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Everything posted by somehannahb

  1. Two thoughtful replies from Helen Hayes. I thought this article was interesting on the role and duty of MPs. https://waitingfortax.com/2016/06/28/the-big-green-button-bill/ "MPs inclined before the Referendum result to vote Remain and who live in areas ? in particular Scotland and London ? which supported Remaining may feel little difficulty in voting against a Big Green Button Bill now. The (relatively small) number of MPs inclined to vote Leave and in areas that support Leaving will feel no difficulty in voting in favour of such a Bill now. But, at least I would say, an MP in a Leave area whose judgment told her or him that Leaving would be bad for the United Kingdom ? bad for its economy; bad for the the Union; bad for jobs and the NHS and education; bad for its place in the world; bad as heralding the arrival of racial intolerance; and, yes, bad for the long term future of democracy ? should vote against that Bill."
  2. Hi all, Just saw this thread. We are Barry Road residents and would be happy to help if we can. We too have small children and find the buses hammering down Barry Road quite frightening when getting them in and out of car. The cars overtaking buses are even worse. Our Ford Transit campervan that was parked outside our house was written off in November last year when a Ford Fiesta spun out of control after trying to overtake a bus. It must have been going at quite a lick to push a 3 tonne van up onto the pavement. In fact I'm pretty sure the police did the driver for speeding - they should have the records. Fortunately no-one was hurt in the incident but they easily could have been.
  3. I would be interested to know going rates for nannies and nanny shares too - just dipping my toes into the great search for my two...
  4. Hi all, I am a expecting my second on 14 November and would love to join in with meet ups. Will pm my email address to whoever is arranging the list. My daughter will be 22 months when the new baby arrives. Not sure what we're letting ourselves in for! Hannah x
  5. I just went and had a look on the Southwark Council planning portal and it says no decision has yet been reached. It is strange because they are supposed to make a decision within a certain timeframe, which has long been exceeded. Has anyone got the inside track?
  6. Does anyone happen to know if the council has taken a decision on the East Dulwich Tabernacle's extension plans yet? The consultation period was over Christmas but I haven't heard anything...
  7. I definitely think both toddler play areas could do with a revamp. They are both a bit dismal and uninspiring compared to the rest of the park - the play areas at goose green and hillyfields are both much better if the powers that be are looking for ideas. I think we need to see the plans to be able to comment properly, but i for one am pleased there is some sort of plan in motion!
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