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Everything posted by fredricketts

  1. The only option we want in Ashbourne Grove is option 1 No CPZ, it?s just a money maker for Councils, and they know it, that?s why they choose to ignore the people. They keep on about people getting involved with what goes on in their community, and when you do, they ignore, what the people want, and just bulldoze, their own agendas through, it?s about time they listened to the people that elect them to carry out the public wishes, that?s what I thought we elected them for. Why would the developer of the Nursery at East Dulwich Station want to give the residents 3 years car club membership, and a new library, and this is well in advance of the CPZ coming out.? Just to push through their plans for over populating the area, and making parking a lot worse than what it is already. And to make money to waste on stupid road humps and bus islands to slow down the motorist and force people on to the useless over priced public transport. And to make residents lives a misery.
  2. It's about time all MPs and councilors are made to be accountable To the electors, I have had many. Dealings with Southwark council and have never found them to be above board, They always have their own agendas.And they don not care what residents want,just look at what is happening in Westminster, the majority of residents don't want CPZ, yet they are not dropping it.where is the democracy,there is none. I have written to Tessa Jowell and awaiting her reply.
  3. Any councillors reading this: you need to act. Stop sitting in the fence with " the consultation will give us what people want". The consultation looks flawed& biased and verging on corrupt
  4. Can we not petition our MP (Tessa Jowell)? that is, if she is not in favour of it, MP are supposed to take notice of their voters.
  5. As you said ?A bloody good business" More like a stealth TAX. PCZ is a way of taking control of our roads, and putting them in the control of TFL and Councils, and in the end make MONEY, for the Council and Governments, to carry on wasting,.
  6. It is sad, that Mr James Barber is the only one from the Council, to answer our concerns. It?s the ones hiding, that need to be told our concerns, and to work with the residents, not against them, and James is just taking the flak for them. It?s the Council that is not listening; they have their own agendas, as we all probably had experiences with them. I for one did not know about the planning permission for the flats at East Dulwich Station, as I would have been a main objector to them being built, the site could have been used for a Station Car Park, Noooooooooo, some rich developers may not get rich enough, and the Council won?t have more rates coming in, and TFL has more customers on a services that cannot manage the customers that it already has, and lastly you cannot guarantee that the tenants will not buy cars, and therefore, more residents less car parking spaces, hence more controlled parking for profit, or more money to spend on infrastructure neglected by previous Governments and Councils. As I said the Council can waste money in Melbourne Grove, by taking the humps up and putting them down again, and yet even after being given ?20,000 towards consultation of residents, only a few are consulted yet again. (Same thing happened with Somerfield?s Flats and Customer parking lot).
  7. Quote James barber: as there are better things to spend ?20,000 locally. Sorry James. Like taking up road humps and putting them down again, just so as buses can avoid them. There has to be something in it for the developer, otherwise he would not offer ?20,000.Perhaps I was being a bit unfair on you as it was your Colleague Mr J Mitchell that was supposed to be helping the residents in Ashbourne Grove with their parking problems, and as usual, nothing was done, except to put humps in, that are not big enough to slow down a snail. It seems a bit odd giving planning permission for twenty flats with no where to park their cars, and at the same time PCZ is just waiting to come in around the corner for implementation. Why, do you not, do what the Majority want, and after all we all live here, some a lot longer than others. I have seen East Dulwich come from a Nice area with just the right amount of people in, to an overcrowded place with too many people in, and if you stupid Councillors and Government carry on with such ridiculous laws, like allowing planning permission for flats and houses without any consideration for car parking, then things will get a lot worse, hence your PCZ, without consultation. It appears to me that nothing is well thought out, in regards to various schemes that are thought up by the brains trust (Southwark Council) until after the money has been spent, and it?s too late, they then spend more money putting it right or just letting the residents get on with it. No one is accountable as they all blame each other, and who ends up footing the bill, yes muggings the rate payer. IT?S TIME WE HAD MORE ACCOUNTABILITY FROM COUNCLES AND GOVERNMENT
  8. Unfortunately this has been the governments policy for the last four years,and they wonder why areas are becoming overcrowded.probally to allow more and more people into areas,where they can control parking for their benefits,and to promote public transport.The normal public know that allowing flats and houses to be built with out taking into consideration parking facilities, is madness,but not the powers to be,they just create chaos, and we have to pay for it.Thats why we are in the state that we are in.To many chiefs and not enough Indians.
