten, we waited 2 years for a place there so it must be pretty popular. We are not German but I would like him to keep up his language now he has started (it also keeps me practicing) and moving to Richmond to go to the German school is way out of our budget.
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