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Everything posted by keane

  1. This person is a vunerable adult definitely not an undercover criminal!
  2. We too are facing a big move to Scotland due to a change of job - I've lived in London for most of my life & I'm Anxious about the changes for my older child - I have an 11 year old son a 7 year old & a 3 year old. I think it will be smoother for my 2 younger ones but the eldest is at secondary school & doesn't want to move - does anyone have experience of a big move with this age child? He's in year 7 at secondary school? k
  3. It did happen at the end of the day not in afternoon break. Unless we know all the facts - which aren't currently known in their entirety it is very easy to make snap judgements about the school failing. How easy would it be to spot a child wearing the school Uniform from entering the school at the end of the day when there are pupils everwhere for example? Is any school totally safe I would argue that most of them aren't. A boy was found with a knife recently at another local secondary, it could have easily happened at another school too.
  4. What a ridiculous generalisation yard, conversely I live in the area too & find the vast majority of students polite & well behaved. I'm sure there is a mix of behaviours at most secondary schools state or private.
  5. I use hsbc on lordship lane regularly to pay in cheques. Also sometimes have needed to go & sort out problems with acc face to face & not everyone in the world wants to do all their banking online! So now to pay in cheques U can't go to your local bank, for me that is a loss.
  6. The stretch of lordship lane I sm referring to definitely falls into the category of heavy fall due to size of the trees but I haven't seen leaf clearing up this way for a couple of weeks. K
  7. Yes I would rather the money was spent on street cleaning than lights not that my opinion particularly matters & you are obviously being sarcastic but if you saw the depth of leaves along the stretch of road I am referring too you would realise it does need clearing & bagging.
  8. Has James answered the question about the leaves yet? Lordship Lane from court lane to the library on the library side of the pavement is totally covered in thick leaves from the huge trees on that part of the lane, my daughter slipped & fell today as couldn't see that three was a tree root breaking through pavement underneath all the leaves & cut Her forehead open on some gravel. I sweep up outside our house but can't do the whole section of this part of the lane as the leaves are huge & need bagging up. K
  9. Anyone know good window cleaner for back of house would need pole system to reach top windows. K
  10. Does anyone know what days the tiny gym at camberwell are on? I used to do this with my now 11 year old when he was small but had forgotten all about it & I have a 3 year old this would be perfect for now.
  11. Kings has a good orthotics dept you can get a referral through your GP. Also fitter feet in Clapham are good but private so obviously costs involved. feel free to pms if u need more details I have 3 children with hyper mobile joints who wear orthotics.
  12. Whistable - one hour 25 mins from Victoria nice to walk around, beach in the town & good fish & chips & a bowling ally/inside swimming pool if it's raining.
  13. I think before oranges & lemons it was a short lived book shop but I can't rremember what was there before that? In other news the pet supplies shop just up from it has closed after 21 years not sure what's going in there?
  14. I'm sure you can just get a plain blue geox trainer? Merlin shoes in crystal Palace stock geox too. I think you will find as long as its navy they won't be that strict once you get there.
  15. Not what I was saying atall - was trying to state exactly the opposite - that Otta said 'parents' and I was saying that of course parents or non parenys or anyone else of course can be nightmares! I want the opposite of an us and them culture. Think the thread on the main forum has just turned into a parent bashing thread which is a bit sad. The same thing happens with dogs sometimes - it's not the dogs it's the owners.
  16. And whilst most parents are perfectly reasonable, there are some (probably a small number, but they stand out) really really selfish entitled arseholes out there who seem to think the world should fit their agenda rather than them fitting in to the society they live in. Or to put another way.... And whilst most non parents are perfectly reasonable, there are some (probably a small number, but they stand out) really really selfish entitled arseholes out there who seem to think the world should fit their agenda rather than them fitting into the society they live in.
  17. I will oppose the development Under the grounds of overdevelopment but agree with previous posters that the safety of children argument is not strong enough. Have to say the line about larger houses being freed up for families has made me laugh - I don't know of any families - mine included who could possibly ever afford the price tag of a house in Dulwich Village!
  18. We went to look round this school for our son when looking at secondary options & were told by the teacher who showed us round that local residents had objected to the boys using the Rye. Why this can't be overturned with pressure from school & Lord Harris etc I do not understand. Why shouldn't they use it?
  19. We had Rick round last week to look at a leaking toilet, he managed to fix the problem despite it being a hidden cistern with no proper access panel left by the plumber who installed it, his solution to replace the loo without having to smash up the bathroom tiles & get the old cistern out has saved us money & hassle in the long term in my opinion. I am happy to recommend him based on our experience & he is due back tomorrow to finish off some other bits & pieces. I am happy to recommend him & will post again after he has been back if I am happy with the next bit of the job - which I am sure based on what he did last week we will be. I would say reliable and friendly & efficient service.
  20. She is a ridiculous figure essentially her message for years was 'private schools are totally wrong, especially if you are Labour like me.....oh until I want to send my son to one & then it's totally ok & my defense is that he might have got into a gang at a state school..'
  21. We had Fernando in for a tidy up of very weedy back garden yesterday & happy with his work & would be happy to recommend.
  22. Upstairs at lordship I had mine there good size room but not too huge
  23. Hi there we had a bees nest last year In a compost bin in front of our shed which couldn't be moved because there was no base, they were wild bees not honey bees & beekeepers wouldnt take them so it's inportant to identify them if you can. I didn't want them to be killed by pest comtrol so in the end we decided to leave them alone & just told the children to keep a bit of distance from their entry point & after about 5 weeks they just moved off of their own accord. Whenever we were near the bin they didn't seem bothered they just went about their bee stuff so it was ok in the end.
  24. I think black geox trainers good for school as can run in them but they look like school shoes, biff and merlin shoes in crystal palace stock them. For out of school we often look at office and H & M, also the sports shops for things like Adidas high tops & sports direct for Nike astro turf trainers that also make good w end trainers & come in lots of bright colours.
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