  9. Very strange indeed,a lot of under handedness going on, nothing new with Southwark Council,all there priorities wrong.
  10. The Lib dem Councillors did exactly the same to the flats above Somerfield?s three years ago. , planning permission for twelve flats with no where to park their cars, and no were to put their rubbish. It?s done deliberately, so CPZ can be brought in. and they deliberately kept the fact that it was a hostel with sex offenders in it, they broke their own planning laws for about three years after and probably still breaking it with no where to put their rubbish and cars, so Ashbourne Grove residents have been suffering ever since. With big businesses comes corruption, like Councils who seem to get involved in everything except running the bourgh properly. Car clubs that belong to private firms allowed to have public parking spaces everywhere, when they know that parking places are at a premium, and they are not helping by allowing flats and houses to be built without consideration as to where they will be parking their cars, and whats more they don?t care about were cars are parked, as they will have their CPZ and earning more money to squander on the humps in Melbourne Grove and the top of Rye Lane. Are buses not under the same law as motorists? Why take up the humps so the buses can go down the road, and then put the humps back after they have been re routed again. Planning permission for the flats above Somerfield?s and permission to build on their car par was given at twelve o?clock at night, the very last application of the night and no one was informed by the Council. ONE LAW FOR US ANOTHER FOR THEM. We elect them to do what is right for the Community, not what is right for them.
  11. I think it is quite obvious by now that Southwark Council is not listening to the residents of Dulwich, and that they have their own agenda like always. I think that we all should write to Tessa Jowell, about the situation, and have her try and earn the money she gets for being our MP. I will be writing this evening, her email address is: [email protected]
  12. Perhaps its about time Southwark Council spent some of its 80 Million pound reserve it has, only all I keep hearing is we cannot afford it. I think they can.
  13. Another Cranky law by Southwark Council that they cannot afford to carry out,maybe the noise team might be awake if they lived next door to one of these mad parties. Can we hope that a few noisy parties spilling into the street will occur near the homes of our sleepy councilors.
  14. The council are blaming the Cost, for not consulting people outside the zone. What it cost to take up the humps in Melbourne Grove, just so the buses could go down there, and then to put them back again, would have covered the cost of consultation in the whole Of Dulwich. And after all, we are only asking to be consulted, on what, I think we have a right to know. We live here, the council does not. Its The Councils and Government that have caused these problems, by overpopulating areas. It is not us that have let all these flats and conversions take place, without taking in to consideration the affect that it will have on communities? car parking habits. Is East Dulwich now going to be blighted with PCZ, just to make the Council more money to waste on stupid Humps that are not even driven over? Dulwich used to be a Suburban area, and now because of greed by Councils and Government, we are now becoming an urban area. East Dulwich has had parking problems now for the last ten years, that how long the residents of Ashbourne Grove have been complaining to the Council, in one ear and out the other, PCZ is not the answer, it?s the Councils way in the back door for the rest of Dulwich. AND WHY SHOULD WE PAY TO PARK IN STREETS WERE WE LIVE. AND PAY FOR VISITORES TO VISIT US?
  15. What can we expect, when Gov and Council changed the planning laws, to allow more and more people in to the Dulwich area? And conversions allowed without any reference as to parking spaces. Because of the rubbish transport services, these people have cars, and parking space has become a premium, and the council allow Car parks to be built on. This consultation should be abandoned, and a fresh one started with all residents affect.
