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Everything posted by KatDew

  1. I used entirely re-usables with my eldest. With my twins I did try and kept it up at least 50% if the time until they were about 15 months. The problem for me was keeping up with the laundry for two of them and all the rest of the family laundry. it was ok in the summer but I just couldn't get everything dry in the winter. It's likely that your twins will be a touch smaller at first so it will take them a while to grow into the standard sizes
  2. The bike shop next to 'all fired up' on the way down to peckham common have always been really helpful and fixed a number of buggy issues for me!
  3. Have you looked into the JAM after school club? They provide holiday cover. I haven't used their holiday cover but I use the after school club
  4. This happened to me. Turns out the scales at my GP surgery were out.... by 300g!!!! A huge amount for a newborn. I suspected a problem as I have twins and both twins had apparently lost weight. My GP blamed the fact that I was BF twins. I contacted my HV and got them weighed on their usual scales and they'd actually gained 200g.
  5. You could always do a mixture. Maybe a couple of days a week at the after school club and a few days with a nanny? Gives them variety and gives you access to the school holiday activities if you wanted/needed them.
  6. My little boy has started reception this year and is going to JAM two days a week. He's enjoying himself so far. They seem to do quite a range of activities and they get a hot meal. I really liked that there are kids from a wide variety of schools. My son also likes it because their are male 'teachers' there, whereas seemingly his whole school is staffed by women. I probably wouldn't use it as an option if I needed 4 or 5 days a week because as you say it makes for a very long day. They also run good value holiday 'clubs' but I have no experience of these
  7. My son has just started at the infants and it seems a lovely school. Can't comment further It might be worth bearing in mind the September 2011 intake was a bulge year so there may be a larger than average number of sibling places in the 2013 intake.
  8. Most the twin mums I know ended up doing NCT classes in a group of singleton mums. I would higgly recommend joining the Dulwich and district twins club as well though
  9. Abbotswood road is a nice place to live. I've been there 6 years and it has a lovely sense of community
  10. Every school has a different policy. All the ones I went to last autumn were November/December. You won't have to finalise your application for state schools till mid january. All the private schools have their own application processes.
  11. yes I wasn't sure how many to go for on numbers either. I've gone for 3 polo shirts and 2 jumpers. Just got to hope he's not one of those kids who permanently looses school uniform
  12. I've gone for logo'd polos and jumpers. I've got M&S trousers/shorts (boy). I assuming thats ok? oh and grey socks etc. It's suddenly come round very quickly!
  13. I have a pair of almost (in 11 days) two year old girl twins. Until recently we haven't been able to go to any groups as their older brother had really grown out of all things toddler but didn't go to nursery on my non-work days. So from September my eldest starts school and I'm feeling very 'out of the loop'. Whats around in east dulwich/ dulwich village that would entertain a pair of two year olds. Preferably not too pricey.... there are 2 of them! Looking for mondays, thursdays. My mum is planning to take them to Whippersnappers on a friday. Any thoughts, wise ladies of the forum?
  14. This thread really rings true for me. We're generally fairly tidy as a family and not too much in the way of 'mundungus'. However I work and have 3 small people (4 and twins nearly 2) in a fairly small house. With the best will in the world there is just stuff! there is the random art projects. Odd slippers and socks. That general post pile. Laundry that is drying. Lanudry waiting to be put away..... the list goes on and on. Our house seemed quietly stylish before kids. Four and a half years later it just seems a bit cluttered and scruffy
  15. Do you know how he got it? It's fairly unsual at his age. No chance he has hand foot and mouth by any chance? Mouth ulcers are horrid most the therapys just work to temporarily relieve the symptoms and it's hard to get it to stick to a toddlers tongue. Yogurt is quite soothing if it's interfering with eating
  16. Depends on how bad it is but would bribery/chocolate and TV not work whilst you sort it?
  17. Realistically 34lbs is going to feel heavy in most carriers. I would have recommended the ergo but I see thats what you already have. Maybe once shes running around she'll change shape a bit and you might find it more confortable again. My eldest was a complete bruiser, then he got moving and slimmed down. He never actually lost weight but he kept growing upwards and just never seemed to put on weight. As he got longer the ergo became more comfortable again
  18. Our son very suddenly developed a love for his balance bike at 3. You may find he goes back to it.
  19. I loved my ergo with my eldest (a chunky heavy boy) I was still using it at 2 but then I was a bit too 'pregnant' I've used it a lot less since as I had twins second time
  20. depends on how many children are coming. For my sons 4th birthday we had about 8 children (and a few younger siblings) we had a treasure hunt around the house. Pass the parcel always works and some sort of dancing game like musical statues. Pin the tail on the donkey works with a bit of help. They're still a bit little so an oppurtunuty to play with friends and have some tea is often enough
  21. definitely a little assistance at first. Not to mention some things benefit from being patted down with some kitchen towel to make them a little less slippery at first. There are some fabulous ideas out there do a google search for 100 best baby led weaning recipes. My favourites are the savoury flapjacks, cheesey vegetable nuggets, and lentil cheese wedges. All were very easy to make and froze well for easy quick dinners when required
  22. I agree with the PP. I don't think I learnt a whole lot of new information about childbirth and two c-sections later it was pretty much irrelevant. However I did make some lovely friends who I still meet up with 4 and a half years on
  23. I think some BF babies are just more tricky about this than others. I've had 3 kids, I've BF all of them. Two of them happily would drink form a bottle the other one never would. I did fairly similar with all of them.
  24. My eldest took forever to use cutlery but was BLW so was self feeding, he just prefered hands. My twins took to cutlery early and were succesfully using spoons and forks at around 12 months. I have no idea whether this is due to a desire to remain clean or just because they are copying their brother?
  25. Have you tried Mothergoose? They're not part of a school but they do nursery upto school age
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