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Posts posted by summerjt

  1. This scheme does sound like a good idea although I agree with James that I only found out about it on this forum which doesn't bode well really. I get regular email updates from TFL about which tube stations will be shut at the weekend - I would have thought they could tack information about this scheme onto one of their emails? I imagine most people who own an Oyster card get these emails.
  2. Really sorry to hear about your Dad's experiences, Eliza. Reading this thread I realise that although I'm not from London I've lived here long enough to basically be very mistrustful of ANYONE who approaches you unsolicited. My experience is that people who beg/scam/persuade people to part with money spend it on a)drugs b)alcohol. I think an earlier poster said "you'd have to be on crack"... er, yes, that's probably the most likely explanation. This may sound hard-hearted, but there is a LOT of help out there for people with substance misuse problems. Enabling someone to continue using substances, in my humble opinion, is not the best thing to do. It's sad the lengths people go to. As for answering the door - I use my spyhole, and don't let anyone in I'm not expecting - simple.
  3. Hi all, enjoyed reading this post and it gave me food for thought. I think I may be a thriftifarian. I don't think twice about spending money on clothes and cosmetics, particularly haircare, but I get great pleasure if I find a stamp that has not been franked on a letter. I will soak the said stamp in water so that I can re-use it, with just a bit of glue or even sellotape. I've got 5 stamps waiting to be used in this way - makes me happy just thinking about it. Also makes me happy thinking about Philip B conditioner that's sitting unused in my bathroom cabinet...

    The class debate isn't one that's going away soon. Its a subject I'm interested in as in my opinion it's not going away, although some aspects of the debate are becoming less relevant.

  4. Dreadful to hear about this Oliver. Thanks for sharing this with the forum. Whilst I agree that it would be best to go to the police, your friend may have raasons for not wanting to do so. All you can do is support her, which I'm sure you're doing. She can always contact Victim Support, Southwark, who are very helpful, and provide counselling.
  5. Glad to hear that people had a good time locally on NYE. Just to report, I managed to sell my ticket for last night's do and had a great time boogie-ing. Managed to get a lift back Denmark Hill too, which was good. Felt sorry for people that had been out in central London and coming back to SE London (no tubes). Most people had decided to walk by the looks of things, as at around 2.30am there seemed virtually no nightbuses going south of the river.
  6. I shan't get the January blues. I've got the gym bug (again) after getting a day pass yesterday to my cousin's fancy gym in Muswell Hill. Dulwich leisure centre hasn't got quite the same facilities, but it's got a pool and a gym... I wonder how long my resolution will last...

    Wish I had time to do an evening course or something, but don't right now. Good luck to those people who are starting new courses and new ventures in 2009.

    I agree with some posters about February being a more depressing month, particularly with Valentines Day. Hope I get more cards this year than I did last year -I got no cards last year :(

  7. Hello Cityjules, and thanks for your welcome indiepanda. Friend phoned to say that she can't come on NYE, so I'll be going with new(ish) friend who hasn't got back to me with when/where we're meeting on the night. Also got to try to shift spare ticket - may have to use "persuasion" to get my brother to come along. However, I agree with ???? that NYE doesn't seem to matter quite so much now as it did in my teens and early twenties. I'm sure that life will go on on 1 January 2009, regardless of what I do or don't do on NYE.

    What is everyone else up to?

  8. Love this thread. Brendan - laughed out loud at the picture of the brick. I've previously described LL to friends as full of shops selling ?60 corkscrews. I absolutely love browsing these shops, though, and I do occasionally buy something. I like living somewhere where there are interesting, quirky shops selling interesting, quirky things. If I think about the choice of shops in Camberwell, the best thing was the Woolworths and even that is going now...
  9. I've had people knock at my door before saying they are selling sofas and three piece suites. Interested to read ChavWivaLawDegree's post about seeing the best in people. I'm one of life's pessimists and am always suspicious, and then pleasantly surprised when things don't turn out as badly as I imagined. I had one of my actual neighbours come knocking at my door a while ago, saying she had run out of electricity. I believed that she didn't have any electricity, but didn't believe her reasons for not having any, and didn't give her any money. Didn't want to encourage her to keep knocking on my door to be honest. It's sad that people get themselves in a mess, but living in SE London, I tend not to want to get involved. I'm new to this forum, by the way, so hi everyone.
  10. Thanks for your welcome Cityjules. I intend to check in to the site a couple of times a week. I use the internet for work, study and boring stuff like bills, so wanted to do more fun stuff online. Hope you have a great time at the party. This sounds really sad, but I read a few books on networking (for work stuff mainly) and the advice was basically make the most of every opportunity to meet new people. Have a good one!
  11. Hi everyone, new to this forum. Cityjules - I'd go to the party, deffo, and be openminded to possible new friendships. I find that once you make friends, you never know who they are friends with, etc. However, if you don't know your new friend that well, I can understand if you're worried about conversation, especially if you don't know anyone else, and it seems that everyone knows each other and has done for ages. Sometimes it's an idea to approach someone who is maybe a bit quiet, and introduce yourself to them.

    I normally go to a NYE party at a friend's house where everyone has known each other for years. This party isn't going ahead this year, so I'm taking a chance and going to a soulnetwork party with a new friend. Am determined to have a good night - wish me luck!

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