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Everything posted by Moi23

  1. Clearly Salma has no breast-feeding issues. Good pr for breast is beast campaign! Anyone find that creepy? Funnily enough I don't... I think it's sweet. Then again, I am a lactating mum at the moment.
  2. Contrary to what a lot of people are saying, I found her article quite amusing and a bit of a breath of fresh air. Perhaps I'm not taking what she's saying quite so seriously, neither did she mean to take herself so seriously. To me it comes across as someone who's fed up with feeling she must come up with a good justification for bottle-feeding and is saying 'hey, I've given over my body for 9 months to this baby, I want it back'. For me, it had never occurred to me to do anything other than breastfeed. When I started to get all the pregnancy bumf and info, I was amazed at how full on the emphasis on breastfeeding was. Personally, I found it off-putting. I can understand why it is so important to promote it, you do have to really push something to change peoples opinions and choices. But I couldn't help finding it a bit one-sided, they'd state all the advantages and support available, but brush-over the downside. Now, having breastfed both my babies (still bf second), the picture is quite different. Those first weeks of breastfeeding for MANY women (not just a few) can be really tough. Luckily for me I stuck with it, but there's no need to be sanctimonious about it, I can totally understand someone not sticking with it. For the most part I love breastfeeding, but there is a side of me that can relate to what she's saying. It's odd how both before and after the breastfeeding stage I found it sort of weird the idea of a baby sucking my breasts, even creepy. And yes, I would dearly love to have a couple of glasses of wine at the end of each day, to relax and feel normal for a while. Luckily for me, I usually have tiny boobs, so I'm rather relishing my current cleavage. However if gigantic leaking boobs was making me feel particularly unattractive, then I would feel pretty depressed about it. I think having a baby is a huge sacrifice and requires an enormous amount of dedication. I was a typically selfish modern single woman before motherhood and the transition was not easy. Dedicating your body for 9 months to 'growing' a baby, then being launched into 24 hour childcare and sleep deprivation, is for some of us (or many of us?) a real shock to the system. Wanting at least your body back (for whatever trivial reasons) is not that outrageous.
  3. Sorry about delayed response, can't seem to get to the computer these days... I'm up for monday afternoon, though I won't be able to stick around for long as I've got to pick up my other boy from nursery. So 3ish at peckham rye cafe?
  4. Hi everyone, I think I just about squeeze into summer baby category, as I had mine on the 1st June. Will there be anymore meetups on a wednesday morning?
  5. Oh brilliant, so I'm not the only one! Okay, I was due yesterday, but clearly he's going to be late... Don't know I can make the 9th but I'll be around from mid June, particularly mondays and fridays (without toddler) and tuesdays (with toddler). Many thanks moderators.
  6. Many congratulations to all of you expectant mums in autumn. I am due to pop at any minute (was due yesterday) and wonder if there is anyone having a baby around about now. Especially with 2nd ones (my first is 3)
  7. Actually come to think of it, I did some preparation in the weeks before at bathtime. He'd have no clothes on and I'd show him the potty and how to sit on it. It was all a bit of a game and he did actually manage to do a wee a couple of times. I think the main thing is to introduce the potty (or toilet if it's feasable) as a fun and positive thing. I also told him the story about how his wees goes on an amazing journey down to the sea from the toilet. After that he was ever so keen to watch it being flushed down the loo! The pooing was a bit harder. He was promised a toy he really wanted if he managed to do it in the potty. For ages he'd wait for a nappy to do his poo in, I didn't kick up a fuss about it and gradually he did it more often in the potty than a nappy. Now, touch wood, he doesn't seem to need a nappy at all except at night. Have no idea how to do nighttime potty training though. I'm putting it off for as long as I can...
  8. I took a week out with a friend who's little boy was also going to start potty training. We basically camped out at mine the whole week. We were able to give each other ideas, the boys enjoyed playing with each other and everyone joined in the celebrations everytime either of them did a pee. It worked a treat. Also, I made sure my own expectations were quite low, which meant there wasn't so much pressure. It was a positive experience for me, but I know others have really struggled. Good luck and keep a sense of humour!
  9. Well, I'm due in a few weeks and now have a huggabub, so I'll give feedback then.
  10. Thanks Molly. I'm getting a hugabub today and some friends have promised me an ergo. Hopefully one of them will do! As for heat, we'll see how hot it gets.... going by the last few summers it might be nice to have a little portable heater attached!
  11. Oh if only mine did that.... He's 3 and a bit and has never stopped crying when I leave him. Having said that, his first nursery shut down at short notice, then he was caught up in the Bojangles shut down. Now he still puts on a traumatic drama, but I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that's it's all an act specially put on for mummy. He's always been having a great time when I pick him up. I reckon they pick up on your distress, and in the case of my one, he rather likes the dramatic attention.
  12. Thanks Molly. I've just been on the ergo baby website and they do have an infant insert (they are so expensive!). I guess it's just not the done thing to have a newborn slung round your back. I'm definitely considering something like it, but don't have much faith I'll be able to carry tummy to tummy for long periods of time. Worth a go though, anyone looking to sell an ergo baby with infant insert?? The other that seems to keep baby close enough and supported to your body is the hugabug, anyone selling one?
  13. Hi, I'm also looking for a sling 2nd time round. Could barely use the bjorn first time round for more than 20 minutes, it was so uncomfortable. I really want to know if there's anything out there for carrying newborn babies on your back, african style. Or is it just not very good for the baby? I do have a few ghanean wraps which you basically have to tuck over your boobs and round the waist, but I guess I didn't have proper tutoring because it really was not secure or comfortable. Any bright ideas?
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