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Catherine W

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  1. Hi, Here is an update with the class timetable: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/home?studioid=281478 I am especially excited to have Dan Breakwell on board, teaching 2 x 75 minute classes on Saturdays. Monday 11:30 Vinyasa Flow with Catherine Tuesday 12:00 Beginners Yoga with Catherine Wednesday 11:30 Vinyasa Flow with Catherine Thursday 12:00 Beginners Yoga with Catherine 14:30 Pilates Stretch - Beginners to Intermediate Catherine Friday 11:30 Vinyasa Flow with Catherine Saturday 09:30 Vinyasa Flow with Dan B (75 mins) 11:00 Yin Yoga with Dan B (75 mins) I wish you every success and good health for 2016! Best wishes, Catherine Wilkinson [email protected] 07794583272
  2. We have 2 new classes starting Saturday 9th January. Welcoming the amazing Dan Breakwell to the Move Well team. Dan will be teaching a 75 minute Vinyasa Flow class at 9.30-10.45am: "Connect mind and body through the union of breath with movement. A smooth and energetic class that will take you through smooth flowing sequences, strong standing postures & balancing.? Finish with unravelling floor sequences to leave you ready for whatever the rest of the day has in store!" Why not stay for 75 minutes if Yin Yoga from 11-12.15pm: "Unlike most Yoga methods this discipline comes from Taoist tradition. Simple postures will be held between 3-5 minutes to stimulate the Meridian channels which can influence our mood, emotional state and revive any dormant/ stagnating energy around the body. Moving away from the chunky superficial muscle we travel deeper into the connective tissues of the body, benefiting the joint's and ligaments that hold our body together. These deep postures will be followed by rebound postures to allow the fresh flow of energy (Qi/Prana) to spread around the body more efficiently. Through deep & unravelling sequences we begin to learn stillness of the mind, body and soul. Gentle breathing exercise's allow us to promote further balance in preparation for meditation." Classes are ?12 for a single or ?65 for a 6 class pass. The studios are fully equipped and we stop at 8 mats. Book here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/home?studioid=281478 Many thanks, Catherine
  3. Carpe Diem I am a strong believer that we can integrate activity into our lives all year round, but the temptations of December and the inertia that so often stands by it's side end up in a not so happy new year. What if you could enter 2016 with a strong fitness foundation to build upon? It's easier than you think. Little and often: Exercise doesn't have to be something you pay a membership for, or travel miles in a car to get started. You just need to get outside the front door and walk or run fast. Getting breathless for 20-30 minutes not only boosts your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) but it actually reduces stress levels and makes you feel in control and energised. Get off the bus a few stops earlier, walk up the escalator, meet your friend for a walk and talk with a take away coffee rather than sitting in, create your own HIIT (high intensity interval training workout) by walking/ running as fast as you can for 2 minutes, walk/jog back and repeat 10-15 times trying to beat the distance you covered the last time. If you find yourself making every excuse under the sun to get out of exercising plan ahead, put aside time in the diary well in advance. The only workout you regret is the one you don't do. For tech I recommend: 'Spotify Running' which matches your every stride with a beat to keep you motivated https://www.spotify.com/uk/running/ You could also get a pedometer app for your phone http://appcrawlr.com/ios-apps/best-free-apps-pedometer Or the real deal from your local pharmacist for less than a glass of mulled wine: http://www.lloydspharmacy.com/en/lloydspharmacy-stepometer-15967 What could be more festive & British than going for a brisk walk whatever the weather? Don't drink your calories: Be aware of the number of calories you are taking in over the festive period and how they turn into fat stored around the waist line: "Did you know that a glass of wine can have the same calories as four cookies? How about a pint of lager ? surprised to hear it?s often the calorific equivalent of a slice of pizza?" https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/check-the-facts/health-effects-of-alcohol/appearance/calories-in-alcohol If you are not intending to burn these calories off immediately they will be stored. Enjoy running? "parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world. They are open to everyone, free, and are safe and easy to take part in." http://www.parkrun.org.uk You'll be back in time to have a healthy brunch and read the papers! If you want to avoid the potential money pit of buying gym membership in January speak to me (Catherine Wilkinson), at Move Well London about results driven Personal Training options at my private studio in SE22. I have helped so many people get fit and stay fit and enjoy the process. I wish you a healthy December and welcome your enquiries at [email protected] http://www.movewelllondon.com
  4. Stress busting Move & Flow class at the studio this evening. 7.30pm 60 minutes of Yoga Asana with this intelligently woven sequence of postures, in which variations on classic postures will be explored. Improve balance, breath control, mind body connection. This class is perfect for people wanting a slower paced class, yet options for more challenging postures are included for those wanting to see improvements in their practice. Be prepared to sweat! http://www.movewelllondon.com FIRST CLASS FREE
