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  1. Will she eat fruit you puree? If so, could you start to slowly add vegetables to fruit? Pretending you're getting it from an ellas pouch if necessary? Id just keep trying (without forcing the issue) and I'm sure she'll start soon. As long as she's getting enough milk I wouldn't worry about it too much at this stage.
  2. Thanks everyone, it has mostly been me trying because husband isnt patient and gives it about 2 mins before declaring its not working and giving up. Will get someone else to give it a proper go and i'll go out (yay!). Had been using expressed as thought that would be easiest to get baby to take, but will give formula a go, as expressing is such a hassle! Had been using bouncy chair, but will persevere with that option. so annoying. First son took to bottle great for evening top up feeds, so totally unprepared for a refuser!! thanks for all the tips. Will let you know how we get on.
  3. I know this has probably been done to death, but my 3 month old will refuse to take a bottle. Ive tried on and off since he was 4 weeks. He initially took a small amount of expressed milk from a bottle but then just stopped. I gave it a break and started trying again and have been trying pretty much everyday for last few weeks. Ive tried avent, nuk, mam and today dr brown bottles. I was just trying the mam ones recently as thought persevering with one may work. Thanks My husband has also tried when im not in the room (albeit not for very long). Don't really want to try cold turkey but im going away for the night next month (hopefully) so need him to take a bottle. Any tips...?
  4. We werent brave/patient enough to go cold turkey.... Im sure youve tried this, but we found putting loads of dummies in the cot helped as he could always find one close to hand. Also cot bumpers (we got breathable ones from John lewis which meant they stayed in the cot. From about 4-6 months we really limited day time usage and now at nearly 2.5 he only has it to sleep, but doesn't always need it. In fact although im really pleased he seems to be weening himself off it now, also a bit annoying because it used to be a way of guaranteeing he'd fall asleep if tired or stop crying if on bus/in car etc. Now it doesnt work, so have to put up with car journeys of him crying for ages when he's too tired!
  5. In fact, just thought that new permitted development rights have recently been bought in which allow office buildings to be converted to residential use without the need for pp, they just need to go through a 'prior approval' process, which probably wouldnt have required consultation to be carried out. I suspect that's what's happened in this case...
  6. v511 - its worth checking if there there any policies in the local plan (or emerging ldf documents) which seek to protect premises in existing employment use? I.e which resist the loss of such uses.
  7. Think its grossly unfair to blame sweetgirl miss Helen! Its just lucky the story didnt have a worse outcome for sweetgirl's son - which it easily could have done! If it was my son found wondering the street when I thought he was safely in nursery id be extremely upset and absolutely livid with the nursery staff responsible. How would you have reacted if it was your child? appreciate its a nightmare for people with children there who now have no nursery place and for the staff that work there, but if children arent safe then surely thays more important. If i had a child there id be worried about what other lax measures are in operation if a child is allowed to escape unnoticed!
  8. We've got karndean in our kitchen/utility room and think its great. We had originally wanted wood, but a few people said not great in a kitchen because if something leaks it can warp and rise up. A few months after karndean laid our brand new Bosch dishwasher leaked, so very pleased we didnt get wood! Id deff get it again. Almost identical to amtico, but cheaper and has a high quality finish if laid properly. Also been great with our toddler.
  9. Ummnaziya I havent heard about magnesium, but will give it a go - might pop to h&b asap. Probably a stupid question but are epsom salts bath salts? Can u get them from boots etc? Id read about ms being a protein deficiency and tried od-ing in the early stages, but now cant even look at quinoa (even typing it makes me feel ill) and don't think it made a difference. Eating all the time does help as definately worse when stomach empty, so will probably get really fat!! Just over 10 weeks now so hope its peaked and will begin to recede soon. Let me know how you get on. Hope you manage to avoid it!!
  10. Just wanted to say thanks again for everyone's kind words. At the mo it feels like it'll never end, but really hoping/praying 9 weeks is the peak!! trying to take each day as it comes.Have been signed off work for 2 weeks which is such a relief, although I do feel really guilty about it there's no way I could function and was just getting exhausted. Not sure why i feel so guilty, if I had food poisoning and felt this bad id take days off no problem, let alone weeks/months of it! Already easier to cope with the constant nausea not being so tired. Have been prescribed meds too, but haven't started them yet. Have downloaded nevasic and amazingly it does seem to work (while listening), which provides some welcome relief. Thanks for that suggestion! Definitely recommend to any other sufferers!
  11. Thanks everyone. Going to try and get appt with doctor to discuss Medication. Good to know others have used it without any adverse impacts. Maybe signing off work for a week or two would help as tiredness really makes it worse. Just so difficult because feel guilty abd people really dont understand unless theyve been through it, especially when other pregnant people at work (with twins) have no symptoms! Will also try the music thing and have made appt for acupuncture which ive heard can help (although I am skeptical). Thanks x
  12. I know there have been many threads on this...but im now 8 weeks pregnant and suffering with ms. With my first pregnancy I also had it badly and it lasted until 21 weeks. I dont think I can cope with it for that long again (im already barely able to cope), so just wondering about asking dr for something. Bit worried about how safe meds are as obviously dont want to risk harming the baby. I know lots of people do take stuff, and presumably kate middleton had something for her "hg" so presume they wouldnt give her anything risky. Any feedback greatly appreciated... Im trying everything, sea bands, small regular meals, sucking sweets, boiled water, diet coke all of which help a bit, but just the constant nausea and tiredness is too much. Havent got hg (which must be truely terrible) as only being sick 2-3times a day) Thanks!
  13. Hello Does anyone know if you can be referred to any community midwives from dmc chadwick road? Is the lanes just from crystal palace rd dmc? Or are there any you can self-refer to? Would want a hospital birth... Thanks
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