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Everything posted by Rowanofski

  1. This sounds quality - can't believe I didn't challenge it last year! As the reigning Rusper Run champion (a somewhat less impressive 328 feet according to Google), I'll be along to claim my crown shortly...
  2. I'll throw some weight at Sema's on Underhill road. Awesome place with serious fatboy portions. The one on North Cross Road opposite Uplands is also very good too. I reckon Sea Cow is overpriced and I've had the ropey little end of the night style chips a couple of times on takeaway there. It's always been great when eating in there though.
  3. Hmph. I guess I can't argue the case on that note really (except suggesting a jog?). What about the lifeguards though? Are they female attendants only?
  4. Aye, tis still open. I went last night for the first time in ages and it didn't seem too scuzzy in line with some of these comments above. It's hardly shiny and pristine either, but I'm not easily offended in the cleanliness stakes. I was once priviliged enough to encounter a dead cockroach in the pool, but that was ages back so don't let that put you off! It's all good for building up the immune system if you ask me anyhow. Here are the swim times... http://www.fusion-lifestyle.com/Documents/2009/Dulwich_Pool%20Jan%202009.pdf As a personal gripe, it really bugs me how they have women only swims on a Thursday. It was a large majority of women last night anyway, so I don't see the point.
  5. I've only been to Hisar once and that was before its refurb. Have to say it was very good though. It smelled delicious in there - with everything being barbequed right in front of you, you get to soak in the full smokey grill glory. It isn't the most gourmet joint in the area, but it doesn't pretend to be and if you like meat, meat and more meat, then you won't be disappointed! I keep meaning to go back, but haven't got round to it. The main reason I posted here though is to see if anyone saw an article in the LondonPaper yesterday about a Turkish restaurant offering 3 courses for ?2 (to the first 100 punters on their website at 9am or something)? I didn't, but a workmate swears he did. Not a Dulwich place I don't think, but would be grateful if anyone could point me in the general direction of this ludicrous bargain!
  6. Why does everything have to be turned into postcode nonsense? Sheesh. I couldn't care less about postcodes. Nor can I answer such an age-old question. Well, by age-old, I mean since SE22 emerged from divesville about 5 years ago. Coincidentally, probably shortly after I arrived! ;-) Sheesh, why does everyone have to get so sensitive?!
  7. I think they're great too - I hope Health & Safety don't get ideas from Nutty's comments! I thought the post-modernist, renaissance approach was an awfully astute and profound socioeconomic, political, petit-bourgouise statement that juxtaposes the modern evils of technology with the antiquated.... Oh hang, on. Sorry, they're just kinda pretty! ;-) I did think it little more than coincidence though that they had the evil, cunning and dangerous stalking wolf on the Camberwell side and the precious, delicate and defencless lambs on the East Dulwich side!
  8. I used to live there and had a couple of loud parties during my tenure. Perhaps you are in a time loop, which would explain why you couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from? Otherwise, surely if it was loud enough to trouble you so, then it would have been loud enough for you to locate and reprimand the pesky scamps who dared be up at such a scandalous hour? :-S
  9. I helped build a monster igloo on Peckham Rye yesterday as the absolute antithesis of that structural approach. By brute force and effort we had it up to about 8 foot high and curving in for the roof. We were going for more of a scale over style impression factor, until that technique led to a fairly major collapse undoing hours of hard graft! I ache like hell today! All worth it though and I was pleased to be able to help in its demolition myself, rather than have the pesky hoodlums take it to pieces overnight. I'll post a pic if I get near a PC with a USB any time soon.
  10. Have to admit to not having read this whole post or even properly finishing the original OP, but just wanted to register a quick and definitive NO, NO, NO to the residents parking debate. Residents parking is just ridiculous and annoying in any location other than right in the centre of big towns, where, by and large, there are far more commercial properties than residential anyway. It is such a pain when you have visitors/are visiting. NO RESIDENTS PARKING NEEDED!! Stop being so lazy and just walk 20m to your car. It's no big deal.