  5. Hi, I am an experienced Personal Trainer of 6 years. I got my hands on a private studio this month, which I have sole use of. It is a dream come true to be able to offer exactly what my clients need away from the communal feel of a gym. It is kitted out with a Concept 2 rowing machine, kettle bells, stability balls, TRX suspension trainer, boxing pads and gloves with more to come. I work with people to maximise their movement potential by combining: -Traditional strength and conditioining techniques -Postural principles of Pilates -Mindful movement and multi joint stretches of Yoga Asana (Yoga Postures) I can work with you to improve flexibility, body composition, sporting ability, stress levels and sleep quality. The following times available for new client bookings and I welcome enquiries via [email protected] Monday 9am-5.30pm Tuesday 6am-7pm Wednesday 6am-4pm Thursday 6-8am 11-4pm Friday 6am-6pm Saturday 7am-9am Here is a link to my online profile with testimonials https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherinewilkinson1 and website http://www.movewelllondon.com The location is on Overhill Road, SE22. 60 minute appointments are at ?55 per hour. We also have sports massage and physiotherapy available at weekends with http://snphysio.com
  6. Hi Anna, Thanks for your enquiry. Sounds like we can help. Please check your inbox. Best wishes, Catherine
  7. Hi Tima, Amended post above, we look forward to meeting you. Move Well London
  8. We are sorry for this and have sent you an email, hope to hear from you soon. Catherine @movewelllondon
  9. Hi Angelina, Thanks for your message. We will have an evening Yoga class starting 26th November and specialist workshops on offer in the New Year at weekends. This is our soft launch to trial run the booking system etc. We would love to cater to the working mums and dads of the area and will have a more robust timetable in place in 2016. If you want to see something specific on the timetable please send your queries / suggestions to [email protected] Hope to hear from you soon, Catherine
  10. Hi, Here is the link to book your Pilates and Yoga classes at the new Move Well London studio on Overhill Road: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/home?studioid=281478 The studio is low lit and we have all the props you'll need to enjoy moving and moving well. We have had some positive feedback about the studios and hope you too can join us on the mat. Classes are ?12 for a single class pass or ?65 for a six pack (no pun intended). In addition to classes we offer Personal Training. Sports Massage and Physiotherapy are available at weekends. For more information please click on http://www.movewelllondon.com and if you have any questions please ping them over to [email protected] We are located at the top of Overhill Road (opposite number 77), next to AM Supermarket.
  11. Hi Nigel, Just sent you a text. I may be able to help regarding the space. Thanks, Catherine
  12. Dan Maitland runs a great wedding band. He's been involved in a couple of weddings and numerous local events this year. He's local to East Dulwich. I'll see if I can find his email address for you
  13. Hi, I am curious to know if anyone knows about the woman who is on Peckham Rye on Thursday evenings around 7pm who seems to be shouting aggressively. I've been running around the park at night and she is as regular as clockwork. I think it may be chanting (fingers crossed whoever it is is not distressed) but don't want to walk into the centre of the lower area of the park where she is to find out. I was a bit spooked, curious and concerned in one go.
  14. Hi, I'm training for a sub 4 hr marathon (Brighton 2016) and would like someone local to run with once a week / fortnight. Tempo runs are my nemesis so finding someone to have a friendly yet competitive running partnership with would be great. My current weekly mileage is 20 in total, I've completed one 26.2, two 13.1 and one 10km. I work freelance so flexible over times. I live close to Goose Green and know some great longer routes for December / January. Anyone starting spring training in November get in touch!
  15. Hi, My name is Catherine Wilkinson and I am the founder of Move Well London, a Personal Training, Yoga and Pilates studio new to East Dulwich. If you are interested in improving your health and wellbeing by working with some of the best fitness and health experts London has to offer, please visit our website and enquire. We expect to be very busy in January, with a timetable of classes, specialist workshops and 1-1 training. Our Yoga classes are dynamic, with some exciting concepts being developed. We love Yoga! We love running! We want you to love them too. On site Sports Massage Therapy and Physiotherapy will be delivered by S N Physio. Our studio is private, giving you an audience free workout. We are taking bookings for 1-1 Personal Training now. We could go on, but we have work to do! Check us out here http://www.movewelllondon.com Get in touch and take a look around.
  16. Hello, My name is Catherine and I am starting a new Power Yoga class tomorrow lunchtime in Herne Hill just by the station. The postures are simple and held over time to get the heart rate up & the breathing deep in 55 minutes of heating practice. Beginners and improvers welcome! I hope you can join me. Venue: Fison Fitness 280 Milkwood Road, Herne Hill, London, London, SE24 0EZ http://www.fisonfitness.co.uk ?12 Here is a little about my work: Http://www.movewelllondon.com
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