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Posts posted by badger

  1. I can't make it on Friday alas but I think the plan is to meet up for pink drinks (nobody got the rainbow reference :'() probably (hopefully) next week.

    I think we have GiddyGecko, Nikster, me:)), MikeSE22, James, Beej and err Matt (who may - or may not - be 18) and can't remember who else to meet up (dragging along other pink friends). Intriguing that there are so many gay men on a gay girlie thread, but there you go.

    How's about 6th June?

    Does it clash with the WI?


  2. Oh dear. My burger was okay (though not worth the ?8 odd) and (despite Mikese22's comments above) the plate of mashed potato, mashed swede and goats cheese (whilst not on the menu and not what we ordered) actually looked rather good in a comfort-food sort of way.
  3. wow - just checked in and can't believe this thread is still going... honestly believed it would be buried on page 10 behind a load of posts about WI cake-baking activities... just shows what I know :))

    Thanks Nikster and GG - it would be great to meet up and start a merry gang. Sounds like James and Mikese22 may be wannabe gay girles as well?? I suppose we should kickstart things and decide a time & place. Rye Hotel? Haven't been yet. Mikese22 has been and was apparently impressed by the (male) talent :)

  4. *blush* :-$ - put to shame by my prejudices of the SE22 WI movement. What can I say - "WI" just makes me think of my Granny and her "how to live off rations" recipes / "how to look elegant without silk stockings" fasion/beauty advice / "how to keep your man happy" relationship advice.

    You should think about re-branding ...

    Thanks for all the suggestions. :))

  5. Okay - free bit of advice here:

    Since 11th December 2003 (under the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 for the geeks out there), it is unlawful to make unsolicited direct marketing calls to individuals who have indicated that they do not want to receive such calls.

    Before you hang up, tell them in no uncertain terms that you do not want them to contact you again by telephone or otherwise and ask them to remove your personal data from their databases. It is your legal right not to be marketed to in the UK by telephone in this unsolicited manner.

    Also, as someone above has said, you should also register with this site http://www.mpsonline.org.uk/tps/ (go to the telephone preference option). Traders are meant to check with this list before marketing to you by live phone calls (i.e. it blocks out everyone). If you do want to receive marketing calls from traders, they will still be able to call you but you must give your consent to the communication (hence all the "tick this box" stuff when you give traders your personal details).

    If traders still contact you by telephone and the communication is not solicited, you should report them to the Information Commissioner www.ico.gov.uk.

    Good luck.

  6. Okay - sounds like I will have to try Camberwell / Brixton instead. But thanks for the tips and huge smile of support.

    Maybe should reform my ways indeed and become a cake-baker. Just how 'liberal and forward-thinking' are the WI these days?

  7. So I have searched all the EDF threads and see no mention of where all the gay single girlies in ED go... any clues? Not that I'm advocating women-only venues etc etc (I'm all for mixing it up) but it can be hard for a girl to work out what's what (I think my gaydar was taken out when I had my appendix removed last month) so pointers most appreciated.
  8. Okay - I will take it as an honour!

    I suppose I have scuppered my chances of a WI invite now. Not to worry - I can't cook and wouldn't know a muffin tray from a cupcake tray to save my life.

  9. Hey! My post got moved to a different section. Big Bruvva is watching clearly.

    Okay okay - so I should be more sociable. Only by interacting will I reap the rewards of the SE22 massive. Also (re cakes) - perhaps I am bitter because no one has ever baked me a cake either (apart from my Mum who was in her own east Herts WI.. but that's a whole other story).

    PS - I'm a badger because I live in a sett.

  10. I love this board. I only peek though - never post - because frankly it seems sometimes like I am spying on some local clique. But I digress...

    WI? In SE22? WTF?

    I didn't log on for a month and now there's this WI thing all over the place. Did I go on holiday and retrun to postwar rightwing let's-bake-my-man a cake Britain???

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