  11. You're all wrong! The main man "Pak" will snap this joint up in a flash. He probably already has. I've got a mate who lives in Finsbury Park, which is owned in its entirety by this mysterious "Pak". The whole area. From wig shops to kebabs via hoserie and haberdashery, this enigma has painted the shop signs of Finsbury Park in his signature black and green. Even their Tesco express is sponsored by the guy. I was aghast to see him spread his wings south of the river, but now he has laid the foundations on Rye Lane (this season's must have - a wig of real human hair), it will be but a matter of time before the whole area becomes "Pakham Rye"! And then it will be the turn of SE22! ;-)
  12. Just another nightbus to throw in the mixer - the 63 from Kings Cross/Farringdon stops in the same place as the 12 (ED Rd/Peckham Rye Junction). My saviour time and again, even if the nightbus drivers do pick up psychotic tendencies after midnight (it makes for a quicker journey and is much cheaper than the taxi option). On the pub front, I'd recommend nobody passing comment and allowing you to pick up the delightful experiences of one and all as you go. Let us know how many you make in one single night!
  13. He can turn up at the end of the evening and pay over the odds for a Walls Ice Cream if he likes! That seems to be acceptable, but authentic, well-cooked, fresh Thai fodder isn't? Maybe he secretly owns Sema and is just looking to drum up some business.
  14. Come now Jones, bitterness does not become your obvious minority viewpoint. Using your insightful recommendation of "google" (what is this new-fangled sorcery?!), there are plenty further critics with glowing recommendations for the beloved local that is TCC. Square Meal's own summary is that "East Dulwich?s Thai Corner Cafe elicits a resounding thumbs up from those who?ve discovered its bijou charms. Meagre decoration & minimal space between tables become immaterial when you are in the company of, for starters, aromatic fishcakes or the punchy chicken satay. Moving on, the same is true for creamy red curry & a first-rate pad thai. As a buzzy, busy BYO, Thai Corner comes out even cheaper than you could hope." Or perhaps you would rather take Time Out's word for it? "Good things come in small packages. This snug restaurant only holds 30 people at a time, but those lucky 30 must be the happiest diners in Dulwich. Start with a few chicken skewers: they look innocent enough, but carry incredibly potent flavour. A high-standard all-round makes it difficult to set a foot wrong: the prawn and cashew nut stir fry was a worthy choice for mains, but better was a wonderful duck curry and its accompaniment of coconut, pineapple and baby tomatoes (they popped deliciously in our mouths). Authentic and well-cheffed, the Thai Corner Caf? is a genuine treat. One thing to note: no alcohol is served, so bring a bottle of your own." Anyhow, I'd best be off now to cancel my booking for Le Gavroche this evening - I didn't realise it wasn't in East Dulwich when I booked it.
  15. Morning Chaps/esses. Just seen a big old film crew setting up shop a few doors down from me in one of the big grandiose Victorian houses overlooking the Rye (just down from The Gardens/The Clockhouse). I was in my usual manic rush for the bus so didn't get to ask what they were filming for. Does anyone know?
  16. Hell yeah! See the TCC aficionados all over this thread?! Where is Davey Jones now? The Somerfield bins won't have been stocked, so I reckon he's at the Pedigree Chum. The best Thai restaurant in the UK! Woop woop. Absolutely love it... though in the interest of a balanced view, I would have to concur with the elbow room comment, but then as an eternal optimist, I'd just say it makes it a cosier night out! ;-)
  17. My Chinese takeaway vote goes to Cheungs in Peckham. Magic stuff.
  18. Are you smoking crack, Jones? Jesus. You should be eating Pedigree Chum rather than feeding Thai to your dog because that's all your misguided taste buds are good for! I have never had a bad meal in the Thai Corner Cafe - the red duck curry (Geng Ped) is fantastic as is the Chicken/Cashew Stir Fry (Pad med mamuang?). And to describe it as overpriced? In East Dulwich? I can only assume you frequent the Fried Chicken joints for their cutprice buckets of grease or perhaps the bins behind Somerfield offer a fairer price? (Though I concede they could do with reducing their prices for takeaway only. TCC that is, not the somerfield bins!) I can't believe the ignorance and disdain behind your comments! I'd easily put the Thai Corner Cafe in my top 3 Dulwich eateries. Phew. Rant over.