  16. Great job GSIRETT, Lets see if they are listening, I have some more signatures, I did not get them till Late, will keep hold of them Given that the vast majority of people in the area only seem to have found out about this scheme (and it's "consultation") within the last week or so, I think this should sent a clear message to Cllrs Hargrove and Barber. I now suggest that this scheme is either shelved or a proper consultation is performed (one that takes into account the views of not just the people within the proposed zone)
  18. I have lived in East Dulwich since 1963, and it has gradually become over crowed like the rest of Britain. I have dealt with Councils and Government, when either one of them has an agenda, no matter what their promises, they end up doing what they want, and not what the people want, and sadly the public are getting more and more disillusioned with Politicians and Councils. They bring in laws that really cannot be upheld because of the lack of funds, yet every year our taxes are going up, and there are more and more stealth taxes, So many different agencies, funds, and quango`s it?s no wonder we are skint. On this site I can have my say for what it is worth. I like living in East Dulwich, I have brought my family up here, and they, are bringing their families up here, one thing I know, it?s getting worse in Dulwich for parking and road rage over it is increasing. The point I want to make is that we all live here, and the Council is ignoring all of us, as they have their own agendas, and it is not always what most of the people want, Consultation should have been done on the whole of East Dulwich, as it affects us all, we should be able to thrash out something for ever body, without the Council having to earn money out of it, We already subsidise TFL, why should profit come from part public services. If by talking on here, we get the politicians to listen, to real people, in the real world, then we have achieved something good.
  19. Most of the sixty odd residents that I spoke to on the doorsteps, were angry about the fact , they had not been consulted about the proposed CPZ, around the station area, as they knew what the knock on affect would have on there streets, and that parking was bad enough as it is.
  20. The only reason that I am campaigning against the CPZ, is because of the crafty way Southwark Council is trying to impose the CPZ on East Dulwich through the back door. It starts with the area around East Dulwich Station, that pushes commuting cars further out to the surrounding areas, then you start to see the parking problems, getting worse, than what they are now, and people panic into accepting the CPZ, which does not guarantee any one a parking space, but makes money for the Council. James Barber said ? Council estates a free? that is not the case, Council estates residents have the first car free, and subsequent cars are ?100 each, and parking on the estates are ?1-50 per hour, and you have to have pay for visitors parking permits. You get clamped if you do not have a visitor?s ticket. I have had dealings in the past with the Lib dems and Southwark Council, and believe me; all parties will lie to get their own way. In 2005, Somerfield?s in Lordship Lane, applied for planning permission, to convert the office space above their shop into twelve flats and to extend their premises over the car park. First there was only consultation with the first three houses in the road and special roads picked out by the Council. At that time, (and still is,) Ashbourne Grove was having loads of trouble with parking rage. The end of the turning was and is still being blocked, and people ,have to back out into a main road, hence the Last six months, spy camera, which come and goes when it pleases, so when its gone, more parking rage. The Council were brining in a new law that allowed houses and flats to be built, without any where to park their vehicles, and the Council were saying? we assume that people in these flats will be using Public transport?, so there is no need for parking spaces. Needles to say after breaking their own Planning laws, by allowing the flats to be occupied with tenants with no were to put their rubbish, So these tenants starting putting their rubbish on the pavement outside the food shop Somerfield?s, What the panning Law said ?was, Nobody could move in to the flats without submitting a plan as to disposing of the rubbish, Member of the public complained right up today. Parking increased in Ashbourne Grove. And the Lib Dems got involved, whilst they were involved they with held the fact that the shops above Somerfield, were in fact, a hostel for ex prisoners, and sex offenders. We had to find this out for ourselves. As I have said before what happens with the PCZ in East Dulwich Station Area, does affect all of Dulwich, and the council have lacked the initiative to consult the residents, who, will have, the knock on affect from this decision. We all live here, and want what?s best for our families and friends, hence all the more reason for proper consultations with the residents, to thrash out, something that suites all residents, not Councils, that is why we all pay our rates and taxes. For services that we all want. Quote Council 2005 ?I agree that with hindsight, more properties in this road could have been consulted?. Another point I am trying to make is ?NEVER TRUST POLITICIANS?.
  21. What happens with the PCZ in East Dulwich Station Area, does affect all of Dulwich, and that is where I think the EDF, is doing a great Job. And the council have lacked the initiative to consult the residents, who, will have, the knock on affect from this decision. We all live here, and want what?s best for our families and friends, hence all the more reason for proper consultations with the residents, to thrash out, something that suites all residents, not Councils, that is why we all pay our rates and taxes. For services that we all want.
  22. Talking to people who have experienced PCZ, they are saying it was good at first, and then they found that they were not guaranteed a parking space, and began to hate the scheme.
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