  19. Never been. Never going! Stick to Blue Mountain, that lovely yellow & green place (petit chou?) et al. What ever happened to all the furore about people boycotting the chaintastic evil Nero?!
  20. I'm feeling all nostalgic now. I just moved from the middle of Barry Rd down to the Rye (SE22 side, darlings). Unless my skim-reading of this thread has failed me, I'm stunned that nobody's praised the delights of Barry Off License! I guess it's kind of stating the obvious to inform you of the only convenience store on Barry Road (I don't really count their next-door competitors as they pretty much only sell newspapers and distrusting scowls/frowns - but maybe that's just me!). Anyway, Barry Off License is good (for quality, variety and value - they even ride the wave of glory that is organic fodder!), especially since its refurb. Also, can heartily recommend the chippy on Whateley Road. MASSIVE portions! The 12 is an utter godsend too! Added bonus of being able to fall asleep and wake up with the end of the route just a few minutes walk from home! As opposed to bloody Penge every time on the 176. :X Final tip from me would be to reiterate the joys of the Clock House (as promoted by PeckhamRose and Keef before) - their pub quiz is definitely my favourite in the area (on a Tuesday). The questions aren't easy, but they all seem to be ones you can at least have a stab at, as opposed to the CPT's effort... who opened the sunderland dockyards and in what year?
  21. Ha ha. Those damned hapless goons! Cheers for all the info. :)-D I think I'm just being a tightass - parting with ?699 in one go is a bitch in my mind (a good ?200 off RRP already), whatever I get in return! My mind is made and the credit card getting dusted down.
  22. Cheers Yourmomma. Almost the only direct answer to my actual questions! Though the best Plasma/LCD TVs is an interesting debate which will rage on for hours in any self-respecting forum, I?m sure. Thing is, I know this TV is awesome in picture quality etc and definitely want it, but those two issues just concern me. On the flatscreen point, I really couldn't see the slightest curve on it in the shop, but the spec definitely says it is not flatscreen, which just bugged me a bit, as I will be watching it from quite a side angle when in my new pad (kitchen is beside the living room), which I do intend to feature on Cribs, thanks Snorky! For the widescreen ? again it looks the same shape as every other TV, but it apparently doesn?t have that widescreen option (those genius TV salesfolk in the ever prestigious Currys were even very surprised by this, but did confirm it). Yourmomma, would you do me a big favour and double check you can watch widescreen films on this model with the 16:9 option so you don?t get those black lines on top and below the picture.
  23. Listening to you will add zero to the quality of my life. Not having to watch films in a thin slice of a big screen will take away from the quality of my life having just paid my hard-earned cash. Thanks for your time.
  24. To the administrator and everyone else on this forum, I first beg forgiveness for posting this here, but I am not a forum expert and this is the only site I ever attend on a regular forum basis (kudos for the greatest forum ever!). Anyhow, to the sharp end of the stick, my mind is about to explode with research on Plasma vs LCD blah blah blah and just when I thought I had decided, there was ONE FINAL QUESTION (still!). The Panasonic TH42PX70 seems to be the one I want, but just as I was about to click 'buy' online, I noticed that it is apparently NOT flatscreen and does not offer a widescreen (16:9) option. Seems really wierd, but I've checked in Dixons/Currys and it's true. What I want to know is if the widescreen thing is an issue for anyone? Does it leave those big black strips at the top when watching a film? Is it annoying in any another way - perspective/ratio/squashed people etc? And the flatscreen point too. It looks flatscreen to me, but I understand it can reduce the viewing angle (if the TV is not pointed directly at you) and wondered if anyone with this TV has noticed a problem there? Any help would be very, very much appreciated!
  25. I had a brief look at them yesterday (it's been torn down already) and it seemed to be the ravings of a Daily Mail reader, aka ignorant fascist! (Though the ED Forum isn't the place for political agendas I'm sure!). There were some stories about guncrime, but it seemed to have more about immigration and how "those damned foreigners are ruining our country" etc etc. I did think it quite a good idea though and even though it was uneducated and banal, it was something different to read in the morning for a change.
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